TAB Thread.

nice work HAemlock, could do with all the gaps in the tab collection filling in
I think I will work mainly on the three firsts albums, just because love them definitively more thant the last releases ...
I've done 50% of the song Triple Corpse Hammerblow, but I want to tab and verify all the hatebreeder album now
Here is Towards Dead End again. DOWNLOADI've corrected the solo, the Intro and some Rythm parts. Your "correction" was wrong, Haemlock. You should be a bit more careful with your statements that your corrections are accurate, perfect, much better,... cause most of your corrections aren't really good.

EDIT: I've noticed that bars 211-213 on git 4 are in standard e tuning. Do you have the same problem with those bars?
Arcane, sorry but I've a problem with your tab, I'm not against you, you are a better tabber than me and a better guitar player, b here i'm listening again TDE (slowed down, again & again), and I hear clearly some bars like 202 to 205 (for the lead guitar) & 213, and, with my mp3 I'm sure my parts o the tab is accurate ... I don't know why we have this problem, you use the karaoke version and I use the album version, are they exactly the same ? Or i've a big problem with my ears ... and in bars like 127 - 128 for the 1 guitar (arpegios), I've listened to it again and again (only the left panorama, slowed dow also), and I don't hear the last notes, wich are quite strange to me ... On the ETID & KTS tab, I know I didn't worked harder that'sthe problem, but for the TDE tab, I don't understand, if you listen to the mp3 part of the solo that i've posted, the notes are the same of your version ? I'm persuaded that the firs bars of te solo are accurate ... sorry if I'm wrong ... And for the last part of the songs, in the bars 240 to 261, the lead guitars don't play the same thing, one play higher notes ... I will see that when i will be back to home ... strange ...
Arcane, sorry but I've a problem with your tab, I'm not against you, you are a better tabber than me and a better guitar player, b here i'm listening again TDE (slowed down, again & again), and I hear clearly some bars like 202 to 205 (for the lead guitar) & 213, and, with my mp3 I'm sure my parts o the tab is accurate ... I don't know why we have this problem, you use the karaoke version and I use the album version, are they exactly the same ? Or i've a big problem with my ears ... and in bars like 127 - 128 for the 1 guitar (arpegios), I've listened to it again and again (only the left panorama, slowed dow also), and I don't hear the last notes, wich are quite strange to me ... On the ETID & KTS tab, I know I didn't worked harder that'sthe problem, but for the TDE tab, I don't understand, if you listen to the mp3 part of the solo that i've posted, the notes are the same of your version ? I'm persuaded that the firs bars of te solo are accurate ... sorry if I'm wrong ... And for the last part of the songs, in the bars 240 to 261, the lead guitars don't play the same thing, one play higher notes ... I will see that when i will be back to home ... strange ...

I used the Karaoke audio file for Drums, Bass and Keys and the album version for the guitars. Here's the solo again (with muted rythm guitars). Maybe you can hear it better now.

You really should more concentrate on single notes. When I tab it, I slow it down, make a first tab, play the first 3 sec., try to play it with my guitar, play the next 3 sec. and so on. The fast parts are a bit harder so you have to listen to EVERY single note (like in the tapping part in the solo).
Bars 127-128: it's hard to hear the notes, yes, but they are there.
Bars 240 - 261: 240-245 is played by one lead guitar which is centered and the rest are harmony parts (I just forgot to delete on of the leads for bars 240-245).
I think I will work mainly on the three firsts albums, just because love them definitively more thant the last releases ...
I've done 50% of the song Triple Corpse Hammerblow, but I want to tab and verify all the hatebreeder album now

Fair enough, we just need lake bodom finishing, the nail, and toms from the first 3 albums afaik, although i have a toms tab that you did from a while ago.
Has somebody uploaded the 3 karaoke mp3 of Hatebreeder from the DVD ? I don't find these files on the net ...
TDE Solo section
Some of your bars are wrong, and this time I've worked more hard & note per note

(Bar 1 : the bend is pulled 2 time, not 3 time)
Bar 3 : you have corrected a note, I'm agree with you
Bar 5-bar 6 : You are wrong, listen note per note, and in the live in seoul, Alexi plays this part with the same notes.
Bar 8-beginning of 9 : few mistakes, listen to the song slowly, you can hear in the end of the mesure there are few notes (I worked with the rythm guitar also)
Bar 10 : just a wrong note, but some notes are hard to hear, I've added a "maybe pist"
Bar 12 : a note corrected.
Bar 14 : My correction was right like before, I've reverified it

