TAB Thread.

lol it's not about the notes, I was just interested who plays how and what's the motivation. I personally always rather play the hardest way (the 3rd for me in this case) because a) i'm a perfectionist in regard to guitar b) what's hardest teaches you the most, so it's simply useful. Btw out of curiosity I've listened carefully to the piece on 1/4 speed and there seem to be no 13s nor 11s (the sound quality tho) so it's just a bunch of pentatonic one-and-a-halfs and that fits the simplistic punk style of the song. Anyways my example allows 4 patterns which was the point.
ps: when I said it's a popular lick I unconsciously meant "needled 24\7" :) There's a ton of other examples still.
I see, thanks! Btw what software do you use? Mine's Transcribe! - neat ratio of simple ufriendly interface and capabilities. And by the original song you mean the EoS' one? There was a shitty metalcore cover of it, although they didn't even bother with solo iirc
@rj_rl: I use Adobe Audition as DAW. Yes, I mean the original song from Edge of Sanity. I've also watched a few covers from Heaven Shall Burn and some other band but none of them play the solo.
@WorksOfHeart: I never tried tabbing any song of EOS, sorry.
Incase you guys haven't seen this yet :D Would be cool if one of you could tab it eventually, when you have some spare time. I think it's a really good song :D
To guitar players: can you play a pinch harmonic with an upward stroke amidst a song at a reasonable speed? 99% of the songs I know have the pattern that prevents this from ever happening, bust rarely it's needed.
I have no idea, once I owned a mediator polished to a circle - however I played with it I was getting pinch harmonics all around. Because of that I somehow learned to do upstroke PH with any regular mediator, it's quite easy with my grip (and nanoscopic jazz3 in particular). Youtube has a couple of vids on the subject

ps: I'm just curious to know if it's a common technique or a random one
I've never heard of doing a pinch harmonic with an upstroke, wouldn't think it's possible. If I ran into that problem I'd just start the pattern itself with an upstroke instead of a downstroke
Well I would've said the same if I didn't accidentally come across it. Here's one way of doing it I guess:
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Anyone take requests? I want to solo on Firewind's "Heading for the Dawn" tabbed out so freaking bad