for those who shred, i want your opinion

ender7227 said:
Thoth: If you haven't noticed, the forum I asked you to join changed formats to a porn forum. I quit it immediatly. Sorry, I didn't know it was about to change.
No I haven't visited it recently. Shit. Hmmmm... well there goes that.
Most people don't understand the statement about how you need to really listen to alot of metal to understand it, and grow ears for it. I have had many discussions/arguments about it, and it usually comes out to be like, "metal doesn't have this and this, I have listened to music for X amount of years, I know what's going on."
Now-a-days I usually just say: Yep, you are right, Metal sucks and lacks everything music should be about.
How about Canvas Solaris? I dunno, they may be a bit too expirimental for your tastes but their music is very complex. They don't shred all that much but their music is very intricate. Pretty interesting harmonizing too. It'd be pretty hard to say this stuff isn't extremely talented, reguardless of taste.

As for a death metal shred band.. Try Sleep Terror. They may be a little hard to find but they're worth it.

As for your friends, it seems like they're judging it all more on personal taste.
Thoth-Amon said:
The quality of music should not be judged solely (if at all) on how technical the guitarists are but on the quality of the song writing.

Agreed. Although I have an affinity for a lot of technical music for a long time, it didn't take long to get over the whole technical elitism thing.
BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil said:
There's no such thing as chords in death metal. It's all power chords and arpeggios. Plus, power chords are way harder to play fast, and make heavy, strong music than with regular chords. Chords are played over and over in similar patterns, whereas power chords switch non stop for various verses in death metal, and always overdub solos. Listen to Death, and tell me they aren't fucking complex as hell.
"There's no such thing as chords in death metal"??? "All power chords and arpeggios"??? Dude, do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? Where do you think your "power chords" and "arpeggios" come from? What the fuck is a "regular chord"? I'd really like to hear you play! (and I love Death)
ResistExistence said:
Agreed. Although I have an affinity for a lot of technical music for a long time, it didn't take long to get over the whole technical elitism thing.
My answer: music doesn't HAVE to have chords or any other elements to be 'good'... just sound. Organized sound. And even that is being stretched further and further. Beyond that, its all a matter of taste, and if anyone tries to tell you your tastes are 'wrong' or whatever bullshit, let them know how ignorant they are and move along!
Demilich said:
My answer: music doesn't HAVE to have chords or any other elements to be 'good'... just sound. Organized sound. And even that is being stretched further and further. Beyond that, its all a matter of taste, and if anyone tries to tell you your tastes are 'wrong' or whatever bullshit, let them know how ignorant they are and move along!
zim18 said:
necrophagist was another band that didnt impress him, im starting to think he doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about
Well technique wise they are good but musically it is not all that impressive.
ender7227 said:
Thoth: If you haven't noticed, the forum I asked you to join changed formats to a porn forum. I quit it immediatly. Sorry, I didn't know it was about to change.
You're right! It is a porn forum! :lol: What the hell do you talk about on a porn forum? What kind of lotion you prefer to jack off with? :lol:
ender7227 said:
:lol: What's better, hentai with alien penis shaped tentacles or hentai with an alien spewing cum everywhere?
God I don't get hentai. Why the hell would you rather watch cartoons than real chicks? Sheesh! I know someone who love's this shit. Weird.
Didn't you get that thing at least a year ago? Slack!

*hint - drill a cowabunga and then lay down and put it on*

Instant recipie for nightmares.
Cythraul said:
What the heck do you mean by "same shifting chord formation"? If you simply mean that they almost exclusively use root/fifth chords then I still don't see how that renders the music simplistic or one dimensional. The complexity in a lot of death metal guitar playing lies in the scale patterns and "melodies" used, so it almost seems irrelevant to bring up what sorts of chords are used.

Yes, that's what I meant.. the complexity comes from only one aspect of the music - the patterns, unlike say classical music.
hibernal_dream said:
Yes, that's what I meant.. the complexity comes from only one aspect of the music - the patterns, unlike say classical music.

Fair enough, but then again, I don't think the op stated what kind of music his friends listen to. If they listen to some common form of popular music and they're comparing death metal to that, and saying that death metal musicians can't play or that the music has no complexity in comparison, then they're fucking morons. How many forms of popular music besides jazz rival underground metal in terms of technical ability or complexity????