TAB Thread.

Alexis technique for normal rythm stuff is bad but for all this fast lead shit is great! I always enjoy watching his fingers when he plays solos.
No it's not, he tends to cut out the pinky in a lot of his solos too. I've noticed he will usually play something like: E||-12-13-15 correctly; using his index, middle and pinky. However, when he plays something like: E||-12-14-15 he plays it incorrectly, using index, middle and ring.
This suggests to me that his finger independence is poor because plenty of guitarists who put the thumb over the neck have problems with a flying middle finger when playing patterns involving just the index, ring and pinky. Obviously a flying middle finger would be rather poor for his economy of motion so he appears to have covered it up by stretching the middle finger across to replace the ring and the ring across to replace the pinky.
He's my favorite guitarist and I love pretty much everything he's written but technically he's not the guy to look up to.

It was a sad day for me when I learned to critisize my idol's technique.

Edit: 69 posts!
I think a lot of guitar players reach a stage where they can spot some of their idol's flaws.
Its not necessarily a bad thing, its more like you're growing up as a player.
@Arcane: i have to disagree. The rythm he writes and plays are not easy or bad as you say. The latest albums (wich i don't like) have very interesting rythm riffs.

@Aleksi: I do totally disagree... Again you statement of correct/incorrect way of playing. It does sound good? Yes. Then who cares if he plays it with pinky, hands, penis or whatelse???
No it's not, he tends to cut out the pinky in a lot of his solos too. I've noticed he will usually play something like: E||-12-13-15 correctly; using his index, middle and pinky. However, when he plays something like: E||-12-14-15 he plays it incorrectly, using index, middle and ring.
This suggests to me that his finger independence is poor because plenty of guitarists who put the thumb over the neck have problems with a flying middle finger when playing patterns involving just the index, ring and pinky. Obviously a flying middle finger would be rather poor for his economy of motion so he appears to have covered it up by stretching the middle finger across to replace the ring and the ring across to replace the pinky.
He's my favorite guitarist and I love pretty much everything he's written but technically he's not the guy to look up to.

It was a sad day for me when I learned to critisize my idol's technique.

Edit: 69 posts!
I doesn't hinder him to play 16th at 200 bpm. So who cares?
I don't care that he does it, like I said he's my favorite guitarist. However, he will have worked very hard to get that good with that technique, much harder than he would have had to work had he simply learned with correct technique.
I'm not going to emulate his technique because I want to get better faster, why would I choose to spend hours (just for example) practicing something the wrong way when I can learn it correctly in a couple of minutes (again, just an example time)? Also, I've heard Laiho say that it can really start to wear your right arm out when you're playing some of the fast palm muted rhythms, this kind of thing doesn't happen with correct technique. I'd much rather make guitar easy for myself than take the hard road just because my idol can sound good that way.
I think it's a matter of comfort and not of tecnique...
I use both of the methods to play a lick according to comfort
Sometimes i play lick like 12-14-15 with my pinky and sometimes i use my ring finger...
No it's not, he tends to cut out the pinky in a lot of his solos too. I've noticed he will usually play something like: E||-12-13-15 correctly; using his index, middle and pinky. However, when he plays something like: E||-12-14-15 he plays it incorrectly, using index, middle and ring.
This suggests to me that his finger independence is poor because plenty of guitarists who put the thumb over the neck have problems with a flying middle finger when playing patterns involving just the index, ring and pinky. Obviously a flying middle finger would be rather poor for his economy of motion so he appears to have covered it up by stretching the middle finger across to replace the ring and the ring across to replace the pinky.
He's my favorite guitarist and I love pretty much everything he's written but technically he's not the guy to look up to.

It was a sad day for me when I learned to critisize my idol's technique.

Edit: 69 posts!

