TAB Thread.

has anyone a tab for arabic scales pattern/patterns?(used for example by Chuck Schuldiner from Death or Karl Sanders from Nile)I can't get it anywhere and I'm sick of playing always minors majors and the different modes,not to mention the pentatonics.
the "arabic" scale, or also what Schuldiner uses a lot is the Harmonic Minor scale. basically, it's the minor scale, but you raise the 7th.

so like A harm. min. would be


and then just descend.
thanks both Mystique and Ben,I think that's what I was looking for.btw Ben,do you know the Arabian scale you mention?if you do coould you post a tab or send me one please?just to see how it is.:D

Originally Posted by flyingv_guy
mitch...have u alrdy tabbed she is beautiful? if yes link me plz...can#t find any good versions

it's a cover song.get the original one tab and then try to figure out what they've changed.the original one is from AWK(Andrew Walter King.
thanks both Mystique and Ben,I think that's what I was looking for.btw Ben,do you know the Arabian scale you mention?if

Just press the "Scales" button just about the fingerboard diagram in Guitar Pro. You'll find all the weird scales you could ever want. Don't ask me how to properly divide them into mode shapes though. I don't have much interest in those types of scales, so I don't think about it.
thanks both Mystique and Ben,I think that's what I was looking for.btw Ben,do you know the Arabian scale you mention?if you do coould you post a tab or send me one please?just to see how it is.:D

it's a cover song.get the original one tab and then try to figure out what they've changed.the original one is from AWK(Andrew Walter King.

the harmonic minor is used extensively by malmsteen as well. However, many times, the "clashing" of the half-step whole-step interval isn't really suited for the mood. this is when you'd use the melodic minor. it is composed of a minor and major tetrachord. so yes, mystique was correct, its a raised 7th in the aeolian mode for the harmonic minor. for the melodic minor, you raise have a #6 and a #7. in jazz, you'd play the melodic minor scale up and down, however, in classical, you play melodic minor up, and then natural minor down. jsut a little extra in case you were curious.

This actually leads to another point; minor scales can yield 3 different chord sets depending on which scale you use. This is how we derive the dominant7 etc. this is especially useful for whole tone/diminished harmonies etc.
has anyone a tab for arabic scales pattern/patterns?(used for example by Chuck Schuldiner from Death or Karl Sanders from Nile)I can't get it anywhere and I'm sick of playing always minors majors and the different modes,not to mention the pentatonics.

There you are:

@shredtastical: Do you know some sites were this is explained a bit more? Wikipedia is a bit boring because you often read things twice. I do understand what you wrote, but i'm looking for more ;)
@Ben: it's differrent in some notes

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Volevo dirti (e lo faccio qui, perchè meglio evitare i messaggi privati) che spero tu stia bene, dato che l'ultima volta che ci siamo sentiti non eravamo entrambe molto "happy"... ciao. :)