who are we to judge?


black metal musician
Mar 18, 2004
i've always been curious as to why people always try to say what is the "real" metal and what is not and other such shit.....i do it too....but i dont know why...i'm guessing it's because people have a natural instinct to be superior and when they tell someone their opinion, they think they are proving a point and therefore boosting their "power" really it's stupid. like saying dimmu borgir aren't black metal or something. who the hell are we to judge what music they play? if they say they play black metal, they play black metal. they are the ones that make the music, not us, so they can name it whatever the hell they want. who are we to cut in what they call their music? it happens with other stuff too, like who were the 'real" pioneers of heavy metal and stuff like that.....it just gets stupid after a while
i think the point that he is trying to make is that metal fans in general have a horrible habit of thinking that their favourite genre is superior to all others, actually now that i come to mention it, most people think their favourite genre is superior to all others.

I prefer just to enjoy all genres on metal instead of confining myself to one. And i defend my favourite bands instead of genres.
I won't flame you, I'm not in the mood. The simple answer to your question is that by definition, a genre of music must be based on a template, aesthetically and ideologically. If I could make up a nursery rhyme and just say 'this is black metal' to make it be so, it would somewhat defeat the point of having genres at all.

The metal "pioneers" are surely those who explored innovative ideas to influence a genre. Indeed, the template I mentioned earlier is formed by these bands.
i dont think ideology has anything to do with actual music. It would be the same music to me anyway. I mostly listen to music for the music and not the lyrics and so forth. I guess thats why I like a lot of instrumental stuff.

It is true a person couldn't call anything metal. If I had a country band and said it was black metal it isn't. However, I do think people need to have broader lines when it comes to genres of music. THe lines aren't thin. It usually doesnt take one step to cross into another genre.

People like different music. Their is no definitve answer to what is and isnt a genre and what is and isn't good or of high quality.

I wish we could all quit caring about styles and genres and listen to what we like and let the next do the same. I know some of us might get mad if certain people start listening to lesser metal bands and thing this is really good but don't we want to keep the good bands to ourselves anyway.

so in the end I say listen to music.
Yea too much bitching and arguing in the metal scene (well message boards atleast) Let's all unite and live in fucking harmony! No point in all this bickering. If you like an album I don't like and visa versa... Why should we argue intil the cows come home over it? It's called tolerance people. The only peoples who opinion truly matter are the musicians. They're the ones making the music. They're the ones who put they're heart and soul into their tunes. All we do is sitback like a metallized version of roger ebert claiming that are tastes are superior to everyone else's. Some music is shitty. But which we will never know. One man's trash is another man's treasure. If 99% of everyone says something is great. Does that mean the 1% who says it's shit is wrong? No, because its all relative. You need to live this world for "I" not others. Your opinion is the only damn one that counts. Unless your so susceptible to being brainwashed by majority views or persuasion by your peers. People should be tolerant for one another's opinions. But that doesn't mean accepting it over their own. The End

P.S Excuse me for any or all typos.
God this conversation has been done to death. Music is subjective ultimatly, however there is nothing wrong with thinking your musical taste is better then most other peoples, espacially if you know you spend more time analyzing music and the musican's goal and their achievement of that goal then most other people.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Why are you such a dick wormy? Mother at the office all day? Not getting any attention?

Haha, wormy.

Kill yourself, and make it quick, I'm going to the graveyard in 5 minutes and I need something to do.
I didn't grasp the concept of opinions until I reached my mid-teens. I thought Metallica was the be-all and end-all because at the time, they were my first favorite band. I wanted to find Cliff Burton's ashes and see if DNA could be extracted from them so I could resurrect him because God forbid that Newsted prick should record another Cliff-less album, oh hell nooooo!!!!! That's how stupid I was! The day that changed my life was when Jason left Metallica, I felt like it was partly my fault. That taught me to listen to the music, not to care about what great legend died or who's playing what, just to look at what I feel is good and bad and if someone says a band I like sucks, so be it, that's their thought, not mine. I'm opinionated but I'm also respectful, music is art, art is expression, and every living creature in the universe expresses differently. And hey, look down here, I'm not even listening to a metal song, how about that for diverse!
its just like rap and how they are all like "na yo this aint gangsta that is," its just a bunch of goddamn people who think their shit is better than everyone elses, but then again, on the defining genres of music, i defintly think theres a boundry there, cause just cause someone says they are black metal dont mean they are because black metal is something that has become classified by the bands that are in it that have come over time and its just the same with any other kind of metal or music in general actually.