TAB Thread.


I think the bass & the right rythm guitar are accurate, beacause i've worked with the backing track for these parts
I've also done the keyboard parts, I've worked a lot on it and perhaps some chords are not accurates

I didn't tab the drums (the parts are not from me)

I correct a few things from the solo of the forum tab

Bar 79, I noticed that the harmony is wrong (between the rythm guitars and lead guitar/keyboard), i listen again and again but I think in the mp3 this part sounds wrong (by tabbing the bass/ and the two rythm guitars with the keyboard & lead guitar, the bass & rythm guitars play the same notes, but not the same of the lead instruments)

And, I don't know for the last chorus & the outro, I think there are 2 rythm & 2 lead guitars but that's hard to hear

Silent Night Bodom Night EDIT : (Few corrections)

This is a correction of the tab of the first page
I've corrected a lot of little mistakes
I've also corrected the solos & the keyboard parts
In bars 61-63 I've added chords for the keyboard but I'm not sure that they are on the music
I have corrected a few things on the bass parts
I didn't change anything for the drums

I think these tabs are better but they aren't perfect (Cause I'm not an expert like some other tabbers of the forum)
Now I have to finish the hatebreeder's song corrections
Haemlock again i think you corrected something but you added things that they don't play, plus why change the fingerings if they are accurate as we can see in many, many videos?
Haemlock again i think you corrected something but you added things that they don't play, plus why change the fingerings if they are accurate as we can see in many, many videos?

Can you precise what bars are wrong please, I will see that & correct
I do not have much time but for example taking the left ryt. guit. : bar 10 wrong chord, bar 11 why two chords?, bar 15 the same + why 3rd chrods?, (plus all the rhy chords i don't think he plays the powerchords with the added pinky or added 5th), from bar 41 on i don't think those x are right, he plays full chords, right rhyt guit. bar 49 and 50 i don't think he adds those chords but just a single note riff , main lead bar 55 i don't hear a guitar here but i can be wrong and so on.
I think that the SNBN existing tab did't need major corrections or additions.
I do not have much time but for example taking the left ryt. guit. : bar 10 wrong chord, bar 11 why two chords?, bar 15 the same + why 3rd chrods?, (plus all the rhy chords i don't think he plays the powerchords with the added pinky or added 5th), from bar 41 on i don't think those x are right, he plays full chords, right rhyt guit. bar 49 and 50 i don't think he adds those chords but just a single note riff , main lead bar 55 i don't hear a guitar here but i can be wrong and so on.
I think that the SNBN existing tab did't need major corrections or additions.
Bar 10 I think you are right I will correct that
Bar 11 : two chords because if I hlisten to the song carefully (and slowly), I hear 2 chords.
Bars 15-16 : I've listened again, well you can hear that the chords are like that (listen to the left pan only)
Bar 41 : you're right
Bar 49-50 : if you listen to the right pan you will hear that they plays thoses chords and not single notes
Bar 55 : This melody is played by the keyboard & the lead guitar, and in bar 175-176, the lead guitar plays the same thing but the keyboard plays with higher harmony
I've changed the pre-chorus & chorus fingerring for guitars & I've compared the fingerring to the other tab of the forum, I think they are now the same
I'm looking for other mistakes when i will have finished I'll post the tab
(Thanks for the help)
You are welcome, i am too lazy to tab myself :p

On the Northern comfort tab (i don't remember who posted the last one). It is pretty good, however the chorus part has a triple harmony i think, but it is very difficult to tab (even slowing the song down) because of the high mix. I think that one guitar (the one wich basically just repeats the same note in every bar) is always tabbed wrong.

EDIT: ok i'll try to point the errors in the NC tab after a rapid listening to the tab: bar 11 think he plays full chords, bar 13 was the new addition but i think it is wrong bar 31 first note wrong, pre chorus: it sounds really good... have to hear it better however chorus: the hard part. I don't think the rhytm guitars plays with so many strokes; left rhy guitar: the one i was referring above, it plays an harmony with the keys wich are good tabbed, for the first time. 1 million dollar question: It is here a third guitar wich plays an harmony?
pre verse from bar 82 on: same problem as the initial verse. Bar 114 i don't think he plays with so many strokes, just one per chord. bar 126 there are three notes in the little lick. bar 128 i think there's a harmony in the lick. (plus i play the song with different fingerings)
I've changed the link of the SNBN tab :
SNBN New version

