Talk About Uncomfortable ...


FFaF Guitarist/Producer
Oct 2, 2009
Washington DC
Hey hey hey,

I'll lead you all off with a "WTF?!" ... Apparently we have an individual that's a pre-op for a sex change here at work.

While walking in the hallway I notice a very odd looking "woman" ... very husky, with long, wirey fake blonde hair, and all around unnattractive (I wasn't on the prowl for some eye candy ... you know how you just happen to pass by someone in the hallway and notice things). Anyways, I noticed this person a few times over the last few weeks because they stuck out like a sore thumb.

I went to use the restroom today, parked in front of a urinal and started doing my business ... this "woman" comes into the restroom, parks in the urinal next to me, lifts up their skirt, pulls out their junk, and starts letting it flow.

My freakin jaw dropped ... it wasn't like I meant to look, but I was more confused that a "woman" came into the restroom so I looked before this all happened and was like, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuh ... excuse me, bu- wha ... wha-what?!" as he/she/it started doing their business. I've never been more uncomfortable in my life and I choked up my flow, didn't finish, and just walked out of the restroom (didn't even wash my hands! FUCK YOU!!). I was in a fucking weird state of mind like I had just walked in on my parents (you've all done it. FUCK YOU AGAIN!!) and let some of my coworkers know what just happened (I'm in the military and in a joint service/civilian workplace environment). They all got a kick out of it and we also found out that this individual was indeed doing that trial phase prior to a sex change operation. Then the question was asked "where does a pre/post-op pee?"

I don't mean to offend anyone, because I don't care if you're gay, are having a sex change, or are worshipping a potato as your god, but during a situation like this, there has to be boundaries right? You're a man, becoming a woman (just waiting for a Lifetime movie about that) ... should you be able to use the same facilities to shit/shower/shave that the people who are your current sex use? It's honestly the most uncomfortable I've been and I think there's a lot of grey area ... I dunno ... Fucking weird as shit

Thought I would share the story and try and get people's opinions!

I don't understand why they didn't just use the women's bathroom. No body can see what you're doing in a stall, and if you sit down to pee then nobody would know otherwise.

I want to say we should make a rule that "if you look like a girl, you have to use the ladies' room," but that would mean half the bands on Warped this year would be banned from the men's room.
I want to say we should make a rule that "if you look like a girl, you have to use the ladies' room," but that would mean half the bands on Warped this year would be banned from the men's room.

Which begs the question; why do you want to share the men's toilet with them so badly? ;)
See, the problem there Jeff is that the ladies probably don't want a full-fledged dude strolling into the female restroom, whipping out their stuff and pissing everywhere.

I think it'd be a lot harder to convince the women to accept a preop dude than it would be for the men to accept the same into their rest-room.
Probably, or maybe I'm just nuts.

Seriously, this is something for the shop committee.
You have the same rights as the "lady" and have to feel comfortable at work.

btw: I'm one of 2 straight guys in my team(the 3 others are homosexual) and there sexuality is the last thing that interests me, they are all very cool persons.
You guys realize that most cross dressers / transexuals are not gay right?

I don't think sexual preference was being questioned in this case. I do know that if I was in Chris' situation it would sure make me uncomfortable.

...i'm sure the ones that cut their dicks off are.

I would have to agree with this.
Indeed good sir @guitarguru. I wasn't intentionally implying that in my post (if I did, my bad), I was just saying that I don't care what anyone's preference for anything was. I was more or less trying to get a sense of what other people thought. Prime example of what you said is Mr/Ms Garrison from South Park :p Here's a brain fuck (or just me being ignorant/naive): If a man loves women, decides to get a sex change, still loves women, does that make the former he a lesbian or is he considered straight? Same question if a gay male loves men, gets a sex change to become a woman, still loves men, is that person considered straight or homosexual? I just don't know the guidelines for that kind of thing :-/ I honestly don't care about anyone's preference, I'm just confused as to what they would be considered

It's just such an odd situation and I don't think there even IS a right answer ... segregating the facilities won't go over well and is generally frowned upon (see the civil rights movement) :lol: I mean I think they should have used a stall vice a urinal (the whole skirt thing was WAAAAAAAAAAAY OTT), but until they've completed the op, I don't think they should use the women's facilities. I imagine it's gotta be pretty uncomfortable for them as well, if not a little humiliating. I dunno ... my brain hurts now

At the end of the day, the guy/lady/thing can do whatever he/she/it wants and I give him/her/they(?) credit since that person has more balls than anyone (for now at least) to be able to go pee wherever they damn well please and be like, "you know what?! I hate my dick and balls ... I'm gonna take my outtie and make it an innie". I could NEVER do that
A guy(?) regularly comes into Radio Shack to refill his prepaid phone - he's in his 40s, fat, but has definable tits (beyond fat moobs), semi-long hair (pushed back with a hairband), and wears makeup (which is caked onto the phone screen, blechh); honestly couldn't tell you whether he's pre or post-op (could've just taken hormones for the tits, but he definitely has a dude jaw/build/facial features and voice, quite hilarious :D), but he/she's certainly friendly, so I oblige...not quite the same as having one hike up his/her skirt at a urinal, but I can't really think I'd find it awkward or uncomfortable, just odd and hysterical :lol:
hmm. I don't know if I would really give a shit if this happened to me? probably just tell my buddies after and have a good laugh about it.

So........a guy in a skirt pissed in a urinal next to you?

Why are people so nervous about genitalia, sexuality and gender that people going to the bathroom differently freaks them out?