TAB Thread.

Yes, but i didn't work very much on the solos, if your KTS is nearly perfect, you could add my keyboard parts to your tab ... (and some corrections if they are accurates)

Everytime I Die

I've corrected all the keyboard's chords, added the delay on the introduction and I've corrected the Right Rythm Guitar on the solos section ...
It sounds like some of the harmonics are wrong ... sorry ...

I've tabbed it, there are some mistakes I know, but I think some corrections (like the keyboard) are accurate, it's only to help the forum tabbers to make perfect tabs ...

(I'm working on all the FtR songs, I think I would be able to tab good corrections for the keyboard)

Ok, I'm not sure if I had corrected the keys in my ETID so it could be that yours are better, but:
Some of your notes in the intro lead section are wrong (but mine too but I haven't correct them in the tab yet - when you watch my new ETID cover on Youtube, you can see how the intro was played).
Left Rythm guitar: Intro: their aren't only e notes in the intro (it contains some powerchords); bar 12 wrong fingering; bar 18 and 22 one wrong note (but it isn't in my tab aswell); bar 28 wrong harmonic; bar 32 wrong harmonic; and so on... I will tab the song again exactly how I play it in my Youtube cover were are all notes should be pretty much accurate

All in all I have to say that most of your "corrections" in every tab contain a lot of wrong finger positions, harmonics, hamornies and notes. I won't say that your tabs are bad - they aren't but you should definitely work abit more on your skills. Sorry... But one positv thing: Your delay stuff is really good!
Necrö;8421744 said:
just hit the crash with your face. might look pretty awesome on stage :lol:


(btw I just spotted this little typo on the Scorpions cover, on the opening post, it says don't stop at the stop)

I've found these tabs pretty cool, most recently learned ADK on guitar excluding the solos.

Ok, I'm not sure if I had corrected the keys in my ETID so it could be that yours are better, but:
Some of your notes in the intro lead section are wrong (but mine too but I haven't correct them in the tab yet - when you watch my new ETID cover on Youtube, you can see how the intro was played).
Left Rythm guitar: Intro: their aren't only e notes in the intro (it contains some powerchords); bar 12 wrong fingering; bar 18 and 22 one wrong note (but it isn't in my tab aswell); bar 28 wrong harmonic; bar 32 wrong harmonic; and so on... I will tab the song again exactly how I play it in my Youtube cover were are all notes should be pretty much accurate

All in all I have to say that most of your "corrections" in every tab contain a lot of wrong finger positions, harmonics, hamornies and notes. I won't say that your tabs are bad - they aren't but you should definitely work abit more on your skills. Sorry... But one positv thing: Your delay stuff is really good!

Okay, I will correct again and work more, thanks for the advices, I will reverify all the tab that I'm correcting accuratly and then post them again ...
The keyboards are certainly much better in alot of hemlocks tabs as he says. The KTS interludes are the first correct ones i've seen.
I notice you guys do covers of COB songs in Drop C and D standard. Is it possible to put the low E string in D from C easily or does it still require re balancing the bridge by loosening the springs and all

Do you guys use GP4 instead of 5 to make your tabs? If so why? I have no idea how to use GP to make songs, I can tab it all but I don't know how to change the timing so my tabs are only good for looking at cus when you play them they are slow

I am going to have to disagree with you on the chorus riff of Angels Don't Kill

On your tab it says --------10--- but on the CRY ADK performance Alexi goes -5/7---7- The close up of it is just before the 1st solo.

Watch it and correct me if im wrong
^Ah damn, so you guys go to all that effort? Thats badass!

What about the Angels Don't Kill thing I was saying? I want to know if I am wrong and how
My last ETID
I've worked a lot on it, I've tried to correct the harmonics and I listened again (I still have a problem to know what are the notes of the harmonics)
I've changed the intro lead guitar (Arcane's Fingerring on his video) and corrected some fingerrings.
I've also corrected the bass parts and I've changed the rythm guitars on the interlude. (And corrected a few things again in the rythm sections of the solos)

Now I will try to tab NC again
And now, Northern Comfort

Guitars :
For the bars 13 - 37 and 85 of the rythm guitars I think that the notes are good (heavy palm mute doesn't sound good on GP)
Some harmonics can be wrong (bar 124 ?)
I've changed the fingering of the lead guitar in the interlude
I think in the first part of the dual solo (bar 134-139) the notes are good, but the 2nd part is not very accurate with the whammy bar.
And the harmonics of the lead guitar on the chorus (wich is quite hard to hear) is not accurate.

Bass :
I correct some of the parts ... but I've not worked hard on it so it's not perfect (that's just the bass ^^)

Keyboard :
I think the chords are quite accurates. The notes on the interlude are accurate.
Some mistakes on the chorus (hard to hear) and I'm not sure about some notes on the bridges

Drums :
Copied from a tab on the net (I've also copied the drums interlude wich is on the forum)
I don't tab drums.

(You can correct it to make a nearly perfect tab)

(And don't forget my "Mask Of Sanity" tab (previous posts), I thin some of the corrections are good like the keyboard)

And in the Towards Dead End tab I noticed there is a wrong/missed part :
Bar 154-159 : Guit 1, if you listen to the song carefully you will hear on the left pan that things :

instead of

Or that's an additional guitar
Well you wouldn't change your guitar's tuning constantly,you would have on in D tuning and then one E tuning,you
can still play Bodom in E,just bring everything 2 frets back in the tabs

including the open C in In Your Face intro and all, I think not.

Are you guys just ignoring my possible "correction" in Angels Don't Kill? I have always thought Alexi played it like I said and have possible video proof. Mitch you are probably the best person here along with Arcane to Judge it. What do you guys think?

And why do you guys use GP4 instead of the more recent ones?
@ Hemlock: Your ETID still contains mistakes. When I have time I'm going to tab it it again. Can't say a lot about NC, just that it sounds good but I haven-#t ever played it before... but I will also tab this song. And you'Re right about this TDE thing. There is an additional guitar (haven't heard the guitar because I equalized the song before I tabbed it) but the notes you figured out were totally wrong.

And about this ADK thing... both are right but when ALexi plays it in this way on CRY it doesn't mean that he did it on HCDR
Deadnight Warrior (corrrection from my last tab)
(see the notice in the tab for precisions)
Now it is much accurate, but I didn't correct perfectly the outro.
The keyboard, the rythm guitars & the solo are quite accurate (the solo on the album version is not exactly the same of the lives versions)

& I've seen on the TDE tab that the first part of the guitar solo isn't very accurate, so I've corrected a few things.
TDE Solo
bars 4-5-6 are now accurate (perfect ?)
Bars 8-9-10 are more accurate (hard to tab this part, I've corrected by slowing down the track & listening it again & again)
Bar 14 a little thing corrected (& verified)
Bar 21-22 : it's just my way to play this part, no corrections

(if you want to verify, i've a MP3 of the solo with the others instruments quite muted here)

And I've also corrected the Black Widow tab
Main Corrections :
All keyboard parts (and i've added some parts)
In the bridges (classical part) I've changed the fingerring of the guitars and corrected few notes
I've corrected few bar of the rythm guitars in the part II of the chorus
In the classical interlude i've add my fingerring for the lead guitar
For the 2nd chorus the right rythm guitar is corrected
And I've corrected the rythm guitars for the Guitar Solo
I didn't touch the drum & bass

And I saw that there isn't a complete tab for the song Bed of Razors, so I'm working on it
Bed of Razors
Not perfect, but much better than the other versions. Bar 89 is hard to tab.
For the gutiar solo section I've copied the solo of the forum (and added an harmony guitar)