
I have a treble clef on my right calf. I want to get some tamoko style stuff around it.
But not that detailed, more black and white areas (like Tim Commerford (RATM bassist) schoulders)
to go around the whole calf (I really like big dark areas as tattoos :D ) , just need some money
so I will be in like 2 years :D .

A friend of mine has the circles from COC's "America's Volume Dealer" on his elbow
looks awesome, I would get it, but he has it, so no.
Haha, no shit, that looks pretty close.
"Hi, this is my son Parkway Drive."
"You named your kid after a melodic deathcore band?"
"Yes, inadvertantly."
I was gonna make this thread soon, was just thinking about it.

I love Opeth

That´s my second, my first was done when I turned 15, don´t have a pic of it, it´s a black and white dragon on my leg.

I want more, love tats
Talking about tattoes... that rminds me a guy that usually prowls in the rock and metal pubs in my city that has no friends but everybody knows him. He is named 'Voidod', cause it's his favourite band... he is 40 y/o or even more.
He is a bit mentally retarded and many people pulls his leg. He always have his rusty leather jacket on and there is a legend that many years ago he was so drunk that some motherfuckers tattoed him a huge cock in his arm.

I don't know if that's true, but nobody has ever seen his arms... no matter if there is 35ºC in summer... he always wear his jacket on. So perhaps the legend is real. :lol::lol
That Opeth tattoo is ace. How's the back for pain level?

Thanks dude. Well every second the needle touched my spine I felt like a million knives were stabbing me at the same time, the pain is horrible (at least for me). But so worth it. the spine hurts so much that whenever the needle was not hitting it, it was a breeze.

Talking about tattoes... that rminds me a guy that usually prowls in the rock and metal pubs in my city that has no friends but everybody knows him. He is named 'Voidod', cause it's his favourite band... he is 40 y/o or even more.
He is a bit mentally retarded and many people pulls his leg. He always have his rusty leather jacket on and there is a legend that many years ago he was so drunk that some motherfuckers tattoed him a huge cock in his arm.

I don't know if that's true, but nobody has ever seen his arms... no matter if there is 35ºC in summer... he always wear his jacket on. So perhaps the legend is real. :lol::lol

Wow that's an awesome story hahahaha
Thanks dude. Well every second the needle touched my spine I felt like a million knives were stabbing me at the same time, the pain is horrible (at least for me). But so worth it. the spine hurts so much that whenever the needle was not hitting it, it was a breeze.

Wow that's an awesome story hahahaha

yeah, my Locke piece was done on my shoulder, and it didnt hurt at all, but it did hurt slightly around the spine area. bones in general, avoid them haha
yeah, my Locke piece was done on my shoulder, and it didnt hurt at all, but it did hurt slightly around the spine area. bones in general, avoid them haha

yeah the pain really gets to you when it's digging into the bones, I have pics of the whole session taken by my wife, and a pic of how I left the chair with the shape of my ass in sweat after hahahah

I'm gonna upload those pics and post them here one of these days just for fun
My arm tats were nothing....the one on my ribs though, the best way i can describe that is it feels like someone is holding a lighter to you the whole time.

Anxious to see how my next one is gonna feel...Im gonna get it going right to where my neck meets my that one might be a bit painful