Take a Nightwish quiz (or two)

Hey everyone.

I came across the links to some quizzes I created for the OSA site a long time ago, and for some reason they were never linked. So here they are, for your enjoyment. The premise is "which of the 'long lost love' [bonus track] songs are you?" Here are my results, which should come as no surprise to anyone here (well, maybe not so much the first one, but definitely the second). :lol:

You are "Once Upon a Troubadour"
You are a jovial, free-spirited person who follows the beat of your own drum. You are artistic,creative, and easygoing, and will go to any lengths to present your talent to anyone who shows an interest. You are not above going to places unknown in order to do this.

You are "Lagoon"
An eccentric individualist to the bone, you live life on your own terms and are more than capable of enjoying your own company. As a result, you may live somewhat of a sheltered existence and people may mistakenly think of you as selfish or snobby. Truth is, you are likely engaged in some kind of creative project and do not really notice or care that you are not often surrounded by others. It is not that you dislike people, you just barely take notice of them.

Here are the links for the rest of you. Enjoy!
Part 1
Part 2
Some of the questions where a bit "none of the above" but I tried anyway haha.
You are "Nightquest"
An adventure-lover, you are always looking for a new crusade right around the corner. Some people may think you to be too daring. This spontaneity can make you very fun to be with, but you may not always think things through as you should.
You are "The Wayfarer"
Impulsive, and sometimes deemed careless by others, you truly live your life as if you had "one more night to live". You feel that life is too short to second-guess anything, so you jump headlong into everything! It is not that you are irresponsible, it's just that you enjoy life so much that you don't want to risk missing anything. You take pleasure in your active lifestyle and likely enjoy "extreme sports" such as rock climbing, surfing, or skateboarding.
@ C. Yes please. You can either PM me or write in this thread. I seem to spend a lot of time here randomly. Usually writing in the film thread!
I think they were bonus tracks on the re-release of 'Angels fall first' but I kinda object to rebuying an album that I already have especially when they just get archived on my computer and I play my music from there.
These are the lyrics as posted on Nightwish forum. I'm not sure if these lyrics were actually confirmed by Tuomas or not; I remember these same lyrics were posted when people were trying to figure out what the lyrics were. I'm assuming these are the correct ones because this is what is posted. I put "Nightwish" on here too.

"The Forever Moments"
The tick-tock of time
Allows me to see
An authent to an echo
New butterfly to a cocoon
The swan to ugly duckling
The lake to an ocean

The deep times awake
As I can calm myself to yesterday
The flower has fallen its petals
Out of the petals a cradle I will

My cradle rocks with the waves of time
The time of beauty will never be the same
Falling again has no man's knowing
Please take me, take me within

Now I hear my mother from the deep
Sing me lullaby of eternal sleep
With thou replant the plaster call
This and silence we seek to reborn

Oh, setting sun
Thy red rays, maketh me dry
They remind me of the one
Whose slumber wakes me in the sky

The bridal bed, awaits us both
After the landscape of death I have crossed
Before my sorrows, I must die
Nightwish I send, through the starlit sky

The voice of nightly winds has awakened me
Amidst all the grief they embrace me with relief
Beneath my dreams, and wishes
I long for thy caresses

The bridal bed, awaits us both
After the landscape of death I have crossed
Before my sorrows, I must die
Nightwish I send, through the starlit sky

Passed away in silence
The flute from the real unseen
Empties its heart
Making love to me
With its enchanting melody
Light of orion
Shadow of Andromeda
Call of the dancing universe
The labyrinth I must enter
Before thou can bathe your soul
With an age of peace
Your Result

You are "Once Upon a Troubadour"
You are a jovial, free-spirited person who follows the beat of your own drum. You are artistic,creative, and easygoing, and will go to any lengths to present your talent to anyone who shows an interest. You are not above going to places unknown in order to do this.

Your Result

You are "Lagoon"
An eccentric individualist to the bone, you live life on your own terms and are more than capable of enjoying your own company. As a result, you may live somewhat of a sheltered existence and people may mistakenly think of you as selfish or snobby. Truth is, you are likely engaged in some kind of creative project and do not really notice or care that you are not often surrounded by others. It is not that you dislike people, you just barely take notice of them.
My results:

"The Forever Moments"
You long for the glory days of your past, often wonder what it is like to live in days gone by. You likely grew up listening to the stories of your elders about how life was in "their" day. You are an old soul who feels things just aren't as they used to be.

and "White Night Fantasy"
A sensitive soul, most likely you live alone or in the company of your many pets. You are a nature-lover who would rather spend a day walking through a national park than a crowded city. You are happiest when you are helping the environment and those who live in it. However, you sometimes feel sad that others do not share this love of the earth as you do.
Your Result

You are "Once Upon a Troubadour"
You are a jovial, free-spirited person who follows the beat of your own drum. You are artistic,creative, and easygoing, and will go to any lengths to present your talent to anyone who shows an interest. You are not above going to places unknown in order to do this.

Your Result

You are "Lagoon"
An eccentric individualist to the bone, you live life on your own terms and are more than capable of enjoying your own company. As a result, you may live somewhat of a sheltered existence and people may mistakenly think of you as selfish or snobby. Truth is, you are likely engaged in some kind of creative project and do not really notice or care that you are not often surrounded by others. It is not that you dislike people, you just barely take notice of them.

Wow, didn't notice this topic until just now.

First quiz:

You are "A Return to the Sea"
You are analytical and feel that nothing should be placed higher than logic. Some people mistake this as being too serious, but you really are an emotional person. You just feel that all of your emotions should have rational meaning behind them. You are likely not a person who is superstitious, religious or believes in anything outside of this world.

Second quiz:

You are "Away"
Like the song suggests, every new place is a new adventure for you. You can never stay in one place for too long, yet can feel at home everywhere you go. You are refined and have much knowledge about other cultures outside of your own.