TAB Thread.

I'm doing the test right now but I have a problem because often i've the feeling that the rythm is wrong but the notes are right so I don't know whether my computer/internet connection sucks or I should answer "different"

anyway this is a good test too.

EDIT: First 25 second 21 maybe I'm gonna do it again and answer different when the rhythm seems to differ.

Well, uhm the test you linked, I wasn't that good at it (2/30 so far :rofl:).
I am very interested what Mitch, Epi and other tabbers will get :). Take this test if you can, you don't have to register or anything...takes about 10 minutes.

Nice find mate! :)

My scores:

1st test: 28/30
2nd test: 28/30

(I watched the TV in the middle of the test so I wasn't fully concentrating etc. yadayadayayda... :D)

Damn, I hoped for a perfect score.

I got 26/30 and 28/30 but I don't think it's really a good indication of ability to tab.