Taliban Savages Must Die

I'm a Canadian and as much as I think US international policy needs some revision/compassion, I'm DAMN happy to have this incredibly powerful country willing to protect and defend us (cuz we aren't a super power by any stretch).

I'm also pleased that the US is bombing the shit out of those Taliban savages. I think it sucks that innocent people are starving to death and quite frankly I'm sickened by the fact that this isn't being prevented more, however, I feel that at least Afghanistan now has some sort of future to look forward to (if the Taliban are overthrown or killed off, which hopefully they will be, preferably killed off).

Let's just be thankful the US has the will, courage, resources, and BALLS to do something about this horrible situation. If they didn't, there's no telling how much more suffering and death these idiots would've caused in the name of allah.

Fuck them all.

Originally posted by Tribal
WOW! It is amazing how people can go from "no such thing as right or wrong or morals" or "the death penalty is wrong" attitude, and then go to blood lust mode. I'm glad to see that killing for a good cause can still be accepted. Hail all of you who see the light of KILLING these bastards! "War on terrorist" should be now called "A big damn killing spree", because thats what they deserve!

I know, aren’t we versatile? :err:
Originally posted by Tribal
WOW! It is amazing how people can go from "no such thing as right or wrong or morals"

WOW! I'm amazed at how you can continue to misinterpret me. I didn't say there was no such thing as morality, I said: morality is entirely subjective/interpretive and exists only within the minds of people. Please refrain from making this mistake again, thanks.

or "the death penalty is wrong" attitude, and then go to blood lust mode.

I didn't say it was "wrong", as I realize that right/wrong are just concepts and nothing more, there's not absolute there. I said that I don't think it sets a very good example for others and it's kinda pointless. However, this situation is quite different than some lone serial killer. If I thought the US had the resources to capture imprison these idiots I'd favour that, however, this is not possible. Therefore, killing them off is simply the most logical (and only) alternative if we wish to end the oppression they are inflicting.

I'm glad to see that killing for a good cause can still be accepted. Hail all of you who see the light of KILLING these bastards! "War on terrorist" should be now called "A big damn killing spree", because thats what they deserve!

Yea they are pretty fucked up. I feel sorry for them in a way however, they are just stupid and brainwashed by their gov't/religion. Whether it's Nazis killing jews or christians killing pagans, the means and the results are exactly the same. Rulers unite their people with a common enemy by blaming them for all their problems. History continues to repeat itself. People are still pretty stupid. In the 50 or so thousand years since humans have become technologically proficient very little has changed in a deeper sense, many are still basically just territorial savage primates, the only real difference is that we now have bomb and nukes instead of spears and arrows. How sad. Oh well, it gives us something to look forward to at least, that someday we'll leave these primitive bahaviours in the dust along with the stone tools which faciliated them.

It is at times like these that I actually become proud of the United States Constitution. The constitution has done a marvelous job of preventing faction. Can you imagine, what would happen if representatives did not exist, and we went strictly by the majority or mob rule of the people; if that was so the United States would have began bombing on September 12, not even having proof of who was responsible. It was bold for the Federalists to say that representatives could better represent the people than the people themselves, I think our present conflict is one aspect that shows the Federalists were dead on with their thinking.
Originially posted by Soul4Raziel
It is at times like these that I actually become proud of the United States Constitution. The constitution has done a marvelous job of preventing faction. Can you imagine, what would happen if representatives did not exist, and we went strictly by the majority or mob rule of the people; if that was so the United States would have began bombing on September 12, not even having proof of who was responsible. It was bold for the Federalists to say that representatives could better represent the people than the people themselves, I think our present conflict is one aspect that shows the Federalists were dead on with their thinking.

Here here! You are right, they were ahead of their time...many democratic and republican constitutions are based upon the United States Constitution. The mob often rules itself with emotion, spontanaeity, bias, and ignorance. It then revels in hindsight. With a few people, there is no mob, and there can be rational progression. I digress. A toast to the Federalists. Cheers!
I read an article written by an Australian SAS solider that was involved with Western influence in teaching the Afghans all about guerilla tactics so they could stop the expansion of those damn pesky Reds in 80's. These guys drove out the Soviets, had a few little internal fueds and eventually out of it all came the Taliban. None of this was relevant to the article, but unfortunately it shed light on the irony of the whole situation. I honestly don't know what the best solution to this problem is, it just makes me sad.

