t.c. finalizer plus vs. plugins


Mar 11, 2005
Hi saw that Andy (metalgod) uses t.c. finalizer for mastering, i´m thinking of bying one, but i´m also considering bying a t.c. powercore firewire. could anyone decribe the diffrence between the finalizer and high end masteringplugins ? :hotjump:
on our latest album I used the Finalizer for eqing and comp...(after seeing that fucking Andy uses the Finalizer to master records) but used the Waves L2 plugin for limiting (no limiting on finalizer........ but I was careful as fuck not to clip shit)

I thought the Finalizer eq and comp sounded bigger and more natural than the highend mastering eqs and comp that Waves has in the mastering bundle. But that L2 shit is the bomb for limiting.

This is the first time I mastered my own album but got decided to go for it after reading how Andy and James are doing it with Finalizers .... oh yeah and after being unhappy every time I've went to have somebody else master shit...

If you wanna hear some of it.......
it'll play automatically.
deconjoe said:
oh dude, btw.... the way I was able to use the Waves L2, was by downloading the demo from the Waves website.... they give you 14 days free......
he...he...he... did this with Waves & Sonalksis demo's once. Deconjoe you guys have had some nice sounding tunes with that 001!!!!
Are there any negative aspects to using the finalizer? i mean it´s more easy to use a computerscreen compared to a small lcd screen. how much better is the result soundwise compared to using plugins ?
Yeah, guys, I know for sure that if those guys wanted to start doing mastering now, they wouldn't rush out for the Finalizer. It was good at the time. And I think it actually does have a sound of its own. If you already had good mastering skills and wanted to try to find the specific sound Andy gets, yeah you could buy one. Bet hell, if you have the Waves plug-ins now or the TC ones, youre going to have an entire arsenal of options. Its not the Finilizer that you are liking on those recordings, its the actual frequencies picked, and the amount/type of compression, etc.

Plug-ins are more versitle, and you can use them on every track while mixing. Not just a one trick box like the Finalizer.

When I started doing a lot more mastering and decided I wanted to specialize there, I thought I needed the same gear that the pros had. And now that I know what Im doing Im glad I do, but plug-ins these days are amazing.

Do you guys know who Bob Katz is? Phenominal mastering engineer. Now he uses Weiss digital outboard boxes but for years he used plug-ins. I would hear some awesome masters he put out and would ask him what kind of 10,000 dollar eq or comp he used. And he would say "oh, I just used the Waves Q-10 eq and the C1 compressor." That goes to show how its the ears, not the gear.
