Syrian Prisedent Dr.Bashar Al A'sad speech

Hi Obay,

Being half-syrian (my mother is syrian), I fell deeply concerned about what Mr Assad said today. I hope Syria will withdraw from Lebanon, so that there will be no crisis with the rest of the world.
it looks like a fall of domino bricks :)
Israel finally manage to get over terror, and arrange its borders soon, Lebanon wakes up and Syria slowly withdraw to itself :)

Faith is the first thing you need in order to bring terror and violence down, and I know myself and my oriental neighbures, we have lots of that - all depend in how much we want it.
ok these are the most important thing that Dr.Bashar Al A'asd said yesterday.
he discussed the most important issues which are : Middle East peace process, terrorism, the question of Iraq and the ramifications of the situation in Lebanon, he also talked about the offical visits of Larsen and diagloues about resolution 1559

you can find the entire speech on Sana Website

1- Peace Process in the Middle East :

Syria has proposed the resumption of negotiations without preconditions. But we stress at the same time that the absence of these conditions doesn’t mean discarding the frames of reference, the rules and resolutions which have to be met and implemented. Our frame of reference is that of Madrid which includes resolutions of the international legitimacy. It was not surprising for us that Israel rejected the resumption of negotiations, and has put condition under deferent pretexts to escape and avoid the requirements of peace. We simply think that the peace process needs requirements: first of all, the will of the parties to achieve peace, second to have an honest sponsor, and third technical requirements like negotiations, terms of reference and standards. What is lacking today is the will of the Israelis; the will of the sponsor, the United States, and also the standards and criteria. So the peace process is stalled for the foreseeable future. But until that time we should not stop talking about the peace process. That is why we continue dialogue with our European friends and other concerned parties, in order to identify the mistakes of the past and in order to draw a vision for the future. And when all these conditions change we proceed forward with the peace process.

2- Iraq :

On the other hand, there are many accusations against Syria under different pretexts. One pretext is intervention in Iraqi affairs, another is not controlling the borders and enabling infiltrations to enter Iraq, a third is giving refuge to members of the former regime. Here also we have done everything within our capacity which could preserve the stability of Iraq: controlling the borders, not allowing the use of Syrian territories in order to interfere in Iraqi affairs, and supporting to the political process there. Before the war there were accusations that Syria used to send weapons to the regime in Iraq. We asked them at that time to provide just one piece of evidence. As far as we are concerned, its was against our law; and we were going to bring those responsible to account. They had not provided any information yet.

Usually the Americans say they could not control their borders with Mexico; Yet, they tell us to control our borders. It is a strange argument.

Three weeks after the war, I also talked to them and said that now you are in Baghdad, you have an embassy. Just give us one document to prove what you are saying. We have not received any.

3- Withdrawing form Lebanon :

because Syria is not against withdrawal. We started withdrawing in 2000. So when we talk about withdrawal, does any one in Syria say that we will remain in Lebanon? Of course not.

Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon does not mean the end of the Syrian role; because this role is defined by geographical and political factors. On the contrary, we will be free and open in dealing with Lebanon. The seventh point is what I said in an interview with a French television. When I was asked about Syrian forces in Lebanon, I said clearly that the normal position of Syrian troops is on Syrian territories. These are the principles. And I am stressing them because there are so many distortion nowadays. I wanted to say this clearly so everyone will hear what I am saying, especially those who doubt our intentions. We should not remain in Lebanon one day after there is a Lebanese consensus over our presence. This should not be a subject of discussion. Syria went to Lebanon in order to prevent division, not to cause division among the Lebanese.

A final point, withdrawal does not harm Syria's interests. On the contrary, it strengthens Syria's interests. That is why we started withdrawing five years ago. We have withdrawn over 64 percent of the forces; and this is something many Syrians don't know. The number of forces was 40,000; and now we have only 14,000. Of course this is not mentioned because; and many don't mention that intentionally. They want to show that Syria is withdrawing under pressure.