Satori, stories such as those described are both horrific and terrifyingly familiar. It is sad that humanitarian efforts seem only to be made when it is compatible with political agendas.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
I dont even know why people act so surprised this is not new this is just another war. Those who think of the so called atrocities the taliban does need to think of the atrocities the holy inquisiton did, jewish/christian religions have been a cancer in the world for thousands of years why its everyone so suprised about the taliban? This is just the same old story another holy war this is just a reminded that we need be exterminated at any cost and that everyone should gladly do so if given the oportunity just like the terrorist do, just like americans will do. In millions of years we as a whole, as a human race had never stopped running away from our fears, creating false gods and blaming them or asking them for aid, creating dreams we have grown to believe as reality, being so idiotic thinking life even has a meaning, a reason, a direction. We are the most primitive beings in the face of the earth trapped in self consciousness and arrogance, we are empty there is nothing in hour lifes no reason to exist, no reason to TRY to explain things we will never understand yet we keep our obsessions of Life and Death, Of Happyness and wellfare
nothing is worth trying, there is no reason to believe in anything to hope for anything to fight for anything....No one can just live a life without worries without egoism without guilt and hate...Why people is still surprised is something i will never understand

Holy crap this is cool. A lot of people might find this depressing, but I think it's simply inspiring.

A theory I have asserted before is this: egoism (self consciousness) leads to ignorance and suffering, which is what you are saying as well.

Yes, it would be nice if everyone could be selfless/egoless, but unfortuanately this isn't in the cards for very many. Evolution and society dictate that they must maintain this illusion of selfness at all costs, even to the point of concocting elaborate myths which allow the self (in belief only of course) to cheat the fate of death. Ego runs deep. Think of how many people actually literally believe in an afterlife; the fear of death and the clutching of one's self go hand in hand and feed off one another.

There is a silver lining however. Think about how interesting it is that these little humans on this little planet actually go about thinking that the universe is somehow here for their benefit, this level of self-importance is kinda cute and interesting - like a bee which gives its life to protect a hive.

The illusion of selfness and the ignorance and all the other bullshit that comes with it is what most humans ARE, and I feel that humanity, even with it's egocentricity, has an inherent beauty all it's own. I'm not suggesting that humanity is actually beautiful, I'm just saying that this is how I choose to see it, it's just a bit of subjective crap I felt like sharing in hopes that some may read it and it may click - and the grip of ego will loosen.

hail satan!

Originally posted by luke
I got a funny email this morning...
It says that because killing binLaden would only make him a martyr for his cause, and keeping him as prisoner would only be reason for his followers to terrorize and make demands for his release, there is only one viable course of action to take. When binLaden in captured, fly him to a hospital in a secret location, and perform a complete sex change operation. Then return HER to Taliban ruled Afghanistan.:lol:

After careful consideration I must agree this is the only solution.

Maybe we should start a bin Laden sex change fund. I'd kick in a few bucks for that for sure.


So in US and much of Europe, women who are from Afghanistan are so absolutely terrified of those Taliban idiots that they continue to wear the whole get-up complete with the the black face vail and shit. They do cuz if some idiot sees them he may tell people back home about it and they may be tortured/killed by the Taliban savages. Of course, they fear for their own well-being in the US and elsewhere as well, cuz those idiots are lurking everywhere apparently. Anyway, that how deep the fear goes for these poor beautiful gentle women.

I feel optimistic for the future of the world in light of this jihad crap for this reason: People in large numbers tend to be kinda nuts, but they need someone to push them to the brink of their own insanity like Laden or Hitler before they will act. Basically what I'm saying is that people are generally too lazy to do much unless someone is yelling at them to do it, pushing them into. By killing off the leaders/preachers, most of the wind is out of the sales, and I fail to see how this jihad nonsense should be any different than any other dictator-style tyranny which has risen and then suddenly fallen when the speech-maker becomes maggot-chow.

Hopefully some good will come from all this, maybe opeth will produce their most dark, progressive, and aggressve album to date, oh man, the absolute lunacy they could burn to disk if only if that was their intent. I'll be praying to satan that it is.

stuff like that happens all over the world, take whats her name West etc. there is really only one solution to this, and thats to kill everyone that does something against the law, but thats just not gonna happen. i know it sounds stupid but that is the way. we cant do that, so the only thing we can do is try to help ourselves. we can help those people, sponser them, go over and help etc. we cant sit here and complain, hoping for the best, we have to get invovled, join amnesty international etc and do something to help. so lets do something constructive, maybe someone can think of something we can all do to help.
Originally posted by Satori
I think they have been brainwashed (with the help of religion) to do these things, and even to enjoy them.