Bullshit. Using your pinky when you play this stuff what you've mentioned is totally uncomfortable. Why? You can't reach the speed you can get when you play this with index, middle and ring (like the 1. Hate me solo (single)). Try to slight when you use your pinky - it's nearly impossible. (like 12-14-15-17). And what will you do when you like to play this:

e 15-14-12--------------------12
b ---------15-14-12---------12
g-------------------14 (bend)

Besides there is no standard which finger you have to use. :Smug:

@Arcane: i have to disagree. The rythm he writes and plays are not easy or bad as you say. The latest albums (wich i don't like) have very interesting rythm riffs.
I just mean his finger technique not his writing skills.

@Aleksi: I do totally disagree... Again you statement of correct/incorrect way of playing. It does sound good? Yes. Then who cares if he plays it with pinky, hands, penis or whatelse???

Do you know why it feels uncomfortable for you to do that? It's because you've not practiced and you either have a weak pinky or poor finger independence... You most certainly CAN reach the speeds required when using your pinky as many players do.
I might be more inclined to play your first example as:
Or if it had to be using the twelfth fret then it would be acceptable to make the stretch but avoiding use of the pinky is just hiding poor technique.

As for your second example, I'd use the index on the 12th fret ring for 14th and pinky for 15th, the final bit with 2 notes both on the 12th fret would be done by rolling the index finger. I don't see how that's at all hard.

Generally, you want to be using 1 finger per fret, this rule can change depending on what you're playing before/after the section in question but it's a good general rule and one of the most basic in guitar playing.
Arcane you forgot Aleksi super powerful pinky correct technique :lol:
... Okay then, what if I asked you to play something like this:
16th notes at 200bpm 100% alternate picked, but here's the kicker, I'll only let you use your index finger, no other fingers on your fretting hand allowed!
It would probably be possible, however, it would be a hell of a lot easier if you could use all of your fingers. Your pinky is a finger too and if you don't use it you're handicapping yourself massively.
Bullshit. Using your pinky when you play this stuff what you've mentioned is totally uncomfortable. Why? You can't reach the speed you can get when you play this with index, middle and ring (like the 1. Hate me solo (single)). Try to slight when you use your pinky - it's nearly impossible. (like 12-14-15-17). And what will you do when you like to play this:

e 15-14-12--------------------12
b ---------15-14-12---------12
g-------------------14 (bend)

I play licks like that all the time. And I always use my pinky for them so here, this is what I would do:

pinky for the 15th frets, ring finger for the 14th frets (including the bend) and index for the 12th frets. and barring across for those last 2 notes.

Besides there is no standard which finger you have to use. :Smug:

No, but there is a smarter way.

Edit: Also, the only reason you guys are complaining about comfort is because you haven't practiced this way yet (basically what Aleksi said). I mean think about it. When you first picked up the guitar and started practicing chord changes such as Gmaj to Dmaj, was that comfortable for you? When you first started to practice strict alternate picking, was that comfortable for you? And I'm sure a lot of you had problems using your pinky even in the slightest bit when you first started guitar, so that must've been uncomfortable for you to start using it. But once you practiced, you got the hang of it and now look at everything you can do. All we're saying is that certain techniques allow you to do more than other techniques. You should test it out for yourself before being so judgmental about it. Oh and guess what? Testing out requires practice ;)
No it's not, he tends to cut out the pinky in a lot of his solos too. I've noticed he will usually play something like: E||-12-13-15 correctly; using his index, middle and pinky. However, when he plays something like: E||-12-14-15 he plays it incorrectly, using index, middle and ring.
This suggests to me that his finger independence is poor because plenty of guitarists who put the thumb over the neck have problems with a flying middle finger when playing patterns involving just the index, ring and pinky. Obviously a flying middle finger would be rather poor for his economy of motion so he appears to have covered it up by stretching the middle finger across to replace the ring and the ring across to replace the pinky.
He's my favorite guitarist and I love pretty much everything he's written but technically he's not the guy to look up to.

It was a sad day for me when I learned to critisize my idol's technique.

Edit: 69 posts!

