And Epi, were you the one who posted you playing the Deadnight Warrior and Lake Bodom solos?
Yeah that's him. Imo, that was far from being "really good". Sorry but I have a thing against people just playing the right notes and thats it, they need to have good control, vibrato, bending to actually make it sound good. I'm a nitpicker.![]()
Hey, nothing personal, my friend. I guess Mitch and I have the same opinion toward musicianship and being prepared for a performance. I feel that if someone is going to post a video showcasing their playing, it should be 100% perfect. And for those who think playing something perfectly is boring, this isn't hippie jam music, this is highly technical, classically influenced music where mistakes are not allowed.
Once again, no offense, Epi, and to be honest, yours was the best KTS video I've seen yet. You (and all of us) just need some more practice.
I watched Epi's vids and they're awesome. Some of the best CoB cover vids I've seen yet.![]()
Oops!!! Forget everything I said on the last page.
Epi, I hunted down your videos, and they kick much ass indeed. Your vibrato is really good as well. You kick the shit out of that KTS guy, obviously.
Thank you!
I don't know.. I think that the "KTS guy" can play a lot faster than me or atleast cleaner. I'm working on my alternate picking atm and try to build up some speed.
Yeah, vibrato is one thing, well I can't say I'm so much practised it since to me it came pretty naturally, but I've always focused on that in my playing. I remember Yngwie saying in some instructional video of his that he considers vibrato as a fingerprint of any player or singer or something like that. I think that's very true.![]()
i don't get it...when people like you (that meaning people who can play bodom songs close to perfect) say that they need to work on their alternate picking, i wonder why. is it that you just want to get faster at alt. picking? because you can obviously alternate pick just fine![]()
Because you're bored?
I just thought of something, you should record Lake Bodom![]()
inhi said:The best way for me to practice any tecnique is to find something that actually sounds good, so you will be forced to practice it to have a "nice-sounding" lick. When you just play the same scale up and down, that might not be as rewarding in your eyes.
(Why the fuck am I spamming my own thread...:zombie:)
Very true. That's why I always practise bits from songs instead of just scales all the time. I have a whole bunch of AL licks in powertab and a whole bunch of PG licks, a whole bunch of Yngwie licks etc so I know that when I get (this) lick up to speed, I'll be able to play it in (this) song perfectly and it's a very cool feeling to know that.
Yeah man, I really want to. And do the whole thing in C# or something but that intro lick is really killing me!
It's just the:
that I have trouble with. I'm suprised really because I've had to play that stuff when sweeping and when I play those shapes as 3 string arpeggios, it's not difficult but when I attempt LB, I suck.![]()
In which way do you play that, sweep or alternate picking?
i think the alternate picking way is easier for this lick and sounds better
I'm really not that good at alternate picking you know. I mean I can play pretty fast on one string but when I need to change string while picking fast, it just doesn't work.
That's why I tend to use legato and tapping alot.
Right now I'm really trying to have the patience to practise my picking. Usually when I practise something, it lasts like 10 minutes and the I just start to jam/fool around with the guitar.![]()
Yeah man, I really want to. And do the whole thing in C# or something but that intro lick is really killing me!
It's just the:
that I have trouble with. I'm suprised really because I've had to play that stuff when sweeping and when I play those shapes as 3 string arpeggios, it's not difficult but when I attempt LB, I suck.![]()
Haha yeah, don't watch people on youtube if you wanna see a good performance of something.
Did you end up recording that song that you sent me the tabs for?