I've listened note per note, on my last corrections I was not carruful, no I've worked more, and I'm sure with my corrections now

Fingerring bar 1 to 7 : Alexi laiho on live in Seoul (the notes on this live are the same for theses bars)

(Thanks a lot for the backing tracks)
Well... dude, just give up? Don't come up with live versions. We're talking album the album recordings. You're wrong many times and now you're again. The solo I've tabbed should be perfect and I'm sure Mitch can certify it. I don't know where you get your notes from but you still have some problems with it. I don't have the time atm to go over your other tabs but I'm sure there are a lot of mistakes in it.
You did a good work with a few tabs but the reason none of your tabs is on first page is a wrong fingering in many tabs, notes which aren't in the actual album song and many wrong notes in lead and rythm parts.
I'm sure Mitch can certify it.
Okay, I give up, just a last thing, you know that mitch has done a video of the hatebreeder leads (Awesome Video Mitch !) ? well look him when he does the "descent of notes" in the beginning of the solo of TDE ... (5:25) ... So if I look on your tab, Mitch plays it wrong ? (the "descent of note" in my tab is like he plays it)
Okay now I give up, sorry for the disturbance

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Yes, he plays it worng. In this vid Mitch used an old tab or whatever and he doesn't played it note by note as it is on the tab he used. He just played an 50% improvised solo with a random tapping but in the right pattern. The solo I played in my cover was much more accurate but also just 80% of what I tabbed in my first TDE tab.
The last Northern Comfort tab is wrong. Some correction from the other ones but still some old errors (during the "take me with you..." part) and some new ones.
Right, there has been alot of tabs uploaded recently and I am very glad about it, since this thread is usually dead or n00bs asking for tabs of SNBN, so thanks Haemlock. But to go with these tabs, there has also been alot of bitching and negative energy and it's not good.

I will comment on a few things:

Fret said:
"Well despite the countdown, the feel of the music is still played the way I tabbed it. You can't tell me you can actually hear that part with the first note of the riff coming on beat 1... The second note is clearly accented and all the strong beats come on the 1-2-3-4 in the way I tabbed it, not the off beats when it is straight up 4/4.

The feel might be implied, but the notation is 4/4, just like the intro of Touch Like Angel Of Death. 4/4, but sounds weird until the drums come in because of the way he accented it.

COBHC Rayza said:
Thanks for the tab Mitch, it's real awesome of you to do that and I will compare it to the version in the AYDY tab book. Do you think it is very accurate? I will use Mannerheim's version of the last fast run aswell. Do you have like all the Rockhouse Method tabs? Just curious. I know what you mean about them being wrong. I corrected some of the ITF tab from Rockhouse by ear but when I watched the vid, Alexi played it the way I corrected it! AND Alexi plays Mannerheim's version of the 2nd fast run on the vid too which Rockhouse also stuffed up!]

It's no problem. And apart from the blues scale run near the end, it's exactly the same as the album version, therefore, accurate. I wouldn't expect the tab book to be correct...

COBHC Rayza said:
Also I notice you guys do covers of COB songs in Drop C and D standard. Is it possible to put the low E string in D from C easily or does it still require re balancing the bridge by loosening the springs and all

It's easier to go from E standard to D standard, then it is to go from D standard to Drop C, because with standard to standard, you're dropping all the strings by the same amount, so if you adjust all the springs equally, it's actually only a 30sec job. But to drop just the 6th string down a whole step while keeping the others all the same can take a bit longer. If you have new strings, it can be a pain.

COBHC Rayza said:
Do you guys use GP4 instead of 5 to make your tabs? If so why? I have no idea how to use GP to make songs, I can tab it all but I don't know how to change the timing so my tabs are only good for looking at cus when you play them they are slow

I prefer GP4 just because of the way it works. They changed quite alot on version 5 and I just can't get used to it. Plus, the RSE sounds terrible, to me.

COBHC Rayza said:
I am going to have to disagree with you on the chorus riff of Angels Don't Kill

On your tab it says --------10--- but on the CRY ADK performance Alexi goes -5/7---7- The close up of it is just before the 1st solo.

If you could give me a time from the video, I can look at it, but I'm not sure what part you're referring to. I have re-listened to the album version of ADK and I still hear the notes I tabbed. I listened to various live versions before I posted it too.

