TAB Thread.

Hi again !

Another question : Well, idk if someone already answer it but idc :p

What program did I need for the backing track =D ?

For the Norther Tab : Well, Always and Never from the newest album ''N'' would be cool =D
From that video it looks like your using the benson picking style (probably not on purpose). Thats cool, jeff young (my teacher from last quarter at school) was teaching me how to do that shit. I couldn't get it. But supposedly it really improves how clean you play. It's some weird shit. Nice video btw.

Thanks, but what's the benson picking style? I googled it and they all say you rotate the pick counter-clockwise, which seems kind of vague and i don't know the axis/perspective to theoretically rotate from.

I've never had a teacher, I just did what felt natural. Curiously, on one forum I found through googling the benson technique someone was saying that the benson technique seems to cater to people who have the ability to curl the last joint of their thumb backwards (commonly referred to as "hitchhiker's thumb"), and I in fact can do that :)

Still have no idea really what it means tho.
I'll make a list of the requested songs and begin tabbing them one by one.

I decided to start with 'Day Zero.' It'll probably be done tomorrow; I'm not that fast at tabbing, and I like to get things perfect. Before I waste my time, there's no accurate tab of this song somewhere on the Internet is there?