Tad Morose starting to create a serious buzz in the metal world....


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Tad Morose will be headlining a small festival in the US in April, namely Chicago Powerfest 2005. Other possible festivals seem to be up in the air for them as well. Not that TM is ever going to reach Metallica status or anything like that from a popularity standpoint, but those guys were pretty obscure for years. It is great to see a quality band start getting some well earned notoriety.
In fact, according to them, it won't be very long before we get a new release from Tad Morose.

I love Tad Morose :D Hopefully someday I will beable to go to my local music store and actually find a Tad Morose album! I look everytime .. I mean shit I found PC 69's Latest Yesterday ... I also reeeeeeally hope to see them get more expouser in the states maybe get on to some kind of prog/power tour ... with the right promotion they can do well here
And more power to them. I love Tad Morose and I'd enjoy seeing them gain some success over here in the States. At the very least, it would show an immediate rise in the musical taste quotient of this country.

It really helps that they are on an American-based label. Century Media is garnering alot of attention to their bands. Heck, look what they've done with Lacuna Coil!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
And more power to them. I love Tad Morose and I'd enjoy seeing them gain some success over here in the States. At the very least, it would show an immediate rise in the musical taste quotient of this country.

It really helps that they are on an American-based label. Century Media is garnering alot of attention to their bands. Heck, look what they've done with Lacuna Coil!

Tad Morose is an indeed awesome band. :headbang: :worship:

Unfortunately, I can't really say that being on Century Media is a thing to be hopeful of. Even though they now have two bands that have sold over 100,000 CD's in the U.S. alone (Lacuna Coil & Shadows Fall), they have a LONG history of not doing didly-squat with a good deal of their signed artists.

I think that at various times in their existence, CM has had artists on their roster who have released (IMO) some of the greatest Metal albums EVER. But those artists never really saw much notoriety due to CM's lack of vision and financial promotion and marketing. Still, it would be nice to see TM do over 100,000 in the good ol' USA!
Walter_Langkowski said:
Tad Morose is an indeed awesome band. :headbang: :worship:

Unfortunately, I can't really say that being on Century Media is a thing to be hopeful of. Even though they now have two bands that have sold over 100,000 CD's in the U.S. alone (Lacuna Coil & Shadows Fall), they have a LONG history of not doing didly-squat with a good deal of their signed artists.

I think that at various times in their existence, CM has had artists on their roster who have released (IMO) some of the greatest Metal albums EVER. But those artists never really saw much notoriety due to CM's lack of vision and financial promotion and marketing. Still, it would be nice to see TM do over 100,000 in the good ol' USA!

I agree 100% with your evaluation of CM. Very sharp observation Walter.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Thanks Hawk! :headbang: Congrats on being a Mod! You'll do well!


Walter_Langkowski said:
And yeah, CM is just a frustrating place to be for a musician, especially when you know that you've created a classic recording and it just sits and gathers dust in CD shops.

Are you speaking from experience?
I hope they do some more US shows. I would already have my ticket, plane, and hotel booked for Chicago but it's a 21 and over event, I am 19. I would get a fake ID but I don't want to chance it going to another state knowing I might not get in. I really want to see Tad Morose and Morgana Lefay. I think around that time it would be sharp to see those two bands team up with someone like Seven Witches or Symphony X for some US dates. It would be really cool.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Unfortunately, I can't really say that being on Century Media is a thing to be hopeful of. Even though they now have two bands that have sold over 100,000 CD's in the U.S. alone (Lacuna Coil & Shadows Fall), they have a LONG history of not doing didly-squat with a good deal of their signed artists.

I think that at various times in their existence, CM has had artists on their roster who have released (IMO) some of the greatest Metal albums EVER. But those artists never really saw much notoriety due to CM's lack of vision and financial promotion and marketing. Still, it would be nice to see TM do over 100,000 in the good ol' USA!
Well, you certainly sound informed on the subject, Walter, and Hawk backs you up, so I'll accept your view as accurate. I've only been following CM the past few years (mainly because they have a lot of bands I really like) and was commenting on what I've seen of late. And they have had success with Lacuna Coil and Shadows Fall.

The question I have is this: how much do the smaller labels like CM and The End normally put into promotions for a release? Was CM really that much worse than any of the comparable european labels when it came to promoting a band to the public? (at least CM was American-based) And while we're on this topic and I'm curious, what labels are the best at promoting the bands they sign to distribution? I'm asking for your insight, opinion and knowledge here.

This is an interesting topic to me because I am trying to break into the world of writing fiction. I've done two tons of research and the facts say that getting a publishing contract for your book is more occasion for breaking out the Boones Farm than it is the Champagne. A publisher may agree to print your book and offer distribution, but that doesn't mean they're going to do a media blitz to advertise it. Promotion of the book is still up to the budding author and the costs weigh on his wallet. The only authors you ever see advertised (magazines, radio, tv, whatever) are the big names of the industry: Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Clancy, etc.

