Tax return time! Thinking about a new amp..

Does your entire state suck then? When I visited I couldn't find beer anywhere other than a bar or buying a fuck ton of it at a "beer store" or whatever they are called. Lamest laws ever guy. :lol::Puke:

lol. Same thing here. I spent forever looking around a gas station and a supermarket for some beer, then went to a liquor store.....then found out you can only get it at a beer distributor store. Retarded!
Yes Pennsylvania has the most absurd liquor laws known to man. Beer can only be purchased by the case at a beer distributor. Six packs can be bought at bars, however, by law must be carried out of the bar in separate brown paper bags - taking no more than two six packs out of the bar at one time. The hard liquor is controlled by the state and can only be purchased at a state run liquor store which is always closed on Sundays. Up until 2003 the sale of liquor or beer on Sundays was straight up illegal. Welcome to Pennsylvania. Want a liquor license for your restaurant or bar? Good luck! There is a quota that restricts the number of liquor licenses given out in each county based on the number of inhabitants of the county - you may get lucky though and be able to buy one for around $60k-100k. Considering the liberal voting record of PA, I'm very surprised these blue laws are still in effect.
I have a good story about this...

My old hardcore band played a show up in Clearfield, PA in about 2003. We made our beer run after the show and intended on buying two cases. I was 19 at the time. My drummer was buying.

He grabs two 30 racks. Clerk: "I'm sorry, you can only buy one case at a time."
My drummer: "Can I buy one, throw it in the van, and come back in for another?"
Clerk: "Sure."


Man, that is pretty awful.

We have blue laws here in NJ, but they mainly restrict businesses from being open on Sundays. And I thought that was ridiculous!

The Mesa OS 4x12 comes with V30s....

I owned the 5150 combo many years ago. You can gig with it, jam with a drummer with it. Heavy as fuck and the handle placement SUCKS. The stock Sheffields are OK at best, spending money to replace them with something better is almost a waste IMO. Getting the combo plus a Mesa 4x12 is stupid. Just get the head. I sold off my combo for the head and was VERY happy I did.

The 5150 is a very reliable amp. Too many artists have taken them on horrendous tours with no issues for anyone to say contrary. And there is nothing wrong with eBay. You got fucked on a computer... so what? One time and you refuse to use it again? So use Craigslist instead so when you meet up with the seller they can shoot you in the face and take your money.

The Mesa OS 4x12 comes with V30s....

I owned the 5150 combo many years ago. You can gig with it, jam with a drummer with it. Heavy as fuck and the handle placement SUCKS. The stock Sheffields are OK at best, spending money to replace them with something better is almost a waste IMO. Getting the combo plus a Mesa 4x12 is stupid. Just get the head. I sold off my combo for the head and was VERY happy I did.

The 5150 is a very reliable amp. Too many artists have taken them on horrendous tours with no issues for anyone to say contrary. And there is nothing wrong with eBay. You got fucked on a computer... so what? One time and you refuse to use it again? So use Craigslist instead so when you meet up with the seller they can shoot you in the face and take your money.


Well damn!!

You do have a point, though, it's always good to have a conceal and carry permit and bring a fuckin' .45 wherever you go :P