

reminds me of a beavis & butthead episode, where butthead wanted a tattoo of a butt, of a butt, right on his butt. or something :loco:
"I'm gonna get a tattoo of a butt, with a butt-shaped tattoo on it, and I'm gonna get it right on my butt. That would be cool."

Thanks Google!
Nice work.

And what the hell do you for calves at the gym?


Any suggestions from those who've done this before? I think i'm going to take some painkillers (Tylenol) 45 min ahead of time, I've read that that helps. I'm getting it done in a sensitive area and there's no need to have any extra pain you know..

Any suggestions from those who've done this before? I think i'm going to take some painkillers (Tylenol) 45 min ahead of time, I've read that that helps. I'm getting it done in a sensitive area and there's no need to have any extra pain you know..

The pain is necessary, you'll get more of a feeling of satisfaction.

Like childbirth.
Uh, I know the pain is necessary. I never said it wasn't. However since it will be in a sensitive area I am going to take Tylenol because there's no need for EXTRA pain. What's most important to me is that the artist do a good job down there, I don't want to be squirming or tensing up in pain and having her fuck up on something that's really important to me.

So stop being a patronizing dick, please.
tylenol isnt gonna do anything imo. percs/vicodin/etc would. It's not that bad after you the first couple minutes. Just focus on your breathing and the music they are playing.

also, STOP TAKING SHIT SO PERSONALLY. I highly doubt Night Mare was patronizing you. Sheesh!
Everything is patronizing when you're a pretentious little bitch on the internet with no self-esteem and a warped sense of reality.

You know, for example.
What kind of tattoo are you getting, Susperia?

I knew a chick who claimed to have a giant tattoo of Wakko (from the Animaniacs) on her back, but the only time I ever saw her bare back it was dark ( :heh: ) so all I saw was an amorphous dark spot.
I got my tattoo today. It's REALLY dark right now. But she said it will fade as heals--I hope it fades a lot. It's of an orchid, on my pudenda. I was going to post a picture but I don't know now I think i'd be flamed for it. There wouldn't be any naughty parts showing but's still my pudenda. And no one other than doctors, this tattoo lady and my Sean have ever seen that before so I don't think I should go posting it on the internet.

Actually I'll just crop it so tight you can't tell where it even is on the body. Okay here it is right now. I'm kind of pissed that she used white, because I told her just black and grey. And she didn't tell me she was going to put white in it. Bah...

Oh yeah and the pain was nothing. She expected it to hurt me a lot because of the area it's was tickleish.