TAB Thread.

Where is the "Somebody put something in my drink" tab?
I searched under "Children of Bodom covers" but I couldn`t find it...

THANKS a lot for your work with the tabs!!!!
To the guys arguing over pinkies, you do know that Alexi barely uses it right.
Yes, that's actually part of what sparked the pinky discussion. Laiho tends to avoid the usage of the pinky in situations where he should be using index, ring and pinky. Instead he will usually do index, middle, ring (with the middle finger stretched across where the ring should be and the ring where the pinky should be). However, he usually plays licks requiring the index, middle and pinky correctly.
The whole reason it came up was as an example for a good guitarist with poor technique. Laiho is my biggest idol in the guitar playing world but I don't seek to copy him technically because he is not technically perfect.
Same with Jason Becker. Watch his Hot Licks DVD and he plays this amazing serrana thing before the arpeggios and I physically can NOT play it his way, because he hardly uses his pinky at all, and my 3rd finger can't stretch to the frets, I have to use the 4th. I always just use what's most comfortable, which ends up being the pinky 99% of the time, but for something like this:


...I would use fingers 1,2,3 for the low E so my hand is overall in a nicer position ready for the other strings, where I'd use fingers 1,2,4. This helps especially when attempting to do it up and down at Rusty Cooley type speed.

And I believe that I started a tab for Talk Dirty To Me, but I can't access it. charli, you really need to read the advice given in this thread, it's the same as the original, so search Ultimate Guitar for Poison and use that tab for the rhythm parts.
And I believe that I started a tab for Talk Dirty To Me, but I can't access it. charli, you really need to read the advice given in this thread, it's the same as the original, so search Ultimate Guitar for Poison and use that tab for the rhythm parts.

thanks, i did
Yes, that's actually part of what sparked the pinky discussion. Laiho tends to avoid the usage of the pinky in situations where he should be using index, ring and pinky. Instead he will usually do index, middle, ring (with the middle finger stretched across where the ring should be and the ring where the pinky should be). However, he usually plays licks requiring the index, middle and pinky correctly.
The whole reason it came up was as an example for a good guitarist with poor technique. Laiho is my biggest idol in the guitar playing world but I don't seek to copy him technically because he is not technically perfect.

It's funny because I was recently pondering over all of this when I was trying to learn some COB solos and wanted to see how he played them and I was confused because I usually play with index, ring and pinky on parts like 12--14--15 but I noticed he didn't do that. It may be wrong like I thought as well but when I look at parts like the ascending slide riff in the Punch Me I Bleed solo I wonder if maybe it's better sometimes. Also in the second solo in Hatebreeder the part where he does the triplets that go from the high E to low E string the first triplet is 17--15--13 so if you played that with index, middle and ring, you eventually go up to a 15--14--12 and I'm left thinking maybe it's better to play that with the same index, middle and ring fingers I have been using, instead of quickly trying to bring up that pinky and switch to index ring and pinky just for that triplet, and then back to the index, middle, and ring again for the remaining triplets. In a way I'm still trying to find out what would probably be the best fingering to use in different situations and then improvise. After all I have seen Alexi play the exact same riff twice with different fingering each time (index, ring and pinky and index, middle and ring). Maybe he's totally comfortable with both and switches them up randomly? :S