TAB Thread.

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW I CAN GET THE TABS THAT WERE TAKEN OFF I relied on them all the time If only I knew something like this would have happened I would have saved them all... please someone send me them they were by far the most accurate tabs I could find please... :( :( :(
Never heard of Tuxguitar.....I'll lokk that up.

Reason I brought up Guitar Pro 5 is because it looks like all the tab files are GP4 files. Can tuxguitar read GP4 files?
Never heard of Tuxguitar.....I'll lokk that up.

Reason I brought up Guitar Pro 5 is because it looks like all the tab files are GP4 files. Can tuxguitar read GP4 files?

it reads even gp3 files. has batchconverter (so you can transcode tuxguitar tab files into gp files),but it lacks some features,which i never used in guitar pro (rse for example)
Have you guys checked the new guitar pro 6? It has really nice features, but when you play the old guitar pro files, it sounds like utter shit, it doesn't keep the synchronization and it cuts the rhythm bigtime. With other words, you gotta redo the whole thing. I tried the full thing out... and to be honest I rather stay with the old GP5.
haha well its ok but why do i want extra features i wont use if it cant even load the files i have correctly , loading the files i download is the main thing i do with GP
Honestly, even though you guys are being lame and have your panties in a bunch. I have to say thanks for the hard work and effort by everyone because DAMN they were way better than most tabs on the net, and the selection was pretty damn good. Also, about accuracy....really? I mean....I don't even buy tab books anymore because they have errors in it (even Metallica/Megadeth books). It's a voluntary basis, you guys fuckin' kicked ass. So be proud of what you have been able to accomplish and don't be so goddamn critical of each other. I mean, I automatically ASSUME there are errors unless it's tabbed by the composer, which rarely happens.
are you fucking serious!!?? whoever critized them can go fuck themselves! if it wasnt for those tabs i would not know 95% of what i know now. Lets not be a bunch of vaginas here!
mitch put that shit back up dude! we need them! and fuck anyone else who doesnt like them. or at least give them out by request. please.....