TAB Thread.

yea thats the thing, i dont really memorize it as one big image, its just that once im on any given pattern, i can move to the ones beside it and do it like that.
yea i think everybody will find their own approach to learning scales, this one is unorthodox but it seems like the easiest way for me to memorize patterns. dont know about you though.
ok thanks.inhe,I'm not refering to the fingering but to the creation of the sweep from the chords.

Just look up chords on some site and see what notes they are and then just put the degrees in right order. You could start by adding an G# to an Amaj arpeggio which is the 7th in the chord, to create and Amaj7 arp. Sounds cool and isn't to hard to finger. Someone correct me if i'm wrong, i haven't done this for that long.
thanks a lot.even though,I'm still far from getting the sweeps perfect.I'm getting them,but still slow except the typical 3 strings one like in silent night bodom night solo pattern(up and down the fretboard,but in this shape,going one fret up, then two down,then three up,etcetc)

yea thats the thing, i dont really memorize it as one big image, its just that once im on any given pattern, i can move to the ones beside it and do it like that.
yea i think everybody will find their own approach to learning scales, this one is unorthodox but it seems like the easiest way for me to memorize patterns. dont know about you though.

ohh ok. i see what you did now. but for me, it's easier to just memorize each mode shape and then when putting them all together, you'll have the same end result you did (one big scale on the fretboard).

Just look up chords on some site and see what notes they are and then just put the degrees in right order. You could start by adding an G# to an Amaj arpeggio which is the 7th in the chord, to create and Amaj7 arp. Sounds cool and isn't to hard to finger. Someone correct me if i'm wrong, i haven't done this for that long.

what you're describing...the Amaj 7th would you play that? like this?


thanks a lot.even though,I'm still far from getting the sweeps perfect.I'm getting them,but still slow except the typical 3 strings one like in silent night bodom night solo pattern(up and down the fretboard,but in this shape,going one fret up, then two down,then three up,etcetc)


have you tried playing the intro to Towards Dead end? those arpeggios are probably a bit easier shape-wise.
what you're describing...the Amaj 7th would you play that? like this?


Here is a couple ways to approach it . . .

AMaj7 Arpeggios
The Amin6 is also not that hard to finger, and sounds pretty kewl. Just add the F on the 10th fret on the G string, and the F on the 13th fret, G string.
ohh ok. i see what you did now. but for me, it's easier to just memorize each mode shape and then when putting them all together, you'll have the same end result you did (one big scale on the fretboard).

what you're describing...the Amaj 7th would you play that? like this?


have you tried playing the intro to Towards Dead end? those arpeggios are probably a bit easier shape-wise.

I have,but I find more difficult those ones(Every Time I Die style) than the ones I posted(like in SNBN 1st solo).
Hey warheart, Just checked out the downfall tab from stockholm great job. You might want to update the bars 28-34. What alexi actually played was Wild Side by Motley Crue theres alots of tabs out there that sound very decent that can help you :)
Yeah, thanks. I've been told all the names before but I never bothered to add them.

And I know that I didn't tab the Motley Crue version, I just tabbed the way Alexi played it there and then.

And I just fininished my Gallowmere tab by Sinergy. Only "Laid To Rest" and "Last Escape" to finish and that's that album completely done. :D

Sinergy - Gallowmere
No probs. ;)

I think I might leave "Last Escape" 'till the end 'cause I don't like it that much. I wanna see if I can continue with "Shadow Island", "The Sin Trade", "Venomous Vixens", "Virtual Future" and start a tab for "Born Unto Fire and Passion".

Also, new sig. ;)
hehe,good new one,you were wanting it,weren't you??you lucky....I'm still playing with a Storm stratocaster shaped with single coils that costs 100 euros(I know I've got an Ibanez,but is always at the rehearshall place and it's an RG Tremolo series,is not that much,LOL.let's hope I get my new Edwards Scythe w/Booster before or on Christmas,LOL.

about the tabs,you're your only boss.we your customers will get everything you offer us while you mantain the high level of tabbing you're giving, :D:D:D