I'm getting a kool runewtone-style snake like below down & around my arm, from behind the shoulder with the head at my wrist and with this quote from the Edda in runes within:
Fä dör,
fränder dö,
även själv skiljes du hädan,
men ett vet jag,
som aldrig dör,
domen över död man.
Just gotta decide what language and futhark to go with+win at the lottery
I've tried the wait one year-approach and still want this since the age of 16 or so, so I guess I really want it.
I'm thinking of getting ONLY DEATH IS REAL on my right side ribs kindasorta under the arm when I win the lottery. What line breaks and type style would be most awesome?
Spontaneous thoughts and five minutes of mspaint go something like one of these (maybe not with the motörhead font and not cut like that but whatever nigz):
I was planning on getting this as well! I guess it's okay, because you live 1000000000 parsecs away from me. BUT Next tattoo, when I get home is going to be:
On my inside-left-forearm, with 'To the Everlasting Glory of the Infantry' incorporated somehow.