I should have known lol, true Bodom fan with all the work you put into those tabs! I wish I was anywhere near that good... Or even knew where to start lolThat's cool, no worries.
And I have both DVDs and all tabs, no need for that!Cheers though.
Yeah, I figured you must be having tabbed so much of his work... It's taking so much restraint not to start harrassing you with Bodom related theory questions and the likeWell, I can't deny that.Been doing this since about 05/06, so rather 'experienced' in the playing styles of Mr. Laiho.
Yeah I noticed a lot of the tabs weren't the same as what he was playing. I just watched his finger placement and stuff to get what he was actually playing... Still sucks that I had to do that after paying for the DVDs.Besides, the tabs provided by Rockhouse for their own DVD are wrong, even aside from Alexi playing it differently. Just so you know.
And those Kissing the Shadows solos still have some incorrect notes/positions.
I still can't believe I was like the first person to put out a tab of the correct way to play those outro sweeps. Every version has been wrong since 2001, wow.
You can't just say they are wrong without providing examples of where they are incorrectAnd could you show your tab of the outro sweeps, because the one in the first post doesn't seem correct. If you slow it down, you can hear the pattern is:
This is the KTS solo tab of Epi and Mitch http://www.sendspace.com/file/m4nfw6
But this needs also a few corrections. I now I've corrected it a time ago but I don't have my tab anymore, so if anyone still has it then plz upload it here
But I can tell you which parts are not correct (well, the ones I can remind)
Bar 12, 23,24,42,44,45,46
The sweeps basically go Emin, Diminished, Emin, Diminished, so the last shape contains the wrong notes (you tabbed Dmaj) but the rest is spot on.
Bar 12 is difficult, I will never claim my version to be correct, and I will probably never say any other tab is, because it's so hard to actually figure out exactly what he played. Epi did bar 12, I think.
23 & 24 are the right notes. Don't really care too much about the rhythm, because again, it'd be very hard to get it 100%.
42 & 44 are correct, it's the other tabs that show these wrong.
45 has the same notes as before, but I corrected the positioning to how I think it would be played. I checked a live video and saw him playing it the same way, so...
A guitar with 22 frets is what you're looking forIf you want to say the guitars with hollow body and nylon (plastic) strings those are classical/spanish guitars, and hollow body but metalic strings are acoustic guitars. Or something like that, but not "fradition guitar with 22 bars"
I'll check out your tab later Arcane (can't at the moment)
Sorry to sound like a persistent douche bag (well... maybe I am, haha), but check out my corrections again.
And 'The Very End', Jose was trying to clarify that a traditional guitar is an acoustic or nylon guitar, and correcting you in your choice of words. You probably meant to say a standard 22 fret guitar...