HAemlock said:
Follow the Reaper
I think the keyboard is more accurate in my tab than the tab on the 1st page of this thread

Bodom After Midnight
I've corrected the tab (some bars sounds wrong with the rythm guitars like on bar 10, but I worked with the left pan & right pan slowly)
(and maybe there are few differences between the 2nd Mix & the 1st mix of Follow the Reaper, I've done the tab of the 1st mix)

Children of Decadence

Mask of Sanity
I think the keyboard parts are accurate (not the solo), and I think the Harmony solo (guitar/keyboard) is correct.
Maybe a few mistakes with harmonics.

Kissing the Shadows
Look only on the intro Lead Guitar & all the keyboard parts (I mute the others pists), I think they are few corrections.

Only look at the keyboard Parts, I've corrected them

And fot the NC tab :
Northern Comfort
Not finished, I've done the rythm guitars & the keyboard parts.
Bass is inaccurate (not worked on it) and I've not worked yet on a lead guitar for the Chorus and the guitar Solo.

(working with Adobe Audition)

Follow The Reaper: I think this tab is loads better than the one in the first post (I got it from some random tab site, so that's why it's crap) and after I mess about the the dynamics of the drums (sounds cooler), I will put it in the first post.

Bodom After Midnight: Same as above...

Will look at others another time.

HAemlock said:
My last ETID
I've worked a lot on it, I've tried to correct the harmonics and I listened again (I still have a problem to know what are the notes of the harmonics)
I've changed the intro lead guitar (Arcane's Fingerring on his video) and corrected some fingerrings.
I've also corrected the bass parts and I've changed the rythm guitars on the interlude. (And corrected a few things again in the rythm sections of the solos)

This is better sounding than ours, so I will use this after I do the dynamics on the drums.

Joonas Lehtonen said:
(btw I just spotted this little typo on the Scorpions cover, on the opening post, it says don't stop at the stop)

Well spotted, now corrected.

HAemlock said:
And now, Northern Comfort

Sounds good to me. If there are any corrections to be made by yourself or anyone else, then they are to be listed here and we can all sort it.

HAemlock said:
Deadnight Warrior (corrrection from my last tab)
(see the notice in the tab for precisions)
Now it is much accurate, but I didn't correct perfectly the outro.
The keyboard, the rythm guitars & the solo are quite accurate (the solo on the album version is not exactly the same of the lives versions)

& I've seen on the TDE tab that the first part of the guitar solo isn't very accurate, so I've corrected a few things.
TDE Solo
bars 4-5-6 are now accurate (perfect ?)
Bars 8-9-10 are more accurate (hard to tab this part, I've corrected by slowing down the track & listening it again & again)
Bar 14 a little thing corrected (& verified)
Bar 21-22 : it's just my way to play this part, no corrections

(if you want to verify, i've a MP3 of the solo with the others instruments quite muted here)

And I've also corrected the Black Widow tab
Main Corrections :
All keyboard parts (and i've added some parts)
In the bridges (classical part) I've changed the fingerring of the guitars and corrected few notes
I've corrected few bar of the rythm guitars in the part II of the chorus
In the classical interlude i've add my fingerring for the lead guitar
For the 2nd chorus the right rythm guitar is corrected
And I've corrected the rythm guitars for the Guitar Solo
I didn't touch the drum & bass

Will sort out Deadnight Warrior later, will do Towards Dead End, and will look at Black Widow. I think you're right with the keys, I missed some out during the interludes, so I will add those.

HAmelock said:
Bed of Razors
Not perfect, but much better than the other versions. Bar 89 is hard to tab.
For the gutiar solo section I've copied the solo of the forum (and added an harmony guitar)

Sounds good, will add once the drums are done.

And I have listened to Arcane's solo mp3 and these are the correct notes for the Towards Dead End solo and these are the notes that will go into the first post by the end of today.

SO I was right ofr some corrections of the TDE solo ... Yeah sorry Mitch I don't tab the drums ...
Since 2/3 days i'm correcting the Warheart & hatebreeder tab, I will post them in a few days but without good drums, and I will reverify all my hatebreeder album tabs (& correct Children of Bodom)
I've corrected the keys on my TDE & Downfall tab but I'm seeing for other corrections
SO I was right ofr some corrections of the TDE solo ... Yeah sorry Mitch I don't tab the drums ...
Since 2/3 days i'm correcting the Warheart & hatebreeder tab, I will post them in a few days but without good drums, and I will reverify all my hatebreeder album tabs (& correct Children of Bodom)
I've corrected the keys on my TDE & Downfall tab but I'm seeing for other corrections

It's nothing major, I only like to do a few things with the dynamics of the hi hat to make the MIDI sound more realistic. But since I haven't managed to even start, I will upload them without it and do it when I find the time.