In Your Opinion Who Is The Best Electric Guitarist?

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Well, certainly those who helped to "build" rock & metal was all the jazzists, B.B. King especially who is one of my favorite one. Also Jimmy Hendrix.

As far as rock is concerned, Ritchie Blackmoore, Eric Clapton, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Uli Jon Roth, Yngwie Malmsteen (i'm not sure if i spelled it correctly) are a great example of a guitarist.

Well for metal I'd say Jeff Loomis, Andrian Smith, Chuck(R.I.P.), Criss Oliva(R.I.P.) (the best distortion i've ever heard)

That's all and I can't limit myself to just one guitarist.
I've commented on this before and as I said then Joe Satriani is my favorite guitarist. As I also said then, he hasn't done any of the best music I've heard, but he's technically amazing!!!
I have some of Mahavishnu Orchestra's records. Some of the stuff they've done is good, but some of their stuff is terrible IMO!!! I don't really know if I would call John McLaughlin that great, I haven't really noticed his playing and if I haven't noticed it he apparently didn't impress me!
I'd have to say the best electric guitarists would be Dave Murray, Chuck Schuldiner, and Micheal Amott. I'm not sure if people will agree with that last one, but I love his riffs in both Carcass and Arch Enemy.
in my opinion i think that steve vai and joe satriani are the best players of the guitar in the world. Inside metal i think the following are the best.

Alexi Liaho (surprised noone has mentioned him yet)
Chuck (R.I.P)
Kirk hammet
zakk wylde
Jesper Stromblad (amazing riffs)

theres other but i cant remember
I think it all comes down to personal preference. I can't stand the music of people like Malmsteen and Vai. I don't care how technical they are I find it boring! My personal favourites would be Hendrix for his innovation and feeling, Stevie Ray Vaughan for bringing the blues up to date and Tony Iommi for creating heavy metal!
A lot of good guitarist have been mentioned, but nobody has mentioned probably the best technical player, and can play with emotion, and can do anything he wants and is a freaking legend, PAUL GILBERT. Paul Gilbert has to be the best guitarist I have ever heard, and if you have not heard him, you absolutely need to hear him. He plays for Racer X, and his solo cds show that he is not just a metal player, that he plays all styles. He also has a traditional blues cd in which he plays with his uncle Jimi Kidd, awesome, awesome cd. Another guitarist that needs mentioning here, the most unique guitarist I have ever heard, RON JARZOMBEK. His stuff with watchtower was amazing enough, but his project Spastic Ink, holy crap, talk about some playing. Both of these guitarist are the best I have ever heard, and if you have not heard them, you need to, it is mandatory for you to if you are a fan of the guitar.
My favourite metal guitarist is Alexi Laiho, so I guess I'll go with him.. and the boys from Iron Maiden.

My favourite non-metal guitarist is Garnet Rogers who works mainly with fingerstyle and weird folk electric guitar stuff...
Interesting question.

I'm going to assume that "best" is a combination of technical ability BUT more importantly that blended with songwriting ability, plus an air of showmanship. Who wants to see someone stand in one place on stage? For example, the Vais/Satrianis/etc. of the world are among the technically most gifted guitarists ever, but they don't necessarily come up with the best songs. So anyway:

Not only has he come up with many of the greatest metal songs ever written, he is an incredibly talented solo player. From attitude/emotion laden solos (Metal Gods, Beyond the Realms of Death) to all out fucking metal shredding (Ram It Down, Metal Meltdown). I think Glenn balances it the best between the two realms.
Originally posted by absolut_evidence
what about Petrucci?
or, hmmm.... just a bass player, but John Myung is fantastic with his 6 string bass ;-)
it seems he plays a guitar insteed of a bass

see ya

The guys from DT always get consideration, but to me (and this has been covered in another thread somewhere), there's simply no emotion in their playing, so I personally eliminate Mr. Petrucci from contention. I'm not taking away his obvious talent or ability, I just feel he's missing that intangible to make him the greatest.

I'm always going to go with guys like Adrian Smith/Dave Murray, since to me they defined an entire style of playing guitar, and whose influence can be seen as far ranging as Papa Roach to Jesper (In Flames) to the more obvious, i.e. Kai Hansen, etc.
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