That is why we don’t want our relationship with Lebanon to be victim of the mistakes of others, mainly politicians. Syrian citizens have been throughout the past decades the major supporters of the Syrian role in Lebanon. The Lebanese and Syrian citizens built this pure relationship without any temporal interests. I want to say to all Syrian citizens who have feelings of frustration and disappointment towards treachery, betrayal and lack of loyalty towards what Syria offered to Lebanon: this is not the general case in Lebanon. This represents a number of groups we know fully well and those who stand behind them. Notice how TV cameras usually zoom in onto a small group of people, but if they zoom out, you will discover there are not so many people supporting them.

Based on these facts and considerations, completing the steps which we have conducted within the framework of al-Taif accord, and in line with 1559, we are going to withdraw our forces in Lebanon completely to the Bekaa valley, and then to the Lebanese-Syrian borders.
Abdu, I think its ok to show us a speech, but for most of us here on OL forum it's nothing that represent most Syrians view on the issues.
IF this president was elected in a legal modern Democratic manner, it could tell us something on the situation but Dictatorships are a sad bondage of weaker nationes.

Inshaala there`ll be real freedom for all nations, soon !
yes, Avi it's a tough point, you got me in this, it's true that high percentage are got in the elections over the arab world doesn't reflect all the sides.

but in most of the world it doesn't care what the people think, but how the goverment act, when U.S. threatened Iraq, alot of people disagreed in all over the world U.S., G.B., Europe, Arab World, Middle East ... and OL fourm members, but did that change anything, NO, U.S. wanted oil and it got it, they didn't found any nuclear or biological weapons, they aren't controling Iraq and they didn't listen to the world, so who lost U.S. and the Iraqi people and all the arabs cause we are all brothers.

and there are alot of examples about others carelessness about international society.

I've pasted this here so you can see clearly how our goverment will react about all the problems above.
and doesn't mean that I don't agree with what the prisedent said, I completly agree with him.
and by the way, his speech was well welcomed by the Syrian society and the arabic society as well, and it's shown on the positive way that other arab goverments react to it .
he had some good points, and you're right.

government statements and the people's reactions aren't the same thing, though they can be. i for one am not a Bush fan, though i live in the U.S. i'd like to see leaders who fight for the day when fighting doesn't happen. peace in the middle east and everywhere else.
You sure have some good points Obay, but the big advantage living in a democrazy is that the government always has to face the next election... if the government doesn't act the way the people think we are free to kick their butts :D so I totally DISAGREE with your point that it doesn't count what the people think.

Power to the people :headbang:

I watched his speech on the television.......
and I have to say.....I totaly agreed with some parts of the speech......but I didn't like some of the things he said (like warning Lebanon on making peace steps with Israel).......

Unfortunately......I just can't believe any leader.......
the speech was written very carefully......Al A'sad knows how to talk to pass his ideas and thoughts.......but, you have to understand that not always the leaders say exactly what they's all politics......

I just hope that someday we (all middle east's countries) will find the right bridge for communication......
Well, it's all a very very complex matter, still even the fact that the lebanese people can demonstrate in the streets and that they get CNN and news coverage shows that there is an opening for more freedom there. Or am I wrong?
I do not know enough about the Syria/ Lebanon relation to comment on it. I can say however that I am totally annoyed by Mr. Bush ranting on like an idiot about all of this. His hollow words and threats are useless. I think the only one to resolve this problem is the middle east itself- ofcourse with the help of the rest of the world. But positive contributions and not those of the Bush kind.
haha I liked that ... kicking thier butts.

well of course power is to the people, and for sure the voice of people is counted by it
need alot of time to be heared, and it needs a goverment from the people and which cares about people's life and luxury and I don't think U.S. got that.

secound the problem in democracy here is about elections as I believe that's because the population council chooses one candedate only then the people vote if they want this man or not, not like U.S. and other countries that has many candedates and the one who gets more vote will be the prisedent, we got only one man here, the problem that the population council always choose one man, because of his experience in leading, any way Dr.Bashar Al A'sad is working to change this way of elections, and this is a step towards democracy for sure.
yeah, i have a real problem with the way things are done around here in the US. Bush should get his hands out of the middle east and worry about problems we have in our country
Posted by RashomoN
I just hope that someday we (all middle east's countries) will find the right bridge for communication......

I hope so, I hope so ... infact we all do .

Posted by Morticia NL.
I think the only one to resolve this problem is the middle east itself- ofcourse with the help of the rest of the world. But positive contributions and not those of the Bush kind.

I totally agree with you, I think the middle east has grown ups and they can solve their problems without MAMA BUSH.
Nathalie, if you think so about bush, what do you have to say against his war on Women abuse he ended in afghanistan?

this is the only war I ever knew that was justefied in All messures.

Women were nothing to the Taliban in afghanistan. when a women cheated on her man or just kissed somebody, she got public-executed in a massive stadium.

right, was sucks, but every leader is easily hated, the way media makes us see him.
what im saying is that dont fall too fast to what others tell you :)

Inshaala there`ll be peace..
The comment I made about Bush was about his hollow speaches concerning the Lebanon situation.
Maybe he did some good things as well, but I think he has his staff to thank for that. The guy is smart enough to surround himself with excellent workers. And if you read about the situation in afghanistan you will find that laws might have changed, but situation has not as far as womens' rights are concerned. If laws do not change in the people's minds, they will not live according to those new laws.
So I am back to my previous statement saying that it is only the people themselves who can bring about the change, forced change does not work if they are not ready to accept them.
And that is not the same as saying that helping them with the change is wrong. I just do not believe in the american way of saying things like only their way is right. And that's what is sounds like to me most of the time. You cannot form just any country into your idea of democracy. To each his own kind of democracy is a better way. Lebanon has to form their own variation of it.
obay bringer of light said:
secound the problem in democracy here is about elections as I believe that's because the population council chooses one candedate only then the people vote if they want this man or not, not like U.S. and other countries that has many candedates and the one who gets more vote will be the prisedent, we got only one man here, the problem that the population council always choose one man, because of his experience in leading, any way Dr.Bashar Al A'sad is working to change this way of elections, and this is a step towards democracy for sure.

Actually you pointed the the reason why democracy is bad.....
Plato wrote in his "Politea" that democracy is the worst way of politics.....because the people don't choose the candedates.....but from number of candedates.....
and of course a person who wants to lead, motivated by too many things which have nothing to do with politics.....(like money, fame....)
RashomoN said:
Actually you pointed the the reason why democracy is bad.....
Plato wrote in his "Politea" that democracy is the worst way of politics.....because the people don't choose the candedates.....but from number of candedates.....
and of course a person who wants to lead, motivated by too many things which have nothing to do with politics.....(like money, fame....)

OK, Hmm, so what do you prefer!? Monarchy, Dictatorship...???

Certainly not the ideas of a state Plato brought up in the "books" 2-10.
He may have centered his idea of a state around JUSTICE, but he structures his state in three parts: 1. "Rulers" (Philosophers ;) ), 2. "Guards" and 3. Farmer/Workmen (which means pretty much everyone :D )

Plato thinks that we get our talents/abilities before we are born (Lachesis Myth) and based on our talents the Guards decide which of the 3 parts a young child will be part of...blablabla you know what I mean :p

Bottom line: Plato may be right on a number of subjects but I prefer many modern democracies to his state, in which he creates 3 pretty much fixed categories.
I mean, what's a better alternative compared to democracy...ok Utopia, but that might be a problem :D
Morticia NL. said:
I just do not believe in the american way of saying things like only their way is right. And that's what is sounds like to me most of the time. You cannot form just any country into your idea of democracy. To each his own kind of democracy is a better way. Lebanon has to form their own variation of it.
i agree and this is why i don't like our president