Taking a moment to bitch.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Yup ordered verizon online backup and sharing thinking that I was going to be able to do some long distance sharing and collaborations with it. Only to find out that it won't work on tiger let alone panther. WTF? OSX 10.1,10.2, and 9.0!? Fuck that. Also won't work on safari. Bullshit. There tutorial for using it has been down for a month. You can't cancel it online. You basically can't do shit online about it other than sit there pissed that you bought something without being informed it was no good. So here I am with 5gigs of online storage (not ftp?!) and no way to use it. FUCK VERIZON. I am so pissed right now I can't stand it, it's worse than when cubase acts up. And the thing is I really want to yell at someone about it but I know if it where me (working for verizon) I wouldn't be able to do anything about it other than cancel it. Fuck M$. And right now fuck the idiots that use it (I don't really mean that just frustration). So great now I get to look for another FTP server service. Anyone know some good ones? Doesn't nessesarily have to be fast or have a huge amount of storage. 5 gigs was really more than I was gonna need. I don't want to do .mac. BTW this service was only supposed to be $5 a month so somthing in that price range would be nice. If I am being a moron let me know. Maybe I could use it on my brother's PC but man what a pain in the ass. Anyways later fellas.
get a .Mac account ... it's $99/yr but you can get it on a special offer sometimes, like it did ($65). this gets you a really great online storage solution with which you can also make your own sites for sharing. it works seemlessly with Macs, and even with PC's, since you just create websites (very easily i might add) that anyone can access. i love my .Mac account.
Yeah that looks like more of a solution for me, I think that is the way I am gonna go. Most of the other sites I went to for hosting were either way to much ($45/mo!?) or didn't support modern macs. So yeah I just wish .mac had a monthly charge instead of anual as then it would only come to aroun $9 a month.