TAB Thread.

I had a listen and the tab doesn't seem to far off tbh. I can on really hear a melody played by Alexander on the left side and it seems pretty close. I actually doubt I could do any better because as you said, the mix makes it really hard to make out.
Yes, that would be really cool if someone could upload it. Ive been wanting to see it for a long time.

I also brought my guitar home, becuase Im thinking of trying to record Hero In A Dream over the weekend. Ill upload whenever I get it done.
Ok I've been thinking about that Silent Night, Bodom Night sweeping passage and I thought "Why has it always brought alot of trouble to anyone that attempts to play it?????"

The answer is, the phrasing shown in the tab.

So I looked at the tab and you have a simple 3 string Emin shape moving down to Dmaj, but it starts on the B string, moves up to E and comes all the way down to the G string. Anyone that's practised sweep picking to a metronome before would know that it's easier to have the highest or lowest note on the beat so you can accent and basically just hear yourself playing in time (or out of time if you suck :zombie:). This lead part, however, does not. The highest note (B) is the 3rd note in the triplet when it'd be easier on the 4th so I rearranged that bit so it IS the 4th note.

Here's a tab of exactly what I'm talking about. I've also tabbed it in half time because imo it looks better and much neater. You can quite clearly hear the whole arpeggio being played comfortably inside the beat during example 2 and GUESS WHAT, I'M FUCKING RIGHT. I just watched him play it at Milwaukee Metalfest 2000 because it zooms in on his hand and you can clearly see him throw his first finger down to the G string to play the first B note, 16th fret. :heh: :heh: :heh:

After showing you all how to play it CORRECTLY :)goggly:) after all these years, I wrote out the entire section for you and added in the 5 string sweeps he does during the modulation to F# minor (live version only). Obviously, if you're playing the Hatebreeder version, just repeat the first bit in F#m.

Give it a go. :kickass:

Here is a full band version:
warheart, you're freakin do you have time to figure out all this stuff? and just out of curiosity, how many hours a day do you practice guitar?
Mystique1721 said:
warheart, you're freakin do you have time to figure out all this stuff? and just out of curiosity, how many hours a day do you practice guitar?

Tbh, I worked this out in my head because I'm pretty good with arpeggios. Knowing Alexi's style lead me to think that the tabs on the net were wrong and that he played it the way I showed so all I had to do was tab it out and check with the video.

Apart from that, I sit here for hours working out stuff all night, I've been transcribing since I started playing, I even worked out Linkin Park's entire first album in one day and got it all right because I checked with the tab book the week after. :lol:

I used to play guitar for up to 8 hours when I was 15/16 etc but now it's only 1-2, I'm trying to get back into it but I'm so damn lazy. :cry:
i don't know wich tab do you have.
But the position are all wrong ( first i've retuned in D and then fixed all the position),
keyboard parts are missing, and i'm fixing some minor mistakes.
p.s another thing:
i think that the intro lick that Alexi plays in Warheart is completely wrong
In the tab it is A F G (bar5) but i think it is F (12 fret , 3string) E (16 fret 4th string) D (14 4th string ) and so on...
Alachi said:
i don't know wich tab do you have.
But the position are all wrong ( first i've retuned in D and then fixed all the position),
keyboard parts are missing, and i'm fixing some minor mistakes.

I never noticed the lack of keyboards before. :oops: I know about the tuning too but I keep deleting the tab after I download it so I have to keep re-doing it. Good luck with it.

Alachi said:
p.s another thing:
i think that the intro lick that Alexi plays in Warheart is completely wrong
In the tab it is A F G (bar5) but i think it is F (12 fret , 3string) E (16 fret 4th string) D (14 4th string ) and so on...

To be honest, I haven't looked at any part of Warheart except the solo so I wouldn't know how correct the tab is for the whole song. It sounds close enough for me though :p and the interlude arpeggios are correct so that's all that matters to me atm. I've corrected parts of the solo but I took parts from other tabs of the solo.