1. No. Just no. I want to see you doing the Zakk Wylde thing
and tell me you're truly more comfortable doing it with your index and pinky instead of index and ring fingers.
2. You're just too narrow minded dude. I've repeatedly said in my posts that even when you have your pinky trained, there are a lot of movements that many players find more comfortable to be played with middle and ring instead of pinky, like the said Zakk Wylde thing. And once again, it has to do much more with body shape and functioning than that tension bullshit you're talking about. 99% of the cases the pinky is sensibly shorter than the other two, so unless it's necessary (big stretches, etc...) ring finger is much more comfortable. I'm not against theory and tips and useful positioning, but you're just too fond of it and believe you're in possession of the truth because books say so. Guitar playing is not maths. Music is, but guitar playing and instrument playing in general is not. It's a physical activity and it's all about doing what you have to be in the most comfortable way for you. Tips and stuff are just that, tips. They can do you good or you can find them no that useful.
1. Yes I would play that with my pinky despite the fact that Zakk Wylde's stuff generally sounds awful to me.
2. Again, yes, you have repeatedly said it. However, as I've already said, the body can learn to ignore excess tension because you've always done it that way and you assume that's how it's meant to feel. That tension, even if you can't feel it will be having it's effect on your playing.
I'm going to go ahead and steal Freepower's analogy: tense your arm up as much as you can, so much so that it's shaking, now, try and pick up a tea cup whilst maintaining that tension. You can do it but it's going to be inefficient, wear you out and possibly hurt. So many people play guitar with similar unnecessary tensions and for the reasons I listed above: don't notice it.
The pinky is usually shorter, I know this, yet I have no problem using it. The shortness of the pinky is not an issue at all.
Physical activity has it's theories too, you see all these martial artists that can jump up in the air and kick about 20 plates before they hit the ground, do you think they went with what's comfortable? No, they've trained their asses off learning to use the body efficiently so they don't hurt themselves and they can perform at great speed.
Alachi said:
Aleksi what is technique if not a mean to make good music? You can be even a master in your supposed right technique (and i'm not discussin the importance of technique i am discussing the fact that for you exist a right and a wrong one) but if you write like shit, shit will be.
Famous guitarists are not a poor example. They are the ones who live on the stages who play for hours, for days... Trust me, they know if it is comfortable or not.
Again like martial arts it is like a simulated fight in a dojo compared to a real one in the streets.
My point was that just because you can write music people enjoy doesn't necessary mean your guitar playing is fantastic. Tom Delonge is a famous guitarist but I very much doubt he's capable of playing 16th note runs at 200bpm or whatever.
Good technique isn't necessary to write good music, I know this, Laiho has pretty poor technique and he writes fantastic music. Good technique only helps you when playing music.
Time spent playing is irrelevant also, I could think 2+2 is 9 for a thousand years and I'd still be wrong. As I mentioned before: the body can learn to accept tensions but that doesn't mean they're not there and not having an effect.