Take advantage of Toontrack specials?


Apr 18, 2008
Whats up guys? I'm a sole Slate user at this time. I would like to expand my drum sample library so that my recordings don't all sound the same, and I'm just wondering if I should take advantage of these toontrack specials? With the metal month discounts, audiodeluxe discounts, and black Friday discounts it may be the cheapest way to get my foot in the door. It would suck to buy a bunch of new samples, and not have them live up to the slate ones. I've got a little extra money right now, and wonder if it would be worth it to buy 3-4 ez expansions, superior drummer, and the new york studio bundle. Any recommendations on must haves?
Well the base ez drummer is like $29 or something? Pick that up. Metal machine and the one that came out this month should be worth it