TAB Thread.

I'm working on Northern Comfort atm. Really great song! I haven't ever played it before.

Mitch, some of your changings on the LDB tab are wrong. I will tell you which when I'm ready with NC. And the rythm guitars in the LoBodomy verse are wrong.

Does anybody have a decent Trible corps hammerblow tab?

An about KTS... I have a tab from EPI I think which was pretty accurate. Only some harmonics were wrong, some finger positions and some solo parts but I used it as a basic for my Youtube cover and I thought it was from first page?

Hmm, I'm not sure I agree about LDB. Some chords were wrong and I corrected the harmonic NOTES but I tabbed them differently because GP couldn't give the correct pitch.

LoBodomy verse was the hardest part to tab of the album, plus I hated that song so I just ignored it!! If you still have your version, I can edit it in because it's better than nothing. I think I left it empty?

I've got an amazing BT of TCHB by Epi, but he never uploaded the tab for it, so I don't have one. All the ones online are shit.

The KTS tabs seems ok, but the sound is just not great. I mean, I could get it to sound a bit better, but editing volumes, panning, instruments, dynamics of drums etc.

Hey, i know i'm coming out of nowhere yet again.

But could you guys tell me what think about my new video ?
It's mainly cob solos.


Wow, amazing playing dude!!

I loved the "Blue" riff at the end, haha!! :kickass:
There is a slight mistake in the last fast run.
It should be:
There is a slight mistake in the last fast run.
It should be:

That's the way it is on the album, but the Rock House tabs are all transcriptions of what Laiho played there and then on the DVD. So, if he plays it ''wrong'', they tab it ''wrong'' too.
If I'm honest, I don't think it's that accurate, especially if you compare it to some tabs online already. I have a powertab that is pretty much perfect, I don't know if a GP4 copy exists, but a few things I noticed:

Bar 1: It's the wrong rhythm. It's like the intro of Needled, two 8th notes, not split between bars. The way you've tabbed it has forced you to create a bar of 7/8 in bar 8 to correct it.

Bar 128: Is a delay effect. So the lead is only 8th notes, but the echo is there to create the effect of having 16th notes flying by.

The only other things I would edit would be the positioning of a few bits here 'n' there, but the notes are spot on for the most part.

I made the rhythm in bar 1 like that because the accented note is on the second note when the song starts, and a pickup note in this bar allows that to happen. After the other guitars come in the accented note changes to the first note. The feel of the guitars is off if you don't use this pickup note.

Didn't realize it was a delay effect, but I'll change that. And do you have the good powertab version? I'd like to take a look at it to see what kind of differences there are.
I made the rhythm in bar 1 like that because the accented note is on the second note when the song starts, and a pickup note in this bar allows that to happen. After the other guitars come in the accented note changes to the first note. The feel of the guitars is off if you don't use this pickup note.

Didn't realize it was a delay effect, but I'll change that. And do you have the good powertab version? I'd like to take a look at it to see what kind of differences there are.

I used to hear it that way, but it's actually just straight 4/4 all the way through starting with two 8ths.

Check out a live video/audio, it'll go "1-2-3-4-dun dun".

And here's the powertab:

There ARE things that could be corrected, but it seems like a good basis for a tab.
Well despite the countdown, the feel of the music is still played the way I tabbed it. You can't tell me you can actually hear that part with the first note of the riff coming on beat 1... The second note is clearly accented and all the strong beats come on the 1-2-3-4 in the way I tabbed it, not the off beats when it is straight up 4/4.
Thanks for the tab Mitch, it's real awesome of you to do that and I will compare it to the version in the AYDY tab book. Do you think it is very accurate? I will use Mannerheim's version of the last fast run aswell. Do you have like all the Rockhouse Method tabs? Just curious. I know what you mean about them being wrong. I corrected some of the ITF tab from Rockhouse by ear but when I watched the vid, Alexi played it the way I corrected it! AND Alexi plays Mannerheim's version of the 2nd fast run on the vid too which Rockhouse also stuffed up!

Im glad to see that you guys are putting in extra effort again to get more tabs up :) I know you guys are always making tab but this time it seems you are really working hard by editing already put up tab and all. You guys are AWESOME!

EDIT: Do you guys mind if I start a new thread on neck pickups? It's just people always complain about it with Alexi sig guitars and I think a discussion about it would be cool. I was going to get an Alexi Sawtooth (Edwards) but I settled for a strat shape LTD deluxe MH-1000 because I wanted a neck pickup and tone knob. I just realised how hard it is to change to neck pickup and change tone mid song so I don't think they are even worth it when my guitar has a Floyd and is setup in Drop C for Bodom and some of my own material (maybe a bit of BFMV).

