syqem - reflection of elephants new song up


Dec 7, 2008
written, sung, produced, mixed and mastered by me :Spin:
for fans of incubus, dredg, porcupine tree -

the whole album coming july 28 2012 is inspired by the life of the painter salvadore dali. thanks for listening guys!
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Reaaaaallly really digging your vocals. Wishing they were louder in the verses! Drums are a bit too consistent for my tastes and bass perhaps a bit overbearing but I really like the song and energy, esp the vocal writing and layering.
I'm also really digging your vocals man! Great singing!
I too think that the drums are a bit too consistant for that kind of stuff.
Awesome song!
Cool song. I've already mentioned in previous songs you've posted that your vocals are great, same goes for this.
I'll definitely check your album out when it comes out.
thanks for the kind words guys ;-)!
jeff : means alot! i thought i scared you away forever with the "dubstep crap" we had in our last song, haha. glad you like this one!
smy : danke ;-) freue mich über dein lob!

i love electronic drums thats why alot of people feel they are static. im super satisfied with how everything turned out in this song.
yes, its bass heavy, true!

thanks for your ears!