i havent been playing for a long time but i found a really good approach to learning scales. i tried learning different patterns in different positions, different 3 string patterns, but putting them all together would just be too confusing and transitioning fluidly between them would require too much thinking, so i made a new way.
everybody knows the pentatonic scales right? well i know all the pentatonic scales since theyre really easy box patterns, and how theyre all connected (ie i could start playing eminor pent. anywhere on the fretboard and go from position to position fluidly since i memorize it as one big scale). so what i did to expand on that was just add in the extra notes inside the pentatonics (since only minor third intervals have an extra note in between, its really easy) and BOOM, you have the diatonic scale. so basically instead of memorising a whole bunch of small scale fragments in each position, i memorized it all as one big scale and now if i look at a few notes of a composition, i can easily identify where they lie on the big scale and i can identify keys/modes of each lick in a few seconds (alot easier than trying to match it up with 100s of different patterns in your head). as for modes, what i did was just associate each note on the pattern with its mode. this works really well for me, but if only i could have better phrasing
