Talk About Uncomfortable ...

Well i can only feel bad for all those people with unmatching body and brain gender...

Can you even imagine how it would feel to be one of them ? :mad:
It has to be a mental disorder of some sort. It is just strange for me, wanting to change their sex. Something that disturbs me is there is a debate here in Sweden about changing the law about sex-change. Now you have remove your womb if want to make a sexchange if you are a female (wantign to be male) It disturbs me that they want to me male, but they still want the benefits of being a woman = have children. I say in for a penny, in for a pound.
I still get a bit confused if I think about it too much ...

I mean, ok he thinks he's supposed to be a woman and is changing into a woman. Fine. If you're a guy who thinks he is actually supposed to be a woman, that should mean he likes men. Technically not gay if the person wants to be a full-on woman. Fine

But for example Caputo goes on to say he intends to keep his cock. That would mean despite the hormone enhancements and such, he's still a guy that wants others to look at him and treat him like a woman that has a cock. Only guys interested in cock are gay guys. That would mean he's gay

This kinda defies the accepted thought that most transgender people are not gay.

Not that I give a shit if someone is gay or not. Just make up your mind cause you can't have both.

Unless he's looking for a really tolerant bi-sexual but again, thats not really coming down on one side of the fence or the other. If thats the case, why not just say you're bi and like to dress like a chick? Why the hormones?

Gives me a headache ... like thinking about time travel or something
^well that is just the same as homosexuals dress like their opposite sex (guys are more feminin and vice versa) dosen't that contradict the fact of being gay? If i where gay, then i would have liked guys, then i would want a man-man not a guy acting girlish haha. The same for females, their are so many butches running around haha
^ but that at least makes more sense. A guy acting very girly if he's gay doesn't change the fact that he likes cock, it just confirms is. But he knows he's still a guy that just happens to like other guys so the thought of being an actual woman with a puss instead of a cock never figures into it.

Ach, my head
Well i can only feel bad for all those people with unmatching body and brain gender...

Can you even imagine how it would feel to be one of them ? :mad:

+1. It's a type of body dysphoria. Transgendered people are at a much, much higher risk of depression, drug & alcohol abuse, and suicide, among other things.

Also +1 on the "Men, Women & Other" bathrooms; many people identify as non gender-binary, meaning they do not see themselves as male or female. Societal norms tend to force people into one or the other. This can be extremely difficult and stressful for those that fall into neither, or both.

Keep in mind that GENDER =/= SEX/Genitalia/SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Just because you have a penis doesn't mean you are a man, and just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you're a woman.

This is a very complex issue that will become more and more apparent and visible in the future as LGBTQ awareness grows.

Unfortunately there is some ignorance on the subject in this thread, although I'm happy people seem tolerant, if a bit uncomfortable and confused about it (I was too at first). I urge anyone who's interested to do some research on the subject, it will really open your eyes. I have quite a few friends that fall under the LGBTQ umbrella and they really helped me learn about it.
I don't need to do research ... A very good friend of mine has a brother going through the hormone thing right now with intent on fully switching over. I hang out with both of them quite often
Just because you have a penis doesn't mean you are a man, and just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you're a woman.

Would quite like to read a scientific white paper on this subject. Because to me, that's just totally counter to all logic and reason.

If we're literally talking about throwing out one of the foundations of human society and interaction (vag=girl cock=boy) then I am quite of the puzzlement.
Would quite like to read a scientific white paper on this subject. Because to me, that's just totally counter to all logic and reason.

If we're literally talking about throwing out one of the foundations of human society and interaction (vag=girl cock=boy) then I am quite of the puzzlement.

It's quite simple really. Yes typically vag=assigned "GIRL" at birth, and cock=assigned "BOY" at birth. But then what if that "girl" grows up and feels more like a man than a woman, but just has female genitals? They are forced to be a woman?

Again, GENDER IDENTIY =/= Genitals. It's much more complex than that.
Let me see if I can dig up some links. :)

EDIT: Keep in mind I'm not just talking strictly biologically/reproductively
:lol: The whole thing is a mental mine field.

I asked my neighbor why he likes to "play dress up" and he says "I don't know, I just like to". The dude clearly likes cock, his "husband" clearly likes cock but dresses like a business man. They're both girly, ages 26 (black but says he's not black) and upper 50's (white) So it confuses me why a gay man would want another gay man that dresses up like a girl. Or two girly dudes where one looks the part of a man and the other a woman but they both like cock. Then again, there is that whole "trap" fetish which boggle my mind as well. :goggly:

Why would anyone want to bone a chick with a dick? Is it because they want to be boned by a woman? Get a damn strap on! :goggly:

It's gotta be some weird chemical mix up in the brain something. :confused:

I'm just glad I don't have all those confusing issues to deal with. Thank his noodly appendages! :notworthy
It's quite simple really. Yes typically vag=assigned "GIRL" at birth, and cock=assigned "BOY" at birth. But then what if that "girl" grows up and feels more like a man than a woman, but just has female genitals? They are forced to be a woman?

Again, GENDER IDENTIY =/= Genitals. It's much more complex than that.
Let me see if I can dig up some links. :)

EDIT: Keep in mind I'm not just talking strictly biologically/reproductively

Well, this is my point...

It really IS as simple as that. A gender signifier denotes the sexual reproductive system.

To me it makes more sense that the rest of it is personality traits, and just because a girl feels like a man, doesn't mean she is a man and doesn't mean she needs any kind of body modification in order to be how she feels.

Jung postulates that we all have an element of femininity and masculinity. We all have an anima and animus, and it's possible that in these people one of them has more power over the psyche than the other.

I guess in a nutshell... gender identity =/= gender.
Actually, yes gender does refer to gender identity. Sex refers to the biological sex, genitals, hormones, etc.

Wikipedia said:
A gender identity is the way in which an individual identifies with a gender category, for example, as being either a man or a woman, or in some cases being neither, which can be distinct from biological sex.

I'm not trying to be annoying or a dick or anything, nor am I trying to be condescending to anyone... I also have a lot to learn on the subject and I'm no expert.

Just trying to shed a little light on the subject for those to whom it might be a weird new way of thinking about things... :) It can be quite confusing and unintuitive.