TAB Thread.

is that what you use to record inhe?

No, i use my POD, which has a really great rythm tone, but there's not enough "bite" when soloing, which my practice amp has. I have a condenser mic, but that's for recording vocal stuff. Wouldn't it be better to move this to the Guitar thread btw? :ill:
The guitar heroes song has some cool stuff in it, looking forward to the complete tab.
pretty sure someone somewhere said that in the youtube vid, he was using his old sawtooth. idno.

yep,I did.take a look at the vid or the two pics of the guitar-amp equipment that are on the GH web.I would link photos but the net here at uni really sucks and doesn't open the GH website well,:lol::lol::erk:

edit:now I've tried again at home to upload the photographs,but the GH website won't work here too.are you able to open it or is it down for some problem like was some time ago?
Well, I downloaded a zip-file with like 2 missing COB-tabs but not all of them are accurate, BUT this one was the same and i have just played it without listening to it so :P this was the right version (I hade it already).
Hey Warheart, you should get GP5, it's a little bit better, and you obviously use it quite often for a making tabs and songs, you should get it. BTW you don't have to buy it, I'll tell you why after you respond.
I'm pretty sure he has a copy of GP5. IMO, there isn't much of an improvement over V4, unless you're considering the GODAWFUL RSE feature an improvement.

And don't perpetuate piracy. Software developers have families to feed too.
Yeah, I do have GP5 and I don't think it's better. There's just little things that differ from GP4 but it's just little things like that that I can't get used to.