@Swizzle: Your post got me curious: how do you regard the fact the overwhelming majority of people throughout history have believed in some sort of metaphysical reality (including some of the greatest minds of humankind) and that all civilizations that we know of have had a conception of god?
I've never really met an atheist of your (specifically american?) kind, so I'm interested to know how the arguments go. Feel free to redirect me somewhere if you can't be arsed to write something down
Well, throughout history, how could we explain the diversity of life? How could we explain how were came into existence? How did human come about? Why are there something instead of nothing? Well if we have no evidence or even thought of a natural explanation and a god is seen as the truth, then it's logical sound to say it was God who created it.
Also if we look back through our evolutionary past, we can see how believing in something that isn't true, was selected for. Let's say, it's selected for a person to belief what their parents say no matter what without critically examining them. Well they tell us stay away from this part of the forest, stay away from the cliff, stay away from these berries, stay away from this or that, god created us, etc., then we'd take all the good advice, yet have some shitty advice with it. This would be a much better explanation rather than that there is actually a god, Occam's Razor...
Some of the best thinkers in the world didn't yet understand genetics or evolutionary theory, so it makes sense that they still believed in some sort of god by the same argument as you put forth, "Why would so many people believe it if it's not true?". Look at Thomas Jefferson for example, he didn't believe in the Christian god, but was essentially a deist because he didn't know how we came to be.
Also, look at how people used to think the earth was flat. Just look at it... it's a very reasonable assumption to say that it is. Hell, even now it's a reasonable assumption, granted it's a small scale. One thousands of years ago could say, "Just look, it's flat. As far as we can see, it's flat, therefore the earth is flat." I think the same applies to our case, the more we know about the universe and the more information we get, the more it points on not needing a god.
EDIT: For some reason I had the

face at the top. I took it off