Talk About Uncomfortable ...

Well Limak, that's how you do things. I don't and John above me seems to get what I'm saying. Also, I for one would google the electrical problem because it might be an easy fix and save me some money. ;)

Personally, I don't trust doctors to the point where I would just take one of their opinions on such serious matters. Doctors in America can be really fucked up. I know some that are strait up pharmaceutical drug dealers.
Well Limak, that's how you do things. I don't and John above me seems to get what I'm saying. Also, I for one would google the electrical problem because it might be an easy fix and save me some money. ;)

Personally, I don't trust doctors to the point where I would just take one of their opinions on such serious matters. Doctors in America can be really fucked up. I know some that are strait up pharmaceutical drug dealers.

Well I was talking about mains electricity, I'm electric engineer myself playing with some power electronics for fun, but I would still get electrician to fix my mains for me ;) Better that than risking life for few dollars if you ask me.
^Right on with the electrical but here in America you would be a fool not to get more than one doctors opinion. Don't know how it works else where.
While it's true that various doctors might propose different solutions for same problems, I think that most of those solutions(if not all) would lead to solving the health problem. Of course if we are talking about very serious health problem, then we are talking about consulting better class doctors(those that are already well known and good, not some rookies straight out of medical university). It's a matter of quality vs quantity it seems and both approaches should work. Personally I would prefer to spend more cash on one good expert than on few cheaper ones.
The problem at hand here is the choice of picking what genital part/s one is to choose on said case. (I have the best available, here, personally and generally doctor wise)

As far as I know, in my country the parent/s would make the final choice in said situation. I would argue that responsible parent/s would not take only one doctors advice on what "sex" your child is to carry out through life. I would not make that decision on only the advice of one doctor. I just wouldn't, the issue is to important.