TAB Thread.

Yes I am that annoying kid who posted 1000 comments on your Living Dead Beat video, sorry about that hehe.
I was asking how long it takes you to learn a song cus I wanna make a COBHC Rayza Youtube account and get some Bodom covers up one day hopefully. Still learning how to sweep pick and need to get my speed up for the real fast bits of the solos though. I been learning AYDY for like a year and still can't get that fast bit of the solo down. Bed Of Razors seems to be the easiest so I will try that first when I learn sweep picking

you'll nail it down eventually! and I can't believe you've marked wildchild20082008's CoB cover in your favorites. lol.
you'll nail it down eventually! and I can't believe you've marked wildchild20082008's CoB cover in your favorites. lol.

haha yeah thats what I mean. The Rayza09 account is full of Halo shit and all, I wanna make a proper Guitar account but I just gotta get good first :p
I have a few questions,what is the classical song that Roope plays at the begginning of this video:

And what is the clean part that Roope plays from 0:26 to 0:46?
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Has anyone got a decent tab for the In Your Face solo? I like the Rockhouse Method one if anyone has it. The one in the AYDY tab book ain't very good (some wrong positioning)
Here is the Rock House Method tab:


And yesterday, I was working on preparing a few tabs for the first post. Please note, these are NOT finished yet, but have been uploaded anyway as a general guide and there have been a few other edits too.

• Touch Like Angel Of Death...which tab is the most accurate?

• Silent Night, Bodom Night tab by 'FRET' added with working link in 'Hatebreeder' section. My tab has been removed, as the tracks were mixed up.

• Downfall by 'Arcane' and me added to 'Hatebreeder' section.
The live version has been moved down to 'Other...'

• Taste Of My Scythe by 'FRET' added to 'Follow The Reaper' section. My incomplete tab has been removed.

• Northern Comfort Interlude added just because it's the only tab of the song we have at the moment.

• Needled 24/7 replaced with a tab by 'Hemlock' and me, incomplete at the moment, just needs the drums edited.

• Angels Don't Kill tab by me added to 'Hate Crew Deathroll'. The other tabs of the solo & interlude have been removed.

• Living Dead Beat tab by Arcane and me added to 'Are You Dead Yet'. I've checked over it all except for two natural harmonics during the interlude, that I will try and sort out asap.

Fret said:
Here's the tab of Children of Decadence (underrated song IMO) that I've been working on:

Sorry only have the guitars done for now, but check it out!

If I'm honest, I don't think it's that accurate, especially if you compare it to some tabs online already. I have a powertab that is pretty much perfect, I don't know if a GP4 copy exists, but a few things I noticed:

Bar 1: It's the wrong rhythm. It's like the intro of Needled, two 8th notes, not split between bars. The way you've tabbed it has forced you to create a bar of 7/8 in bar 8 to correct it.

Bar 128: Is a delay effect. So the lead is only 8th notes, but the echo is there to create the effect of having 16th notes flying by.

The only other things I would edit would be the positioning of a few bits here 'n' there, but the notes are spot on for the most part.

Arcane, I am working on your other tabs and scanning through them to prepare them for the first post.
Yeah, I have all of Hemlocks tabs, but most of them, he's changed things back to the incorrect notes/positioning so it'd mean I'd have to go over things again.

That tab of KTS on the first page sounds horrible, why do I still have it there? :lol:
I'm working on Northern Comfort atm. Really great song! I haven't ever played it before.

Mitch, some of your changings on the LDB tab are wrong. I will tell you which when I'm ready with NC. And the rythm guitars in the LoBodomy verse are wrong.

Does anybody have a decent Trible corps hammerblow tab?

An about KTS... I have a tab from EPI I think which was pretty accurate. Only some harmonics were wrong, some finger positions and some solo parts but I used it as a basic for my Youtube cover and I thought it was from first page?
Hey, i know i'm coming out of nowhere yet again.

But could you guys tell me what think about my new video ?
It's mainly cob solos.

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