TAB Thread.

Speaking of youtube... I'll be covering "Laid to Rest" by Sinergy soon (got all the parts learnt, except the intro which I'll improvise over)! Then I'll be putting split screen for the harmonies etc :)

P.S. I learnt it from one of your tabs :) Heheh
Cool, I look forward to seeing it.

I actually did a video cover of it too, check it out if you want:


If you wanna hear my guitar better, I can upload the original video file which has my guitar panned to the right instead of being just one big mono sound like on youtube.
Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm not doing requests, I focus all my spare time on my Sinergy project which is going pretty slow as it is 'cause I tab almost constantly, and then when the Guitar Heroes album comes out, I'll be doing Alexi's track, and then the entire new COB album when that's out, sorry.
Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm not doing requests, I focus all my spare time on my Sinergy project which is going pretty slow as it is 'cause I tab almost constantly, and then when the Guitar Heroes album comes out, I'll be doing Alexi's track, and then the entire new COB album when that's out, sorry.

Okies, no problem. Just wondered if you had some time over. I'll guess I'll try it and see if i can work it out.
i'm searching a video i watched sometime ago on youtube but i can't find it anymore.

It was an interview with Janne and Alexi with parts of the shows inside.
There was a Needled 24/7 piece with an alternate bridge riff inside, more cool than the cd version.
oke mate :-)

Edit: and another question

is it hard to tab Sinergy-Hanging on the Telephone? cant find the tab on the internet so ...

I'm tabbing the Sienrgy covers AFTER I've tabbed all their songs that they've WRITTEN. It might take a while but in the meantime, learn how to tab because NO, it's not a hard song to tab.

i'm searching a video i watched sometime ago on youtube but i can't find it anymore.

It was an interview with Janne and Alexi with parts of the shows inside.
There was a Needled 24/7 piece with an alternate bridge riff inside, more cool than the cd version.

Was it the Altitude Lounge interview?