At any rate, what's the solution? Therapy? No. I think several humane bullets to the brain is the only alternative.


I just wanted to point out that these people are not influenced by religion. They do what they do in the name of religion. There's a big difference between the two. Bin Laden, his posse, and the Taliban officials probably haven't even read the Ghor'an. Personally, I have my doubts that those wankers can even read in the first place. What they're doing is a lot like what the Catholics did during the many Inquisitions during the middle ages. The only differences are the methods of torture and the specific religion whose name in which they are acting. Other than that, there's really no real difference between the two. May I also point out that during the American bombing raids of recent days, over 300 civilians have been killed and many more injured. One thing that nobody seems to want to talk about is how western society has screwed the Middle East over during the past century. Military bases in the area have been used thousands of times without any real reciprocation. For many years, when American businessmen were stationed in Iran, for doing the exact same job as an Iranian, the American would get paid about 3 times more, get an Iranian maid, fancy cars, and much better benefits. I just felt that these are all things that needed to be said, and since nobody else did so, I had to say it. Thank you for listening.

Kourosh Taheri-Golvarzi
Originally posted by Kourosh

I just wanted to point out that these people are not influenced by religion. They do what they do in the name of religion. May I also point out that during the American bombing raids of recent days, over 300 civilians have been killed and many more injured. One thing that nobody seems to want to talk about is how western society has screwed the Middle East over during the past century. Military bases in the area have been used thousands of times without any real reciprocation. For many years, when American businessmen were stationed in Iran, for doing the exact same job as an Iranian, the American would get paid about 3 times more, get an Iranian maid, fancy cars, and much better benefits. I just felt that these are all things that needed to be said, and since nobody else did so, I had to say it. Thank you for listening.

Kourosh Taheri-Golvarzi

This world IS influenced by religion - whether we like it or not. I see it every day.

And lets not start ponting out every "casualty of war". Civilians will die - that's what happens in war time. And if any country ever stepped up and took charge, and needed to use US bases - I think it would happen (obviously, only a guess).

Throughout every "war" thread here, the finger pointing starts. I've asked this before : this war points out the enemies - western greed vs. eastern oppression. I'll take the greed, because even if I draw the short straw in this country, and get screwed by big business, lose my job, etc, I still have the CHANCE to make it again. The only reason I wouldn't make it is because of me. These terrorists we fight live in lands without chances or choices.
Originally posted by Kourosh
What they're doing is a lot like what the Catholics did during the many Inquisitions during the middle ages. The only differences are the methods of torture and the specific religion whose name in which they are acting.

Actually the crusades began because the people who ruled Israel, (Muslims, actually), at the time began killing the Catholics who went on pilgrimages to their Holy Lands. For a long while, it was peaceful between the two peoples, but eventually a wrathful ruler came along and no longer wanted the Catholics on his land, so he began to kill him. Thus the war began. In the end, it became a war over land, money, and principle. Even religion fell out of the story in the last couple of crusades. Just so you know.

Originally posted by Kourosh
over 300 civilians have been killed and many more injured.

The number presented was 200, and that is a very vague guess. A Taliban official who was stating the number of civilians killed actually changed his story from 70 killed in a village just outside Jalalabad, to 100. This is good reason to say that the numbers are quite stetchy, and possibly made up.

Originally posted by metalmancpa
This world IS influenced by religion - whether we like it or not. I see it every day.

I am not Kourosh, but my understanding of what he (or she) said was a little different from what you may have taken. I'm pretty sure he (or she) meant wasn't that the entire world ins't influenced by religion. I think it was that the Osama bin Laden and his minions aren't influenced by religion, rather, they consider themselves the religion. It's the same principle as the Christian prophet who doesn't need to read the Bible, because he has a direct link to God. bin Laden creates his religion as he goes, therefore there really isn't a specific religion by which they are influenced, yet they do all their actions in the name of their religion. Just as a Tyrant (:grin: I always capitolize that word) doesn't follow the law, he is the law.
Originally posted by Kourosh
May I also point out that during the American bombing raids of recent days, over 300 civilians have been killed and many more injured.
where is this number coming from? if you're basing it on the statement released by the taliban, there's no reason to believe it. i had cnn on all day at work today, and it was HUGE news that one of our bombs went off course and hit a town, killing ONE, injuring four, and destroying six houses. 1 versus 300. :err:
May I also point out that during the American bombing raids of recent days, over 300 civilians have been killed and many more injured.

