TAB Thread.

Has anyone requested Sinergy - Swarmed yet? I love the leads on this
God I wish I could sit down and transcribe shit by ear, is piano training only way to achieve this?

IMO there isn't any one true way to train your ear. Learning bunch of tunes only by ear I think helps alot. That's what I did anyways. Also knowing some theory doesn't hurt. ;)
I'm too lazy to look around to see if something similar to this has been asked, could someone hook me up with a link to a "Wrath Within" Power Tab? :grin:
I'm too lazy to look around to see if something similar to this has been asked, could someone hook me up with a link to a "Wrath Within" Power Tab? :grin:
Ultimate Guitar has one and I think it sounds farely accurate.
You'll need guitar pro though (there's no powertab one). Just get guitar pro from torrents.

Them little sweeps in Wrath Within sound sooo nice hey, one of my fav CoB solos.
That riff is wierd, because it is so simple but sounds on album great!

And proofs that good sound make good guitar player. In that video it don´t sound good at all, because he haven´t his own stuffs.

Of course I´m joking.
Hail sig
thx, atm i'm thinking of tabbing more inearthed stuff but they are so damn hard to transcribe, especially the bass guitar :>
ah it was you who tabbed the first bars, sry ... (M. Ducran = Mitch DuCran) :S
I thought that it was somebody else :>

good job on homeland but transcribe more bars of it ! :>>
Great tabs Warheart & crawler!:rock: :)

@Warheart: nice tab, now the main riff is correct!
from bar 14 gtr1: it is the same way i play it without the slide (i do a pull-off), i hope you complete it someday!
Great tabs Warheart & crawler!:rock: :)

@Warheart: nice tab, now the main riff is correct!
from bar 14 gtr1: it is the same way i play it without the slide (i do a pull-off), i hope you complete it someday!

Glad you enjoyed it. I might finish it one day yeah.

And I think it is a slide during bar 14 because it's powerchords.