Also I notice you guys do covers of COB songs in Drop C and D standard. Is it possible to put the low E string in D from C easily or does it still require re balancing the bridge by loosening the springs and all

Do you guys use GP4 instead of 5 to make your tabs? If so why? I have no idea how to use GP to make songs, I can tab it all but I don't know how to change the timing so my tabs are only good for looking at cus when you play them they are slow

I am going to have to disagree with you on the chorus riff of Angels Don't Kill

On your tab it says --------10--- but on the CRY ADK performance Alexi goes -5/7---7- The close up of it is just before the 1st solo.

Watch it and correct me if im wrong
Follow the Reaper
I think the keyboard is more accurate in my tab than the tab on the 1st page of this thread

Bodom After Midnight
I've corrected the tab (some bars sounds wrong with the rythm guitars like on bar 10, but I worked with the left pan & right pan slowly)
(and maybe there are few differences between the 2nd Mix & the 1st mix of Follow the Reaper, I've done the tab of the 1st mix)

Children of Decadence

Mask of Sanity
I think the keyboard parts are accurate (not the solo), and I think the Harmony solo (guitar/keyboard) is correct.
Maybe a few mistakes with harmonics.

Kissing the Shadows
Look only on the intro Lead Guitar & all the keyboard parts (I mute the others pists), I think they are few corrections.

Only look at the keyboard Parts, I've corrected them

And fot the NC tab :
Northern Comfort
Not finished, I've done the rythm guitars & the keyboard parts.
Bass is inaccurate (not worked on it) and I've not worked yet on a lead guitar for the Chorus and the guitar Solo.

(working with Adobe Audition)
Follow the Reaper
I think the keyboard is more accurate in my tab than the tab on the 1st page of this thread

Bodom After Midnight
I've corrected the tab (some bars sounds wrong with the rythm guitars like on bar 10, but I worked with the left pan & right pan slowly)
(and maybe there are few differences between the 2nd Mix & the 1st mix of Follow the Reaper, I've done the tab of the 1st mix)

Children of Decadence

Mask of Sanity
I think the keyboard parts are accurate (not the solo), and I think the Harmony solo (guitar/keyboard) is correct.
Maybe a few mistakes with harmonics.

Kissing the Shadows
Look only on the intro Lead Guitar & all the keyboard parts (I mute the others pists), I think they are few corrections.

Only look at the keyboard Parts, I've corrected them

And fot the NC tab :
Northern Comfort
Not finished, I've done the rythm guitars & the keyboard parts.
Bass is inaccurate (not worked on it) and I've not worked yet on a lead guitar for the Chorus and the guitar Solo.

(working with Adobe Audition)

I don't know what you've corrected on the KTS tab but to be honest - your finger positions are partly horrible and their are wrong notes in the solos.
Haven't checked the other tabs yet
The KTS tab is ONLY for the keyboard part (I have not corrected the solos) and the lead guitar in the intro :

I've corrected this part and verified ...

And I've corrected the keyboards sections (chords, Melodies in the chorus (with harpsichord)
I've noticed that on the chorus (bar 37-48) on the forum tab the keyboard melody is not the same on the album version, and the keyboard and the lead guitar don't play the same notes ...

Sorry that's not a entirely corercted tab, I've only posted it to show you some corrections for the forum tab wich is accurate ...

I'll post an entirely corrected tab ...
Oh, yeah. The tab on first page is wrong in some parts, yes. I have another another tab were I thought it was from first page but it wasn't (the tab I have is pretty much accurate), so your corrections are wrong. But the first lead part of the piano is played by the guitar not by the piano. I will post my tab when I have time but now I have to drink!
But the first lead part of the piano is played by the guitar not by the piano.

Do you mean on the Lead part of the verses (bar 20 for exemple) ? Well, listen to the Left panorama of the song you will hear that the keyboard plays the same notes of the guitar wich is on the right panorama (but with 1 octave higher)
Kissing the Shadows
(I've copied the guitar solos of mitch tab and added few things)
I've verified the tab and tabbed the bass also (but I have not tabbed the drums)
I think the keyboard parts are more accurate, and the rythm guitar also

(Live in Seoul Fingerring added)
Bar 10 - 17
Bar 20 - 21
Bar 62-63

Synth :
Bar 10-17 : hard to hear but the notes are the same of the live & I think they are the same on the album
It sounds better now but you have to change the finger position for lead bar 102. bar 109,120,121 got some wrong notes. fingering in bar 135 is wrong and it starts with an b. bar 139 contains some wrong notes also bar 142 and bar 143 is an e. I havent chekced the rythm guitars yet