TAB Thread.

I didn't use my 600 for this record. I used my ESP SV and recorded each part with adobe audition 3.0... pretty cool program, but my amp sucks and I was to tired to put a mixer over my record thats why the sound is not the best...
I didn't use my 600 for this record. I used my ESP SV and recorded each part with adobe audition 3.0... pretty cool program, but my amp sucks and I was to tired to put a mixer over my record thats why the sound is not the best...

Oh, I didn't know that you had an SV, well I got that program too. Well the quality is great IMO.
If anyone is insterested in signing up for a full membership on without a DVD code thing sign up here for FREE they will give u a code so u can create a membership at rock house For FREE. This way people who are looking for the Alexi DVD's backing track can get them.

Awesome, thanks for that heads up!!!

Yo, check out my attemp on Sioux City...I'm a bit out of time on some parts but it's a fucking hard song. Hope you enjoy!

Sioux City:headbang:

Pretty cool. I saw your screenshot of your CEP3 session, haha, fucking loads. It reminds me of when I recorded part of a Dragonforce solo.

TYWM for the Stone Cold Soul tab < -Warheart- >
Its very accurate :D

No problem.
If anyone is insterested in signing up for a full membership on without a DVD code thing sign up here for FREE they will give u a code so u can create a membership at rock house For FREE. This way people who are looking for the Alexi DVD's backing track can get them.

Someone please do that and upload them somewhere and post links here..
Haha I thought that it was an ESP first :lol: And here I come with my budget BC Rich Warlock platinum pro, okay it is good for just ca. 420&#8364; I get much flutter (IMPORTANT :lol:) and it stays in tune. Pickups is another word though.