First off you cant beleive the taliban cause they are morons. Second off even if it is true, have we forgotten that they killed over 6,000 civilians here in the US?! lets not start bitchin because the US killed 1 civilian.
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames

I am not Kourosh, but my understanding of what he (or she) said was a little different from what you may have taken. I'm pretty sure he (or she) meant wasn't that the entire world ins't influenced by religion. I think it was that the Osama bin Laden and his minions aren't influenced by religion, rather, they consider themselves the religion. It's the same principle as the Christian prophet who doesn't need to read the Bible, because he has a direct link to God. bin Laden creates his religion as he goes, therefore there really isn't a specific religion by which they are influenced, yet they do all their actions in the name of their religion. Just as a Tyrant (:grin: I always capitolize that word) doesn't follow the law, he is the law.

OK - I wasn't quite looking at it from that perspective - so I must agree that SOME believe they are the religion, thus they act in the name of it.

So, this is a holy war, as we are fighting to wipe out a religion, even though it isn't widely accepted. Is the religions name terrorism? Or is terrorism the vehicle which to spread the word of this "religion"?
Nevertheless religion its part of the equation. Religion its a way for the leaders to inflict fear on the people so they can get more power. It all comes to the human desire for power, power is the source of problems, the face of "evil", the face of justice, the begining and, soon, the end. The humans created gods as an ideal of a perfect moral person and the moral as we all known warps around with the people and what works for basic and best quality of life, thats why they are so many religions and faiths but that doesnt makes any of them correct because the corruption of the leaders corrupts the so called deities and only proves that they dont exist or that it has been a long time since they died, laughing at how patetic was their creation that was supposed to look like them.
I know i make little or no sence but it just seems to me like too many people ignore the fact that religion its the main problem not crazy fanatism, doesnt matter who is wrong or who is right in that case every person in the world who believes in a supreme beign its to blame. If you all want to point fingers and you still believe in a god point it at yourselves, If not, realize what its the problem and what has been the problem since the dawn of time.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
stuff like that happens all over the world, take whats her name West etc. there is really only one solution to this, and thats to kill everyone that does something against the law, but thats just not gonna happen. i know it sounds stupid but that is the way. we cant do that, so the only thing we can do is try to help ourselves. we can help those people, sponser them, go over and help etc. we cant sit here and complain, hoping for the best, we have to get invovled, join amnesty international etc and do something to help. so lets do something constructive, maybe someone can think of something we can all do to help.

Killing off the violent and fanatical idiots will also help the species evolve, something we very much need right now.

I never intended to suggest that religion is directly to blame for what's going on, I'm saying that it has facilitated it.

Without getting all deep/philosophical (for a change), I'll put it in these very simple terms:

- Religion gives an individual a sense of righteousness that is dangerous simply because it is uncompromising.

- Religion (in terms of the muslim jihad crap or martrys or whatever) can create a desire to die for a cause.

- People generally would rather live than die, unless of course they are promised a seat next to Allah and of course, 10 virgins waiting for them after death (I'm not making this up).

If it wasn't for their stupid fucking religion, would those idiots have given their lives to kill other on 9/11? I really don't think so. Therefore, religion deserves some of the blame for this, it's a tool that is too easily used for evil.

Here's an analogy: Where I live, nu-chucks (those 2 wooded bars with a chain attaching them as seen in martial arts movies) are illegal. Why? You can walk down the road with a bat or a hockeystick (and probably do much more damage with these items), so why are nu-chucks illegal? Because they have a propensity to be used for doing nasty shit (ie. breaking someone's face). Nu-chucks aren't evil in themselves, they just have a tendency to be used for that. Religion is the same. I'm getting a little sick of hearing people say "it's not religion, it's the people", and while of course this is true (duh), I still don't think having kids walking around with nu-chucks (or religion) is a good idea. They are both dangerous and have a tendency to be detrimental to society (and, I would argue, individuals too, but that's another thread).

Religion and stupidity going hand in hand. If history is to teach us anything, it has to be this simple fact.

De-brainwashing is a very noble thing. Let's all do our part in this venture, for the good of humanity and the world. Have confidence that reason will prevail.