From my understanding, the crafts of the author and the musician face the same hurdles on your path to fame. I've talked to several well-known underground musicians via email and our stories are similar (I'll bet Clammy can chime in on this thread, if he reads it).

The cold hard reality is this: If you're not already established, you better figure out a way to generate a lot of money for your craft yourself. Once you start making a goodly amount of money by your own efforts, THEN and ONLY THEN, will your distributor sink some cash into advertising (because they know they'll get a return on their investment).

My apologies to Bryant for hijacking his thread and turning the focus from Tad Morose to the inner-workings of the music and publishing biz. Sorry dude!

TAD MOROSE RULES!! :headbang:
To Hawk and TSO...no I have never been privy to the thrill of being on Century Media's illustrious yet ridiculously inept signed roster of bands. I have spoken to MANY of their artists and also had the priviledge to have had phone conversations with and on one occasion, stay with a couple of band members in the past. I am not in a band.

But, the facts remain that if you are a fan of this sort of music with an above-average nose for quality music (sorry to brag, but that's what I believe of myself), then the cold hard facts are obvious. I have been listening to bands of CM for over 12 years and as I've mentioned before, they have dropped the ball time and time again. By dropping the ball, I mean by not taking their collective income of a company, going into the red if they have to, and getting some of their bands on major tours! This was the only way to go in the mid-90's for Heavy Rock/Metal bands.

I'll now use a comparative label (as TSO asked) to conrast what CM DIDN'T do. Roadrunner Records in the mid-90's also was an independant just like CM, with some acts in comparative genres to CM. For example, they had Type O Negative, Machine Head, Fear Factory, and others that don't come to mind right now. Those three examples all released very solid offerings in those times and Roadrunner had an active A & R staff that BELIEVED in the quality of their work. They had VISION. That label then went out and worked these artists on to fairly decent-sized tours, with tons of effort and all the money they could spare. Because we all know that this music has little to no radio appeal, getting their bands to open for larger bands on larger tours was the ONLY way for promotion. And guess what? It worked! MH, TO, & FF all had individual albums that sold over 400,000 in the U.S. ALONE. (TO actually has two Gold albums in the U.S. now -sales over 500,000)

Century Media might not have had success that would have been equal to Roadrunner's, but they definitely would have gotten a huge U.S. sales spike, an area where their albums up till about 2000, never did jack squat in sales.

And just for everyone to know, my personal opinion on where CM fucked up massively for themselves (and more importantly, for the artists), would be:

Holland's The Gathering in 1997- Not getting this band on the U.S Alternative Rock festival Lalapalloza. This fest was still going decent around that time and TG would have benn eclectic enough to have fit in on the bill. You think this trend with female singers nowadays is something new? TG are one of the older bands around still to have a female singer, and I'll put Anneke Van Giersbergen's voice up against ANY other female singers (including Christina from LC). TG, IMO would have been a surprise act of the fest and done incredibly well in the U.S. CM Major fuckup #1.

Stuck Mojo in 1998. Atlanta's Stuck Mojo were a Rap-Metal fusion band before the trend went crazy three years later in the U.S. Say what you will about Rap-Metal (I don't blame you), SM were light years ahead of any other band comparable to them then (and now) to this day. SM as well as having a lead rapper, also mixed the songs with backing clean vocals from bassist Corey Lowery and death Vox from lead guitarist/songwriter extraordinare Rich Ward. SM tore up every European fest they played, and still remain to this day one of the most electrifying live acts I have EVER seen. Also, due to Rich Ward's connections with buddies of his being wrestlers from WCW, he then filmed a promo video for the title track of their album Rising. This video was shown on Monday Night Nitro, a weekly WCW program that was at it's commercial height in 1998. Rich told me that getting their video played on MNN was equivalent to getting their vid played on MTV 7 times!! This then translated to SM playing to sold out venues around the U.S. in small theaters with capacities of up to 1000 people. Rising went on to sell about 90,000 in the U.S., a massive feat at the time. Sadly, when SM asked CM for some tour support to open up for Pantera in the U.S. (after they had already opened for them in Europe), CM declined. stating there was no money available for such a thing and that they "needed to concentrate on their other artists as it would be unfair to them..." :err: CM fuckup #2

Nevermore in 1999. Nevermore put out Dreaming Neon Black. One of the top five greatest albums in the last 15 years. An album that was pretty close to being #1 album of the year in almost every publication at the time. And they are real huge nowadays from such a great album... :erk:

Century Media has a LONG history of dropping the ball and they have just gotten lucky in the U.S in the last 2-3 years, due to a radio station in Massachusstetts playing LC on the radio and Shadows Fall getting on to MTV2.