And I've also tried to correct :
Children of Bodom

Keyboard : I've corrected almost all of the parts (almost 'cause I haven't corrected the keyboard solo)
Corrected by the help of the official backing track, so I think the parts are quite accurate (maybe some notes in the organs sections are not the same)

Rythm Guitars : maybe some mistakes in the "Main Theme" sections, and the bar 51 has certainly mistakes (very difficult to hear this part)
For the "5th verse" section (before the guitar solo), the notes are the right (Hard to hear), I used Adobe Audition

Bass : corrected, but the "5th Verse" section contains mistakes (I don't know if the bass plays ranges or if it just does slides)
Bar 259 is not accurate

Drums : Not corrected

Lead Guitars :
For the fingerring of the main theme, I think it is quite the same of Alexander (Live in Seoul 2001 & Tuska 2003)
For the lead guitar in the classical interlude, I used Alexi's fingerring (in the 2 lives)

Notes :
I've spent a big time to tab the keyboard & lead guitar for the main theme, the harmony in bar 24 seems strange, but I've reverified a lot this part with the BT/Album version, and I'm almost sure this is right.

(But I can make mistakes)

Mitch I've seen you changed the links on the first page ...
For the ETID tab you have not uploaded my last tab with Arcane's fingerring for the intro (the version you uploaded contains more mistakes)
And for the FtR also you didn't upload my last version, I've corrected the Keyboard on it and some others stuff ...

I will post them again in a few days when I'll be back, and if I have the time i will make others corrections for FtR & ETID, has I gain more experience for tabbing tabs (and patience ^^)

I'm really sure that the 5th note in bar 5 is a d on the E string instead of a d on the D string. I've checked out a few live versions and I can't hear the d on the D string in any of them but it could be that it's a pinch harmonic.
In bar 206 of my tab the first slight isn't one. It's a hammer on on the g - string with a normal picked slight on the b string or - a tap on the 12th fret but I'm not sure.




I think Fret is right with his CoD tab. When you start to count 1-2-3-4 you definitely start with the second note.


I've corrected ETID again by using the tab from first page. I've corrected the intro, the harmonics, some rythm guitar parts, some lead parts, some fingering but I didn't touch the solo and the chorus cause I think they are fine > their is no need for another correction.

And: What's with my other tabs? Plus: plz change the guitars in LDB with the ones I've posted here and use THIS! Towards Dead End tab for first page.

One thing for TDE... In git 4 in the intro section in bar 25... their is one note of which I'm not sure which note it is. The 6th note is some kind of a harmonic but I don't know if it's a harmonic on bar 15 or 24. And I used a mix of Haemlocks and my tab for the first few solo bars.
Hi y'all!

Saw you talking about the Norhern Comfort tab and I found this old tab in my HD:

I don't know if it's going to be of any kind of use but decided to share it anyway. It's not a complete tab but atleast the drums should be correct.

EDIT: Oh, and I did copy the bars 74-81 from HAemlocks tab. :D
Arcane for ETID :
I corrected a few things (there were 2 same lead guitars on the chorus & 2 rythm guitar in the intro)
I have a real problem with tabbing harmonics but, I've reverified mine, some of your harmonics sound strange to me but I'm certainly not sure for my harmonics.
For the 3rd bar of the lead guitar are you sure the better way to do the 2nd note is to tap the 21th fret ? (you make the note after by plling off no ?), for me i do this note by the Natural armonic on the E string.

If you could give me a time from the video, I can look at it, but I'm not sure what part you're referring to. I have re-listened to the album version of ADK and I still hear the notes I tabbed. I listened to various live versions before I posted it too.

damn I fucked it up. I meant like this

Its the chorus before the solo when Alexi goes "No!, You're not there, it feels so cold, yet I won't turn back, I'll die alone" (dunno if the lyrics are correct). Its on the Chaos Ridden Years performance. Sorry my internet is capped for 2 more days so I cant link you and give you a time, I will in 2 days if you haven't already found it

EDIT: the quote failed :'(
Hi y'all!

Saw you talking about the Norhern Comfort tab and I found this old tab in my HD:

I don't know if it's going to be of any kind of use but decided to share it anyway. It's not a complete tab but atleast the drums should be correct.

EDIT: Oh, and I did copy the bars 74-81 from HAemlocks tab. :D


DUDE !!!
thats been a long time ago
Where have you beeen al that time !!!! :kickass:
Arcane for ETID :
I corrected a few things (there were 2 same lead guitars on the chorus & 2 rythm guitar in the intro)
I have a real problem with tabbing harmonics but, I've reverified mine, some of your harmonics sound strange to me but I'm certainly not sure for my harmonics.
For the 3rd bar of the lead guitar are you sure the better way to do the 2nd note is to tap the 21th fret ? (you make the note after by plling off no ?), for me i do this note by the Natural armonic on the E string.


My intro was correct - your notes or your fingering makes no sense and it's to complicated to play (and ther is a rythm mistakes in bar 2). And their is a second rytjm guitar in the intro. In bar 8 you've did a lead mistake. This harmony tone you can hear at the end- when the whammy bar thing starts - is feedback of the pickup. When you make a whammy harmonic at the 16th fret for example, and you do it "right" you can make this pickup feedback (you can hear it a bit in my cover - or you can hear it in NIL at the end of the first interlude). And you can see that I play a harmonic at the beginnig (bar 4 first tone). It could be that some harmonics sounds strange but thats a guitar pro problem when I convert the file into gp4 but they are correct (just compare my harmonics in my cover with the album harmonics and you'll see that I'm right.. For the rythm guitar in bar 22: the 7th note is a g not an f. It's the minor opposite for the major tone. Lead bar 3: normaly it is a harmonic like I did in my cover but GP fucks it up so I choose bar 21. Bar 48 the end is a normal slide down over the fretboard. Bar 50 4th note is an a. The rythm guitars in your interlude are wrong too. 69 for example is the same sheme as it is in HCDR. Bar 74 the last note is just a long vibrato. In bar 80 you can clearly hear the high C and A#. And so on.... Your keys are pretty good but your corrections on the guitars are not.
And seriously... I won't discuss about it anymore. It's annoying for me to open your "corrections" when you do the same mistakes on and on again and when you make some old mistakes which were in an older tab before.
Every day I read a post of one of your corrections but all of them containing mistakes and most of the tabs which are on first page yet - like Frets tabs or my last ETID tab don't need any corrections.
I know. I respect everyone who tries to make tabs or correct them. A lot of people just ask for tabs and often withput any 'please' in it and I think Haemlock spend a lot of time in them but I'm really annoyed of a few things atm. See, when I make a tab and Mitch put into the first page and I download it and see some corrections of him which are wrong or when I hear that Mitch just want to put Haemlocks ETID on first just because it sounds better, I don't see the point of this thread. I mean I make tabs to show other people how to play a song and which fingering they have to use and Hamelocks tab was wrong and Mitch put it on first page just because the sound of the guitar pro tab is better than the old one but with wrong notes in it... I don't know why I should post tabs here anymore. And I've posted a few other tabs here a few times ago like Trashed, WNGF, ... and Mitch told me he will "look over them". Well, the first time I've posted the tabs was 5 months ago or so.

Anyways.... I don't want to sound so harsh Haemlock. I know you did a good work on your tabs.
I know. I respect everyone who tries to make tabs or correct them. A lot of people just ask for tabs and often withput any 'please' in it and I think Haemlock spend a lot of time in them but I'm really annoyed of a few things atm. See, when I make a tab and Mitch put into the first page and I download it and see some corrections of him which are wrong or when I hear that Mitch just want to put Haemlocks ETID on first just because it sounds better, I don't see the point of this thread. I mean I make tabs to show other people how to play a song and which fingering they have to use and Hamelocks tab was wrong and Mitch put it on first page just because the sound of the guitar pro tab is better than the old one but with wrong notes in it... I don't know why I should post tabs here anymore. And I've posted a few other tabs here a few times ago like Trashed, WNGF, ... and Mitch told me he will "look over them". Well, the first time I've posted the tabs was 5 months ago or so.

Anyways.... I don't want to sound so harsh Haemlock. I know you did a good work on your tabs.

honestly to me it sounds like you're being just a little butthurt and egotistical about the fact that he's putting up haemlocks tabs and not yours. the tab thread is for people who want to have a good tab to play the song, i doubt a slight fingering or note change that sounds better but isn't 100% ZOMGALEXI correct is really going to mess things up. instead you should contribute new tabs or what you feel like and not be such a moderator, its all just for fun, no ones paying you to bitch and go over every detail.
You're wrong. The aim of this Thread is - or should be - to make the most accurate COB tabs in the net (as mentioned before by Mitch himself) . And if you go on first page you will see that a lot of my tabs are there. And when you read my last post, you can see that I've contributed a lot of tabs here.
If you want to have some fun with COB's songs and want to play them but not 100% accurate you should visit ultimate guitar and not this forum.