TAB Thread.

Der_Blonde_Hans said:
I would play it with sweep picking.

Yeah but you'd need to jump from the high E to the G real quick everytime and that could cuase problems. I'm sure if someone spent ages practising it that way, then it's possible but it's definitely not the easiest way imo.
I've never heard much of Stone even though I have 3 albums and a full live gig on video.

I did listen to one album once but I wasn't really paying attention, I think I like Sinergy more though.
Hey Warheart, I have a question about suggestions maybe to a technique for attacking the intro to Bootscraper by LoG. I can't get the notes on the A and D strings to ring out, and there's a lot of palm muting going on so it's pretty difficult to let the notes ring. I've tried muting the E string at different angles, but I can't seem to get it to work....suggestions? I guess I can upload a video of how it sounds, if you want...









No problem. I would thank Ben too since he inspired me to copy it out onto GP. I probably wouldn't have figured it out if he hadn't thrown that tab in here just after you asked.

There's not a tab for their intro on Tokyo Warhearts is there? I'm going to write one.

Check this out, it's a solo guitar version of the live intro to Touch Like Angel of Death. (I'm really bored so I'm just tabbing out anything since I suck at guitar atm)

Expect Baa Baa Black Sheep next or something. :erk: