for those who shred, i want your opinion

well it doesnt have to have chords to be good, but if you want a song or piece which is good in harmony, you have to have them.

in terms of harmony, chords are much more complex of course(like a bmajor13(#11) for instance , so many different possibilities, forget the cheesy simplistic progressions of most pop music), and power chords are just that simple(root and fifth) but their purpose is to be heavy, chords are more directed to transmit emotions, be it happiness, sadness, darkness, whatever...(look at classical musical and the complexity of their chord progressions)

there are some bands that actually use chords and still are pretty heavy, neurosis for instance, which is a cool in terms of atmosphere, but if you want raw heaviness power chords are the way to go eheh.

actually i hate the use of chords in black metal bands for instance, most of their progressions are so based in minor chords and so cliche its not even funny.

i actually do think there is lots of metal which is pretty simplistic in terms of songwriting and boring because of the overuse of power chords, thats why i normally prefer tech death metal, although they use power chords, they are complex in terms of rhythm and melody, and use lots of different scales (diminished for instance) which i like. and yeh necrophagist use a lot of arpeggios which basically are chords.

the strong points of metal imo are rhythm and melody.not harmony. those are the elements that make the best metal bands imo.
and i think the reason i like classical so much is because its strong in all those points lol.
Thoth-Amon said:
God I don't get hentai. Why the hell would you rather watch cartoons than real chicks? Sheesh! I know someone who love's this shit. Weird.
Hentai is pretty stupid and pointless, but mostly because of the total lack of a story (well either there's no story or a really crappy one).

(back on topic)

Spiral Architect, Spastic Ink, and Zero Hour are really complex.
Zhou Tai 04 said:
Hentai is pretty stupid and pointless, but mostly because of the total lack of a story (well either there's no story or a really crappy one).

(back on topic)

Spiral Architect, Spastic Ink, and Zero Hour are really complex.
yep those are complex bands indeed, big fan of those bands (except for the vocals on the latest spastic ink, that guy should be shot lol, the music is great though)