TAB Thread.

Cheers man, the main riff looks better. The rest still looks pretty poor though, I'll probably still re-do it some day.

I just got GP5 today too so I'm lucky there.
allright, i knew the rest wasnt very good, i didnt have time to work on it alot, and did it awhile ago, itd be cool to see what you can do to it
Hey, Warheart, in the song Now You've Got Something to Die For, y'know that part where they do those weird bends? (not sure of the time)....I seriously doubt the tabbed parts are right, if you look at the music video, it looks like Willie is doing a slide on the D string closer to the nut and Mark is bending something near the 12th fret, but I can never get a good enough shot to really be able to see. Also, the first bends that make the transition is different that the ones after, just wondering your thoughts about that. I want to try to correct it, though.
Rock Hydra said:
Hey, Warheart, in the song Now You've Got Something to Die For, y'know that part where they do those weird bends? (not sure of the time)....I seriously doubt the tabbed parts are right, if you look at the music video, it looks like Willie is doing a slide on the D string closer to the nut and Mark is bending something near the 12th fret, but I can never get a good enough shot to really be able to see. Also, the first bends that make the transition is different that the ones after, just wondering your thoughts about that. I want to try to correct it, though.

I'll watch the Killadelphia DVD after my dinner and check it out.
hey mitch, can you tab out the second guitar part of war of razors from tokyo warhearts? i have a tab but its bullshit.
Rock Hydra said:
Yeah, mine got scratched bad somehow, now it's barely readable. :(

Damn that sucks, it's a great DVD.

Anyway, I had a quick look and the first time Willie plays it when the band go silent, it looks like he's doing:


It also seems like both guys have their hand in that position most of, if not all the time they play that bit.

Then I think when it goes to half time, they change to the 1st fret:


etc. Play 1, bend to about the pitch of 2 or 3, then release. I'm not positive 'cause I only watched it quick but I'll give it another going over.

H0merz said:
hey mitch, can you tab out the second guitar part of war of razors from tokyo warhearts? i have a tab but its bullshit.

I might give it a try, I know it gets fast near the end but if you only want Alexi's part, it should be really easy for me 'cause I know his style.