
yeah, you're right...I shouldn't have included "what you put forth"

I should have said, "so it makes sense that they still believed in some sort of god by a similar argument as you put forth"

I didn't mean to imply that from Spaffe's post, I got lost in my writing.
Hehe, well a few lines doesn't hurt

About the tattoo I'm not so sure about the allegory, it's pretty easy to interpret it the other way around; eg in an age of disbelief, the gate used is not the pearly one, but the one leading downwards, leaving the pearly one to be covered with vines

To me it's pretty pointless having an argument about religion (and to boot, one in english, where a non-native speaker always is at a disadvantage) with people of opposite opinion. You don't share the fundamentals and there can be no real understanding
the gate used is not the pearly one, but the one leading downwards, leaving the pearly one to be covered with vines

if you didn't explain it Swizzle, this is how I would have interpreted it as well ... that you're goign to hell / you're no saint.
hahah ... get this shirt ... used to work wonders back in HS

I'll probably never get a tattoo. I would but I find it hard to believe I'll ever find something that I can be sure I'll never regret.

And I only asked about the kanji above because I'm curious about where and why people draw these lines. People seem to look down on tattoos that don't have some deep meaning, or are on certain areas, or that were gotten on a whim, etc. The only problem I can see is if it's regretted. "Don't get that, it's trendy." "Do you even know what that means?" "Like you have any connection that would justify a tribal design." I can't say I understand comments like these.

Edit: The more I think about, I realize that I've heard many say they got a tattoo for themselves (for personal reasons). But like breast implants, where you hear the same bullshit all the time, how often is that true? Why do people seem to need some ready made explanation for when others ask about their tattoo if they did indeed get it for their own sake only? I don't think most are as honest about their true intentions as swizzle there appears to be.

Edit 2: I'm bored, rambling, and in need of more sake. Also, I was amazed at how my skills with this language diminished when my academic career was over, but holy shit, that was nothing compared to what being here for a year has done. Okay, time for more sake.
wow I wished I#d been following this. I'm somewhere halfway between swizzle and doomcifer. I'm happy to live and yet live, but if you try and force your shit on me (or just want to discuss it) I get quite into it. I don't seek out books on the subject, but I do enjoy it somewhat.

I do see religion as a serious problem and hinderance to human progress, but thats a seperate thread.

As to tattoos, I know exactly what tattoos I want, but for me they are a piece of art, and I wouldn't pay for a piece of art I couldn't easily enjoy. So if I did get them, I'd have to cut the skin off and mount it on the wall.
