TAB Thread.

can you tell me a little bit more about which notes in a scale will bring out the sound of the scale more


Well different scales will have different strong notes. If you don't know the keys and their modes, then it'll be pretty useless because you won't properly understand how and when to use them.

But just for future reference, I'll help you out.

I did this myself the other month as a little experiment thing and it worked. This is what I did:

The A natural Minor Scale is 7 notes (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
The A Pentatonic Minor scale uses the same notes, but only 5 of them (A,C,D,E,G)

These 5 notes are the strongest notes in this particular scale and so that's why this scale works so well over an Amin chord or any chord progression in the key of Amin.

Now, what I did was take all of the modes of one key and pick out 5 notes so then I'd end up with 7 pentatonic scales (5 note scales) that all emphasised each of the modes.

To do this, I had to figure out which intervals of the Natural Minor scale were being used for the Pentatonic version. I found out that it was:

Root = A
3rd = C
4th = D
5th = E
7th = G

Now all you need to do to get a pentatonic version of the Major scale (or Ionian mode) is to use these same intervals but starting on different notes each time, just like you do when you play through the modes.

I won't go through them all in detail but I'll just do 2 examples.

This is the A Natural Minor scale and in bold are the notes that are picked for the Pentatonic.


If you took the Lydian mode in the key of C and picked out the same intervals, you'd get a Pentatonic version of the F Lydian mode. It would be like this:


Notice that the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th notes have been bolded, just like the Amin Pent scale.

You can play the Amin Pent scale 2 ntoes per string like this:


And so you could also play the F Lydian Pentatonic 2 notes per string too:


If you play that, it will REALLY sound like the Lydian mode because all the strong notes are there.

Now all you have to do is go through all the modes like that and create pentatonic scales out of them, arrange them 2 notes per string and practise using them in context over an Amin backing track.

I hope you and some others can maybe find this useful 'cause it took a fucking while to type!! But if you actually take the time (10mins) to sit down with a pen and some paper and get this down, you'll find that you'll have much more interesting ideas when improvising once you've learnt all the 7 diatonic pentatonic scales of one key.

Thank you Warheart

i'm learning modes right now (i have a book, 223 pages called "guitar mode encyclopedia") it's a pain in the ass, but after i'm gonna be a better guitarist[:)]

so i'm starting to understand what you wrote.
Thank you Warheart

i'm learning modes right now (i have a book, 223 pages called "guitar mode encyclopedia") it's a pain in the ass, but after i'm gonna be a better guitarist[:)]

so i'm starting to understand what you wrote.

Oh awesome. Well good luck on trying to understand it all, it can get pretty confusing.

Rock Hydra said:
I tabbed out a couple riffs from the new Shadows Fall CD that came out a week or so ago.
Der_Blonde_Hans said:
I made a tab of the song forevermore from shadows fall. It´s not complete and i don´t know if the drums are correct, so here it is:

You guys might get a better response in the guitarplayers thread.
yeah i got it thanks

so basically create a pentatonic scale out of all the modes and practise them

what do you mean by all the modes ?

Phrygian mode
Lydian mode
Aeolian mode
Ionian mode
Dorian mode

All in the same Key
i like using the harmonic minor a lot say in the key of C

so can i use the same theory with that by taking the 1st 3rd 4th 5th and 7th interval and create a pentatonic

and say these intervals are the ones which bring out the sound in the scale
so basically more emphasis must be placed on them ?
Yeah, pretty much. Especially the Natural Minor, Lydian, Locrian and Mixolydian. Those are really strong.

Although using the 1,3,4,5,7 with a harm min scale wouldn't sound too great.
It would be something like:


If it were me, I'd choose 1,2,3,5,7. So using the 2nd instead of the 3rd and the 3rd isntead of the 4th.




But I think the Harm Min scale needs all the notes to sound "right". The strongest note is the #7.
Composition wise, it was just really boring.

But I was impressed with the weird shit he was doing at 00:38-00:52.

He's kinda sloppy in most places imo and his tone is a bit ehh.
Yeah, pretty much. Especially the Natural Minor, Lydian, Locrian and Mixolydian. Those are really strong.

If it were me, I'd choose 1,2,3,5,7. So using the 2nd instead of the 3rd and the 3rd isntead of the 4th.




But I think the Harm Min scale needs all the notes to sound "right". The strongest note is the #7.

the notes you tabbed out sound pretty good. A 1,2,3,5,7 interval of the C harmonic minor would be C, D, D#, G, C , youve done it in the key of A

thanks you've helped

Once you know the superior notes mess around with them and use your creativity to create something good RIGHT?

Btw lol another question: say your using the D minor scale, a D minor arpeggio would obviously fit as it has the same notes as the scale, an arpeggio is just 3 notes. But how can you effectively incorporate sweeping into a solo - can you put in other arpeggios instead of the D minor which have the same notes?
the notes you tabbed out sound pretty good. A 1,2,3,5,7 interval of the C harmonic minor would be C, D, D#, G, C , youve done it in the key of A

C Harm Min with the intervals 1,2,3,5,7 would be:

C, D, Eb, G, Bb.

metalhead_666 said:
Once you know the superior notes mess around with them and use your creativity to create something good RIGHT?


metalhead_666 said:
Btw lol another question: say your using the D minor scale, a D minor arpeggio would obviously fit as it has the same notes as the scale, an arpeggio is just 3 notes. But how can you effectively incorporate sweeping into a solo - can you put in other arpeggios instead of the D minor which have the same notes?

A Dmin arpeggio would fit perfectly, yes.

But again, incorperating sweep picking into your solos is just a matter of creativity. Just look at some COB solos and see how Alexi does it. See how Jason Becker does it. See how any other player that uses sweeps alot does it. People like Muhammed Suicmez, Rusty Cooley, Yngwie Malmsteen, the guy from Wintersun, Michael Romeo, Jeff Loomis etc etc.

You could also play around with the other diatonic arpeggios in that scale. They'd just be the same notes as the 7 diatonic traids in a key.
Trust me dude.

Cmin = C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C.

C Harm Min has a sharp 7th, so...C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, B, C.

Choosing the 1,2,3,5,7 would be C, D, Eb, G, B. (I wrote Bb last time which was a mistake. I forgot about the harmonic minor part, sorry).

Learn about how to build triads in a key. Then you'll understand it easily.

Seriously, any google lesson thing will help.
Thats not what my Gp5 shows!

that seems like rocket science! whats that mean^^ ?

lol when he says diatonic, he basically means using every chord/triad in that scale. so for example, the diatonic arpeggios in the key of A natural minor would be:

A C E (minor)
B D F (diminished)
C E G (major)
D F A (minor)
E G B (minor)
F A C (major)
G B D (major)

every natural minor scale will have this same progression.