Fuck Century Media.
AWESOME! Thank you for the very detailed post Walter. I know it took awhile to type all that out, so I am appreciative of an answer. Now I am much better informed on the topic, and I prefer to be informed on subjects before I speak out on them. I might have some follow up questions, but right now I'm pressed for time.

Thank you, Walter!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
AWESOME! Thank you for the very detailed post Walter. I know it took awhile to type all that out, so I am appreciative of an answer. Now I am much better informed on the topic, and I prefer to be informed on subjects before I speak out on them. I might have some follow up questions, but right now I'm pressed for time.

Thank you, Walter!

Walter sucks !! Screw him !! J/k of course. Walt, that was a nice post and seems to be very well informed. I for one appreciate Century Media because of the quality of bands they have on their label, but at the same time, some of them (If Tad Morose isn't a good example no one is) deserve more than what they have received. though it could yet happen.

Thank You TSO and Bryant. I had just had years of knowledge and pent-up frustration at CM, and I channeled it all out of me in one horrifying moment :Spin: ...

And I agree with Bryant about having a casual 'liking' for CM because of the high quality of a lot of their artists. Unfortunately, that feeling does NOT apply to their upper management area.

I just really feel sorry for a lot of these musicians who put out timeless pieces of art, music that has really change people's lives (sorry if that sounds corny, I just feel it), only to see so little in return for their collective efforts. Too sad.
Walter_Langkowski said:
I just really feel sorry for a lot of these musicians who put out timeless pieces of art, music that has really change people's lives (sorry if that sounds corny, I just feel it), only to see so little in return for their collective efforts. Too sad.

Just think of what they did to Nevermore's "Enemies of Reality". Now that was a complete disaster. It has now been re-mixed by Any Sneap which means that Cm through their stupid fault of their own payed twice for the mix of EoR! Money that could have been spend on better things than first giving EoR the infamous "Swamp Mix" and then the re-mix by Andy.

Damn! Those people are stupid and hardheaded :erk:
Hawk said:
Just think of what they did to Nevermore's "Enemies of Reality". Now that was a complete disaster. It has been remixed by Any Sneap which means that Cm through their stupid fault of their own payed twice for the mix of EoR! Money that could have been spend on better things than first giving EoR the infamous "Swamp Mix" and then the re-mix by Andy.

Damn! Those people are stupid and hardheaded :erk:

Makes you wonder why they re-signed with CM after all those clusterfucks? :err:

I love Nevermore, but I have a sinking feeling that they are past their creative peak and that they will never get the notoriety that they deserve.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Makes you wonder why they re-signed with CM after all those clusterfucks? :err:

I love Nevermore, but I have a sinking feeling that they are past their creative peak and that they will never get the notoriety that they deserve.

Dude, Nevermore is my favorite band...

But there are times when I think the same. However then I see this:


And I know all is well in the world :headbang:
Bryant said:
I for one appreciate Century Media because of the quality of bands they have on their label

This is exactly why I made my original comment in this thread. From an outsider's view of Century Media in 2005, I'd have to give them five stars simply for the bands they've signed and distribute. When I look thru my recent years cd collection, I see a great gathering of CM releases: Orphaned Land, Tad Morose, Nightwish, Dream Evil, Lacuna Coil, Jag Panzer, Children of Bodom, Blind Guardian, Finntroll, Moonsorrow, Skyclad, Avantasia, Iced Earth and probably several I've forgotton.

I think the only label I have more of than Century Media is SPV.

Then I have a buddy in Idaho that's a dim bulb when it comes to the internet scene (where I learned my craft of discovering new bands), but he's learned about CM artists Arch Enemy, Nevermore, and Angel Dust via mail order ads and satellite television like mtv2 and the music stations. So CM must be doing something right, at least the past few years.

But, as Walter says, CM has apparently had a history of bad promotions and, possibly by luck, is only now slowly recovering from that. And it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of anyone who was a victim of their negligence and lack of vision in the past.

I take Walter's opinions of CM with a grain of salt, but he definitely helped me understand the promotional side of the business a little better. From the artists point of view anyway. I'd like to hear CM's rebuttal on the Gathering, Mojo and Nevermore!

What do you think of SPV, Walter?
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I take Walter's opinions of CM with a grain of salt, but he definitely helped me understand the promotional side of the business a little better. From the artists point of view anyway. I'd like to hear CM's rebuttal on the Gathering, Mojo and Nevermore!

What do you think of SPV, Walter?

Let's not forget about Inside Out as well. Though they clearly cater to the prog crowd, they do offer some real heavy hitters from that sub-genre like Dead Soul Tribe, Asia, Symphony X, Vanden Plas, Evergrey and Ayreon.

Inside out is my favorite label by far.

1) All their releases have great production
2) Their packaging is fabulous!
3) They give all their band a lot of promotion and know the scene thus their promotion is effective
4) All of their bands tour! One of the reasons I am very happy that Shadow Gallery signed with them.

I really, really hope that Sieges Even will sign with them :Spin: