Hahaha, back in the day only wolff provide reasonable arguments defending SOAD, nowdays everyone acts like belial they say o its great and unique and they turn away like little kids with their hands over their ears. I bet any of you that if you runned into a guy that says crap about opeth the sitation would be toootally different, why? not because you like opeth better, because there actually IS originality and technical things in opeth you can reasonably prove, on the other hand you could prove the guy in soad has a nice voice and the drummer could be making stuff well thinked SOME of the time ( most of the time its not complex timing is just a guy playing random crap ), other than that its a typical new metal band ( the lyrics i consider different and original even if i dislike them, but lets say its part of the vocal work ). All the rest of the stuff soad does can be found elsewhere.
So basically most of you people can say you are fans of Serj and tolerate mediocre unoriginal but amazingly catchy guitar playing and rhythyms, buts that doesnt says much about SOAD as a band, the vocal dude should be a solo artist and the other guys backup guys. Or maybe a little bit more of credit like with Ozzy but thats that.
As a band, they suck, and the fact that no one cares to argue about it just proves that fact right.