TAB Thread.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Mitch, some of these would be cool:

I know one is already done...

the end of the first one with the pentatonic bit is a variation of the pattern used in the bitch is back. drop the blues note into the e min pentatonic and go G A A#, then move the top note back and forth from B to E.

and the tapping is, well, E, F# (bend up to a G and pull off)

edit: was the revolution deathsquad tab posted here? planning on doing through the fire and flames? :P
woow mitch nice tab work !!!

but how the fuck do i play that with that speed :P how can i train my speed :O:P:lol:

speed is really two things imo.

for most people, they are slow because their picking is holding them back. picking with wrist movements uses too many extraneous movements, and is usually what people get stuck on. look at yngwie malmsteen. he's got pretty good technique imo. you want to relax your hand, most important, don't splay your fingers. then sort of "pinch" your pick between your thumb and index finger, and pick using small finger movements. also don't anchor with your pinky. instead, i usually rest my hand on the strings near the bridge, making sure not to mute any unwanted strings. just stay relaxed

also, speed is in right hand shifting. people can many times get super fast in one position, but they can't shift. you need to learn to get fast shifting in and out of positions. metronomes and guitar pro (speed trainer, loops etc) are your friend, as well as A LOT of spare time :p

hope that helps

Wow! BIG thanks! :notworthy :rock:

shredtastical, we talked about this briefly in the guitarplayer's thread. I too think that picking from the fingers (like Francesco Fareri, just not that fast, LOL) is the best way for speedpicking. But it's hard to re-learn that once you know how to play with your wrist :erk:. Alexi picks with the wrist too, right?
naw, alexi plays with finger movements. however he does anchor sometimes.

and do you remember my argument for finding a good teacher, and how i was told blah, you dont even need a teacher? that statement of "harder to RElearn" is exactly why. and even if it is harder to relearn, i had to do it, but i did it because i wanted to play the guitar right, not some slop job.
wel tnx for the great advice !

i can play a little fast but what i do is i lay my hand palm on the brigde and put my pinky on the guardplate next to my humbucker and than i play as fast as i can :P
what my biggest problem is that my plectrum get stuck behind the little string
naw, alexi plays with finger movements. however he does anchor sometimes.

I just watched the Passage to the reaper demo2, didn't seem like Alexi picking with a finger movement to me. Roope also. I also checked the Warheart solo in Milwaukee 2000, well, that was more like picking with a finger movement. I guess he uses the latter for the faster solos?

I'll try re-learning too...
Alexi/Francesco's technique or Paul Gilbert's?

if you look at francesco's technique, his middle ring and pinky fingers are always stiff. that's working opposing muscles when you're trying to move your index/thumb in the opposite direction. kind of like a piano player trying to curve AND lift their ring finger at the same time. opposing muscles don't work together.

and if you notice, when francesco goes "fast," he tenses up and just kind of tries to blister. thats why he doesn't really sound in control.

besides that, the whole francesco fareri chris impelliterri (chris is actually faster) shred deal is more sports that music. i mean seriously. technique is really cool and all, but you're not playing a sport, you're making music. music is an art. its not about who can hit the farthest, run the fastest, pitch the best, or whatever. I mean yeah you gotta respect killer technique, but you also gotta ask yourself how much is "too much." speed doesn't always equal good.
well take someone like michael romeo for example. definitely not your fastest shredder. but i still think his sense of melody is super cool. like that solo from eve of seduction. i mean he could never match gilbert or malmsteen technically, but its still super cool.
well take someone like michael romeo for example. definitely not your fastest shredder. but i still think his sense of melody is super cool. like that solo from eve of seduction. i mean he could never match gilbert or malmsteen technically, but its still super cool.

uh, Romeo is about as good as it gets, I don't understand why you would say he could never match Gilbert or Malmsteen. I like Romeo much better than Malmsteen but that is my opinion.
i said he could never match them technically, meaning speed-wise. because they still do "shred" faster. which isn't to say he doesn't match them musically but hey
i said he could never match them technically, meaning speed-wise. because they still do "shred" faster. which isn't to say he doesn't match them musically but hey

Have you even heard more than maybe two symphony x songs. Go on youtube right now and see if you still believe MJR is not fast (though, ironically we are discussing how speed is not the key element to a good guitarist). Not only can he tap very fast but he picks like a mutherfucker. Smooth legato and precise alternate picking, though in The Guitar Chapters he mentions using economy picking.
ironically, i'm listening to Paradise Lost right now, and I don't need the internet seeing as I own symphony x?

which regardless if he is "fastest" or not he's still cool.