SyX live in Amsterdam yesterday


New Metal Member
Jul 19, 2002
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So, the concert was great, very tight and energetic playing. Some of the songs I must admit I'm not a big fan of (Wicked, King of terrors) sounded awesome in a live setting, very powerful.
The setlist was the same as the previous gigs, and I still think it to be a little bit short. I mean, 1,5 hours is not THAT long. If they would only play a few more of their "proggier" songs (i.e. The edge of forever, Through the looking glass, Awakenings) and maybe leave one or two of the more metal songs out, it would've been perfect (to me, anyway).
Then the sound: it was good, but not great. I'm not a fan of Romeo's Line 6 stuff, so his tone produced too much "noise" to me. Russell was great, as were the other members. BUT: they oughtta crank Pinella up. I could barely hear his keyboard stuff, or the solo's. (this COULD also have been a bit because of my position - I stood at the left front side of the stage near Romeo).
I mean, what is it with sound guys these days? About EVERY concert I visit the keys are drowned in the mix. It's like these guys think that when a heavy guitar oriented band is playing, the keys are secondary instruments or something, and don't need to be upfront. This really sucks IMO.
But, nonetheless, I had a great time.
I would also love for them to play The Edge of Forever! but I loved all of the other songs on the London setlist so I had no problem. Also the keyboards were a little bit too quiet at the London show but it seemed to improve after the start
When I saw them in Cleveland last year, the sound was awful! I've asked on this forum if anyone (Jaxx?) knew if they were using their own sound man or if it was someone the club used and I got no reply. Anyway, every lead was 4 to 5 seconds late in being brought up in the mix, so you missed the beginning of every guitar and key lead. The drums sounded so thin (because they weren't in the mix) and the bass was weak and clanky. The lead vox were ok but the backups were really bad. And Romeo's guitar was so distorted it didn't sound good.

Anyway, the guys put on a great show, and being that I knew all of the songs I was able to follow them (with minor exceptions, King of Terrors) but I felt bad for my friend who went with me and didn't know any of their songs. He thought it was a cool show, but he said the sound was awful (he's an audio engineer) and said he couldn't follow the music. That's really sad, because the guys are great. There's nothing worse than bad sound to ruin a gig.

I'm going to see them at the Hard Rock Cafe in Pittsburgh this time, and I'm sure the sound quality will be far superior to the Agora in Cleveland (hopefully!!!). I can't wait, but I hope they bring their own sound guy as these "provided" sound men who don't know the music can really screw things up.
I have ABSOLUTELY no complains about last night in Amsterdam. I've been to alot gigs but this one was just kicking my ass so damn hard. I stood right in front of Russell, and in King of Terrors he did the narrator thing himself, with all the lights out and a big red light on his face, reeeaally scary shit man :) Well, what can I say further.. Russell was AMAZING ofcourse, as are the rest of the band, but Russell was really the big star last night, for me.

Sure 1.5 hours isn't that long, but at least they were kickin' ass for the whole 1.5 hours man:)
I agree that the sound was pretty bad at Agora, then again I was leaning on Romeo's monitor... Couldn't hear any keys or backup vocals at all! Oh well, it was still the best concert I've been to.

I WOULD be going to the Pittsburgh date but it's 21 and over and I'm 18! *cries*
Yep, great show and Russell was singing very well, much better as the last time they played here in Holland (013-Tilburg) but not as good as he sang at PP usa a few weeks back ;)

We arrived in Amsterdam at 4:15 and headed off to a nice bar for a couple of beers and after that we found us a nice place for a good meal. We arrived at the venue at 9:30 just in time to see Headline starting off with their last track, so we could have had another drink at the restaurant, hehehe.

Looked like most of the people didn't want to see the supporting act, since there was more than enough space almost in front (we ended up 4 rows from the stage), so i think i've see you jumping around Karelrulez:hotjump:, hehehe.

a pity the guys stayed at their dressing room after the gig, well at least during the time we hang around for a couple of drinks, would have been nice to talk them again. Ah well, maybe next time.

scanner313 said:
When I saw them in Cleveland last year, the sound was awful! I've asked on this forum if anyone (Jaxx?) knew if they were using their own sound man or if it was someone the club used and I got no reply. Anyway, every lead was 4 to 5 seconds late in being brought up in the mix, so you missed the beginning of every guitar and key lead. The drums sounded so thin (because they weren't in the mix) and the bass was weak and clanky. The lead vox were ok but the backups were really bad. And Romeo's guitar was so distorted it didn't sound good.
As I recall, they did have their own sound guy in Cleveland, but I don't think he'd been with them for very long at that point, so he was still learning the music..sorry I didn't answer this sooner, I must've missed it the first time around. I personally didn't notice that much trouble with the sound at that show, but I was exhausted from being up all night on an airplane the night before, & driving all day from Chicago that day, so obviously I wasn't operating at 100% that night.

As for this tour, their usual Euro sound guy bailed on them at the last minute (like, 2 days before the guys left for Europe..LAST minute) to go work the Maiden/Gamma Ray tour, so I don't know what they're doing as far as sound.

And it's Jax with one x..Jaxx is a venue in Northern Virginia ;)
karelrulez said:
I have ABSOLUTELY no complains about last night in Amsterdam. I've been to alot gigs but this one was just kicking my ass so damn hard. I stood right in front of Russell, and in King of Terrors he did the narrator thing himself, with all the lights out and a big red light on his face, reeeaally scary shit man :) Well, what can I say further.. Russell was AMAZING ofcourse, as are the rest of the band, but Russell was really the big star last night, for me.

Sure 1.5 hours isn't that long, but at least they were kickin' ass for the whole 1.5 hours man:)
Of course they rocked the house man, I was just nitpicking a bit.
I don't know what you look like, but I think I saw you jumping around at the front near Russell.:grin:
man i would LOVE to see KOT being done live.. that would kick so much ass my butt would be sore for weeks. and the bit in wicked where russ would do the "she saaaaiiiaaaad", would just go off live.. sighs..
MindBend said:
Of course they rocked the house man, I was just nitpicking a bit.
I don't know what you look like, but I think I saw you jumping around at the front near Russell.:grin:
I was a little behind a few really fanatic girls, who were REALLY going nuts. I was behind them with a girlfriend of mine, but still very much near God. We were the 2 youngest people at the venue I think, and we don't look like metalheads either :) you know who I am? :P
karelrulez said:
I have ABSOLUTELY no complains about last night in Amsterdam. I've been to alot gigs but this one was just kicking my ass so damn hard. I stood right in front of Russell, and in King of Terrors he did the narrator thing himself, with all the lights out and a big red light on his face, reeeaally scary shit man :) Well, what can I say further.. Russell was AMAZING ofcourse, as are the rest of the band, but Russell was really the big star last night, for me.

Sure 1.5 hours isn't that long, but at least they were kickin' ass for the whole 1.5 hours man:)

Man this was the greatest concert!!! I still want to emigrate to a country where thousands of people attend a concert like this!!
There were so few people there, I really hate the fact that in my country people just don't love this stuff.