Genius Gone Insane http://www.¯\(°_o)/¯.com Aug 19, 2003 5,722 18 38 San Francisco Bay Area www. ̄\(°_o) Feb 10, 2016 #1 "...some musicians, like guitar players..." See 1:55 doosh
SocialNumb Damn Christians! Aug 15, 2006 8,020 45 48 Boyton, WPB, FL Feb 11, 2016 #2 Yeah, that was pretty dumb but I know what he means. Have you tried playing a trumpet? I gave it whirl for a few hours. Could not do it, ended up with a sore face each time. I guess I'm just not good at blowing things.
Yeah, that was pretty dumb but I know what he means. Have you tried playing a trumpet? I gave it whirl for a few hours. Could not do it, ended up with a sore face each time. I guess I'm just not good at blowing things.