Bullshit. He is capable of using his middle finger, but as many other guitarists whose technique I hope you won't say it's bad like e.g. Mr. "I don't even sweep I alternate everything" Petrucci he plays those kind of licks with index, middle and ring fingers because it feels more comfortable for him, as for most people

Using the pinky is great and you certainly have to get acquainted with using it for some stuff, but throwing it everywhere just because "it's correct" is stupid. No matter how much you train your pinky is always gonna be weaker than ring and middle fingers, plus most of the times it's shorter than those, so if there's no specifical need for the pinky it's more comfortable and easier to reach and play with middle and ring.

And last but not least, there are certain tips to help your playing, but there's no RIGHT or WRONG way of playing. If I want to play with my guitar upside down and with my fretting hand always over the fretboard (SNBN intro alike but always) and use a pencil as pick, if I manage to play what I want to play, who the hell will have the right to come and tell me I'm doing it wrong? What'd be wrong? I can play it, it sounds good, I am comfortable. I see no problem here. Tips to help are awesome, and there are certain things that help everyone, but there are no 100% truths.
Bullshit. He is capable of using his middle finger, but as many other guitarists whose technique I hope you won't say it's bad like e.g. Mr. "I don't even sweep I alternate everything" Petrucci he plays those kind of licks with index, middle and ring fingers because it feels more comfortable for him, as for most people
Well, unfortunately I am going to say Petrucci has bad technique. The more recent the video the worse his technique gets. He plays with a shit ton of tension, he anchors, his thumb is frequently over the neck when it shouldn't be... However, you claim he plays a 1, 3, 4 lick using his index, middle and ring, I've never actually seen him do that. Just looking at a video now and he's using the correct fingerings.
Using the pinky is great and you certainly have to get acquainted with using it for some stuff, but throwing it everywhere just because "it's correct" is stupid. No matter how much you train your pinky is always gonna be weaker than ring and middle fingers, plus most of the times it's shorter than those, so if there's no specifical need for the pinky it's more comfortable and easier to reach and play with middle and ring.

And last but not least, there are certain tips to help your playing, but there's no RIGHT or WRONG way of playing. If I want to play with my guitar upside down and with my fretting hand always over the fretboard (SNBN intro alike but always) and use a pencil as pick, if I manage to play what I want to play, who the hell will have the right to come and tell me I'm doing it wrong? What'd be wrong? I can play it, it sounds good, I am comfortable. I see no problem here. Tips to help are awesome, and there are certain things that help everyone, but there are no 100% truths.
I completely disagree about it being easier and more comfortable, I can use my pinky equally well in that scenario; sometimes better due to what I've been playing before hand.
The problem with doing all that is that though you may be able to do all that you want, you're not doing it efficiently and it would be a lot easier for you to do it using correct technique. There is a right and wrong technique, correct technique aims to provide you with economical movements with a minimum amount of tension whilst still producing a good sound (usually a better sound and never a worse one). With good technique you'll be able to play better (even if you're not using those capabilities) and play at a diminished level of technicality easier. What I mean by that is that if your absolute limit is 16th notes at 200bpm you probably won't sound as good doing it as the guy with perfect technique who's got a limit of 16th notes at 280bpm and certainly he'll find the task easier.

Edit: Also the Silent Night Bodom Night tab on the front page is wrong.
... Okay then, what if I asked you to play something like this:
16th notes at 200bpm 100% alternate picked, but here's the kicker, I'll only let you use your index finger, no other fingers on your fretting hand allowed!
It would probably be possible, however, it would be a hell of a lot easier if you could use all of your fingers. Your pinky is a finger too and if you don't use it you're handicapping yourself massively.

In this case i will use surely pinky.
The problem is this: why if something works well for you should be law for other people?
You keep speaking of comfort, economy, wrong, right etc. but still don't you understand that all this is relative.
Furthermore you see that the real professional guitar players, i would say all the best guitar players that made the history of our instrument play in unorthodox ways!
Wish i could play wrong shit-like Petrucci, Laiho and the others
Funny how you guys keep overlooking Shawn Lane (who is a 100x better at guitar playing than the the above mentioned) and just keep pointing out the guitar heroes who use bad technique.

You should be wishing you could play like him. You'd be capable of so much more. And that will allow you to express yourself more fully (omgz focus on composition!)